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Tag Archives for " Carol Anne Chapman "

REINCARNATED from ATLANTIS: Are You One of the Golden Ones?

Reincarnated from Atlantis? You may be one of the Golden Ones. They are souls who decided, during the time of Atlantis, to reincarnate now, when we are again, on the brink of self-annihilation.

The Golden Ones have reincarnated now to be of help and to bring in a new world of peace on earth.

According to the Archangel Guides in my hypnosis sessions, it is my purpose to, “Awaken the Golden Ones.”

How am I going to awaken the Golden Ones? In this video, I describe and explain more about the Golden Ones, how they will be awakened, and how they will discover their purpose.

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The STAR GATE and the Arcturian LIGHT BEINGS – Past Life Memories

The Star Gate and the Arcturian Light BeingsPast Life Memories. One of the things that really bugs me in sci-fi movies about the Stargate is that humans can go through the Star Gate and then, on the other side, they’re still human beings. Well, it’s just not like that. You can’t go through the Stargate unless you’re a fully vibrational Light Being. Or anyway, that was my experience in my past life regressions to my first lifetime on earth.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Intuitive Decision Making

I learned one of the really important advantages and disadvantages of intuitive decision making when I ignored my intuition and the house got hit by lightning.

When my husband and I had been looking at the house to buy it, I heard and saw the biggest “NO” in my mind as we drove away from viewing the house. But, of course, my husband and I bought the house anyway, because we like it so much and couldn’t image what could be wrong with it.

Well, it wasn’t that there was something wrong with the house. It’s that your intuition can know way more than you can know consciously or emotionally.

In fact, I can’t believe our house was hit by lightning. I felt more than very sad. I felt discouraged and humiliated as if the Universe had struck us down with a bad omen. The following video shows the devastation caused by the lightning strike.

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Why Is My Green Tea Bitter

Why is my green tea bitter, I wondered. It seemed that no matter what, whenever I made green tea, it turned out to taste bitter. And, my, oh my, was my green tea bitter! I felt really discouraged, since I grew up in Canada, where my family and our neighbors drank tea everyday. However, we drank black tea with milk and sugar. Surely, green tea wouldn’t be that much different to make than black tea, would it?

Well, it took a Chinese tea master to show me how to make my green tea taste fantastic. And, it is different from making black tea. Until he showed me how, I didn’t know the answer to my question: Why is my green tea bitter?  But, now I know how to brew green tea the right way, and I love how it tastes. I also don’t need to add sugar to make it palatable. The solution is really simple and easy. Take a look at the video below, where I’ll show you the secret to making delicious green tea and give you the answer to the question: Why is my green tea bitter.

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Premonition Dreams That Come True

Premonition Dreams that Come True: What do you think? Can you see the future in your dreams? Have you had a dream that came true? If not, do you think they can come true? Please share in the comments section below.

To begin, your dreams can come true–not all of them, but some. However, it’s not enough to remember your dreams. You also have to take a risk with them to find out if they really came true or not. By doing so, you let your subconscious mind know that you want to work with it.

In the following video, I’ll answer some of the questions that come up when you’re trying to understand the meaning of your dreams.

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Is It True If You Die in Your Dreams You Die?

Is it true if you die in your dreams you die? Have you had that kind of dream? Have you ever had a dream in which you found yourself dead? Please share in the comments section below.

Although a dream in which you die can be very frightening, it seldom means you’re going to die. In the video below, I’ll show you what a “dream of myself dead” often means.

Of course, when you wake up with your heart pounding, having just seen yourself dead in a dream, it’s normal to wonder:

  • Is it true if you die in your dream you die?
  • What does it mean when you dream about your own death?
  • Why did I dream of myself being dead?

I know, because I also had a dream of myself being dead. And, yes, I woke up terrified! My first thought was: “Does this mean I’m going to die?” Watch the video below:

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Dream About a Past Love Interest

A dream about a past love interest. You may wonder:  What that’s about? Have you had a dream about your ex? Please share it in the comments section below.

A dream about a past love interest may have you asking: Does it mean I should get in touch with the old love from my dream? Does it mean that my past heartthrob is thinking about the me? What if I’m having  recurring dreams about my ex? Am I obsessed? Does the dream mean that I love my ex more than my current relationship?

As it turns out, a dream about a past love interest may be one of the most misunderstood of all dream symbols. In fact, beware of dreams about past loves. They contain strong feelings of joy, pain and yearning. But, if you misinterpret these dreams, you could create problems in your present relationship or in your search for a new love. Yes, this is a dream about longing. You just need to be sure you’re longing for the right thing. Check out the video below to learn more about these emotion-filled dreams.

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How Do You Interpret Your Dreams? Larry Page’s Dream

How do you interpret your dreams? This question resonates with importance, because your dreams can bring you insights and guidance.

For example, Larry Page, co-founder of Google, derived the algorithm for ranking websites from a dream he had in his early 20’s. If he hadn’t done that first important step in interpreting his dream, who knows if we would even have Google today?

That Important First Step in Dream Interpretation

So, how do you interpret your dreams? In this video, Carol Chapman, creator of Creative Dream Interpretation, shows you that important first step. It’s a step that Larry Page knew to take.

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Why Study Your Dreams – The Man of My Dreams

Why Study Your Dreams? You’d be amazed at what your dreams can tell you.

The Man of My Dreams

For me, my dreams brought me, “The Man of My Dreams.” That’s right. I dreamt about a handsome stranger, saw him the next day in waking life, and now we’ve been married for 22 years. I’m literally married to “The Man of My Dreams.”

So that’s the answer to the question: Why study your dreams? Because you don’t know what your dreams are telling you if you don’t study them. First, you have to remember them.

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Higglety Pigglety Pop Video

Higglety Pigglety Pop VideoThis Higglety Pigglety Pop Video brings visuals to Maurice Sendak’s delightful story of the little dog, Jennie. In this case, Meryl Streep provides the voice of Jennie. Puppets provide the characters.

I don’t know which version I like best. This one, with the enchanting scenery and characters, or the audio version of the previous post. Perhaps, the audio triumphs, because you can see the story in your own mind. Often the story in your mind develops characters and scenarios better than someone else’s rendition. Nonetheless, I highly recommend this video and think you’ll like it too. It has an English sound track and French subtitles:

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