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Orbs Comments from Readers

When I began writing about orbs, I received many emails from readers of my enewsletters containing comments about orbs. I had specifically asked:

  1. Do you have photographs with orbs in them? If so, send them to me and I’ll post them in my enewsletters and in my blog to share them with others. I have done so and have a few more amazing orbs photos yet to post.
  2. Can you see orbs with the naked eye?
  3. What do you think orbs are?

 Here are some of the answers:

  • From Barbara S. in Ontario, Canada:  She said that, yes, there had been orbs in pictures of her son’s wedding (another reader has also said that they often turn up in photos when people are celebrating) and in other photos too. Barbara said, “We regard them fondly as entities/spirits. Like family.”
  • Zihna J. in Wisconsin, USA says, “I took orb pics for several years, trying to figure out what they were. I actually was able to ask them to be in a certain place. . . . I think these are intelligent energies, perhaps interdimensional beings. We see them as orbs in this dimension, but I think the orbs are merely how they move…sort of like a Merkaba.”

Thanks so much Barbara S. and Zihna J. for sharing your interesting experiences and ideas on orbs. More later . . .


Carol Chapman —

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Orbs Pictures from New Zealand

Margaret G., North Island, NZ, was kind enough to send these orbs photos. The first three were taken within a few seconds of each other. Margaret says that she stayed still as she took the photos. However, when she looked at the photos afterwards, she could see that the orbs had been moving.

Because of the light background, some of the orbs are very difficult to see. Therefore, Margaret drew lines on the photographs to show the location of the orbs.


These are photos of Margaret’s husband and their granddaughters.

Please note the large orb at the foot of the chair on the right. Margaret says that their now-deceased Labrador dog used to lay exactly in that spot. She says that “The children loved him, and I’m wondering if that actually was him visiting!”



Here is an enlargement of the large orb situated at the spot where Margaret’s beloved Labrador dog used to sit.

I find it interesting that so many of the orbs I’ve shown enlarged have a definite ring around their perimeter as does this one.




Note the orb floating at the top of the photo.







Here is that orb enlarged and brightened/contrasted with Photoshop. Do you see what appears to be two eyes, a nose, a little mouth, and a wee goatee?





A few seconds later and the large orb where the dog used to sit is gone as is the orb that, when enlarged, appeared to have a face. There are only multiple orbs that are difficult to see against the light background.





While many of us in the Northern Hemisphere usually experience winter temperatures at New Year’s Eve, Margaret and her family were out camping in New Zealand on New Year’s Eve, 2006.





Here’s a close up, which has also been brightened/contrasted in Photoshop, of the orb in the middle of the photo above. Again, it has a distinct ring around the perimeter.



Thank you, Margaret, for sending these photos to share with us.

Carol Chapman —

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Crop Circles Man Made?

The writer of this a comment on a blog appears to know the history of crop circles and that they have been made by humans, right from the beginning.

“In 1991, more than a decade after the phenomenon began, two men from Southampton, England announced that the phenomenon of crop circles was an idea thought up one evening in a pub near Winchester, Hampshire in 1978. World War II veteran Doug Bower and his friend Dave Chorley revealed that they made their crop circles using planks, rope, hats and wire as their only tools. Bower and Chorley stated to reporters that a small group of people can stomp down a sizable area of crop in a single night using simple tools.

The pair became slightly frustrated that their work had not received as much publicity as they had hoped. In 1981 they created a crop circle in Matterley Bowl, a natural amphitheatre just outside Winchester, Hampshire – an area surrounded by roads from which a clear view of the field is available to drivers passing by.

Bower’s wife had become increasingly suspicious of him due to noticing high levels of mileage in their car. Eventually, fearing that his wife suspected him of adultery, Bower confessed to her and subsequently informed a British national newspaper.”

What is your opinion of crop circles? | Paranominal

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Marvelous Dream Teleseminar

I was so happy with the Dream Teleseminar last night.

Cathy Hunsberger was a wonderful guest. She shared her know-how in remembering, recording, and interpreting dreams.

I also especially appreciated the fantastic people who telephoned in to the call, some of whom brought interesting and intriguing dreams for interpretation.

It’s always amazing when a helpful suggestion can suddenly make a dream that was a mystery become clear, relevant, and useful in our lives.

Thanks to everyone who made the evening a great success.  

I also received communications from people who could not get on the call. When they dialed the call-in number, they received a recording saying that “all circuits are busy.” I feel sad that this difficulty occurred. This has also happened to me in the past. What has worked for me, is to keep dialing and dialing. Eventually I would get through. I hope that will work for you on future calls.

Carol Chapman —

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Edgar Cayce: California Once Part of Lemuria

In a number of previous posts, I talked about California being part of what was left of Lemuria after the greater part of that lost continent sunk into what is now the Pacific Ocean. Here’s the Edgar Cayce reading:

“. . . portions of the land were discovered from what was left of Lemuria, or Mu – in what is now lower California, portions of the valleys of death . . . .”

Edgar Cayce Reading 1473-1

This excerpt is taken from a psychic past life reading given on November 10th, 1937 for a 49 year old female.

Carol Chapman —

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Montreal Fireworks

Each summer, Montreal fireworks appear for an international fireworks competition. I thought a photograph of a gorgeous pyrotechnic display against the Montreal skyline might make a delightful photograph for next year’s Edgar Cayce Calendar.

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End of the World Dream Interpretation

End of World Dream Interpretation becomes vital during a time of great change. For example, with all the talk about 2012 and predictions of the end of the world  during the end of 2012, I was delighted to find The Complete Dream Book: Discover What Your Dreams Reveal About You and Your Life, which has a dream interpretation for “The End of the World” dreams.

Just in case you’ve recently had an end of the world dream and fear it may be a true prophecy, let me assure you that, according to author  Gillian Holloway, Ph. D., end of the world dreams are quite common.

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