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Tag Archives for " Carole Chapman "

Why WALK in SNOW – Why HIKE in the WINTER

Why walk in snow? Because, when you hike in the winter, you don’t get bit by a tick. You don’t get Lyme Disease! Or, for that matter, no mosquito, wasp, or bee stings. Plus, although I don’t mention it in the video, you won’t have to deal with snakes or bears. They’re hibernating. In my humble opinion, walking in the woods in the winter is the best time!

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Don’t Get BIT by a TICK

Don’t get bit by a tick! The great thing about walking in the woods in winter is that you don’t have to worry about insect bitesno tick bites, no mosquito bites, no bee or wasp stings. It’s my favorite time, because I got Lyme disease from a tick bite a couple of years ago. As a result, I’m extra paranoid when I go hiking in the woods. But when snow covers the ground, no bug can getcha! Yay!

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Why I DON’T GIVE UP with YOUTUBE! Even with Wonky Software!

Why I don’t give up with YouTube! Yesterday, my video editing software became wonky software. All the work I did yesterday simply disappeared. I felt so scared and frustrated. I wanted to give up. Then, this morning, I had a comment from someone saying, please keep uploading your videos, they’re just great. That means so much to me! You just never know when it’s going to really, really, really matter. So, I have a huge appreciation for Likes and Subscribes and Comments. I don’t give up because of you – the people who watch my videos and visit my channel. Thank you so much!

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What Does LAND Mean in a BRIDGE Dream?

What does land mean in a bridge dream? With sky and water, the land adds to the meaning of a bridge dream. It provides the down-to-earth, practical information that makes the dream interpretation easier. The video, below, explores how different types of land clarify the bridge dream meaning. You’ll find the meaning of a dream bridge that connects to a big city, to a small town, to a forest, to a mountain, and many more.

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What Does WATER Mean in a BRIDGE DREAM

What does water mean in a bridge dream? Great question, because the water affects the meaning of the rest of the bridge dream – whether the water is calm or wavy. Plus, the meaning of your dream is influenced by the type of water, for example, a dream of a bridge over a river, or a stream, channel, or canal.

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We BREATHE IN What the TREES Breathe Out

We breathe in what the trees breathe out. Because trees make our oxygen, and we breathe in oxygen, we breathe oxygen made by trees. However, there’s more to this story, as I’ll explain in this video. Because the trees lose their leaves in autumn, the trees actually make more oxygen than they would if they kept their leaves all year round. This contributes to the health of the planet.

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