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Nature knows best secrets revealed about why, overall, trees produce more oxygen than carbon dioxide. It’s a “How do trees make oxygen video,” and much more. You can better understand the nature knows best explanation when you look at photosynthesis and how trees make our oxygen. Plus, you’ll see that nature knows best autumn, because the trees lose their autumn leaves during the long nights of winter.

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We Breathe IN What GREEN PLANTS Breathe OUT

We breathe in what green plants breathe out. So, if you were wondering: where does our oxygen come from? From green plants. Does grass produce oxygen? Yes, grass too. In the video, Carol Anne Chapman breathes with plants, breathing in their oxygen and giving them her carbon dioxide. A plants is a living oxygen machine. In addition, she explains how certain plants, such as epipremnum aureum, also clean the air of pollution.

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What Does It Mean to Dream of a Rainbow?

What does it mean to dream of a rainbow? For most people, a rainbow symbolizes hope. However, a rainbow in your dream can mean many things depending on who you are and what you believe. In the video below, you’ll discover that the rainbow dream symbol illustrates how the rainbow in dream symbol can change the rainbow dream interpretation depending on your beliefs and who you are.

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What Does the Sky Mean in a Bridge Dream?

What does the Sky mean in a Bridge Dream? The sky usually represents what we think about what’s going on in the rest of the dream. In the video below, you’ll discover the meaning of various kinds of skies–blue skies, sunny, cloudy, clouds moving fast, black clouds, storm, mist, snow, sunrise and sunset.  You’ll also find an explanation of how the sky influences the meaning of a Bridge Dream, as an example.

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What Does It Mean to See a Lake in Your Dreams

What does it mean to see a lake in your dreams? What if it’s a dried up lake dream? Or a dream of a dirty lake? A dream about a calm lake? This video has them all. It also explains the meaning of that cute little lake, a pond. What does it mean to dream about a pond? What about a dream of a pond with ducks? Or, geese in a pond? A water lily dream? Or a dream about a frog, heron, or lotus in a pond? What about a dream of a fish pond or a dream about Koi? This video contains all these dream meanings plus some lovely, engaging footage of these various flowers and creatures.

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What Does It Mean to Dream About Swimming

What does it mean to dream about swimming? Swimming dreams give you feedback from your subconscious mind on how you’re handling your emotions. A dream about swimming can also give you feedback on your spiritual progress and so can show the spiritual meaning of swimming in a dream. To understand the swimming dream, you need to consider different types of swimming dreams, such as swimming through big waves dream meaning, through calm water, and whether or not you’re struggling or swimming easily. To understand the swimming dream meaning of different types of swimming dreams, please take a look at the video below.

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