Sequoia National Park, Photograph: Copyright 2007 Carol Chapman
Pan, Lord of the Wilderness channeled through me information saying that the Nature Kingdom feels the upheavals that are coming. Back in the 1990s, when I received this information, the Nature Kingdom had already begun to feel the what we presently experience. This message occurred long before climatologists started to warn us of Global Warming. For your information, Pan is a nature spirit that rules over the whole Nature Kingdom.
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Photo Copyright 1997 Carol Chapman
Pan, Lord of the Wilderness visited me with a message for humankind. This occurred while writing my first book, The Golden Ones, which became When We Were Gods. He told me that the Nature Kingdom requests our help. However, the type of help he requested surprised me.
He also said that the Nature Kingdom could clean the earth for us, but had become discouraged because of our abuse, neglect, and disrespect. Nonetheless, if we gave the kind of help he requested, the Nature Kingdom could do amazing things for us and the earth.
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Copyright 2007 Carol Chapman
Here in Virginia, USA, close to Williamsburg, we had three days in the month of February with temperatures of 81F / 27C. That is hot for this time of year! Those are Florida temperatures, not Virginia. Those are nice-days-in-summer temperatures for us! So, I ask myself, “What’s going on here? Did high temperatures in February 2017 break records? Is this climate change or what?”
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Does this sound familiar? Although this quote is excerpted from a Live Science article about the
ancient Mayan civilization in the rain forests of Guatemala, the reference to tree pollen being replaced by weed pollen sounds a lot like our present civilization.
I live in a rural area in the U.S., and everywhere around me, forests are being cut down to create subdivisions.
From pollen trapped in ancient layers of lake sediment, scientists have learned that around 1,200 years ago, just before the civilization’s collapse, tree pollen disappeared almost completely and was replaced by the pollen of weeds. In other words, the region became almost completely deforested.
Aren’t we cutting down trees and replacing them with cities, farms, and industrial regions? Don’t most of us live in areas where tree pollen hardly exists any more?
The above quote refers to the ancient Mayan civilization in the Peten region of Guatemala. According to a Live Science article, Ancient Mayan Canals Possibly Spotted in Satellite Images, NASA climate scientist Bob Ogelsby at the Marshall Space Flight Center, learned from computer simulations that:
Without trees, erosion would have worsened, carrying away fertile topsoil. The changing groundcover would have boosted the temperature of the region by as much as 6 degrees, . . .
The article goes on to say that the basic cause of the Mayan civilization’s collapse was because of ongoing food and water shortages brought on by a “combination of natural drought and deforestation by humans.” Could we be creating our own civilization’s collapse by deforesting our land? Can we learn from the ancient Maya?
From my point of view, the most important thing has to do with the disregard for our dependence on the nature kingdom.
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In this excellent video, NASA Goddard for Space Studies Director Dr. Gavin Schmidt refers to man’s use of greenhouse gases, especially carbon-based fuels such as oil and gasoline, which produce carbon dioxide (CO2), as the cause . . . or one of the causes . . . of the unprecedented rise in earth’s temperature. In fact, 2014, was the warmest year since 1880 when temperature records were first kept.
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An amazing video of Seth Itzkan at his TED talk in which he shows how the overabundance of carbon in the atmosphere (that many believe causes global warming and climate change) could be harnessed into the soil by natural livestock management. This is eye opening!!! And very, very hopeful for reversing climate change.
Take a look at this video, which includes photographs of man-made deserts made abundant and fruitful again! The way I learned it in school, desertification could not be reversed. Here is proof that is wrong. Hope springs eternal!
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Although the U.S. northeast experienced an extremely cold 2014/15 winter, the earth experienced the warmest months from December 2014 through February 2015 since weather records have been kept.
I wonder for those of us reincarnated from Atlantis: Is this what it was like before that great island-continent broke up? Were there indications ahead of time that the earth’s climate was changing? Could it be that what we’re going through now, with global climate change, is not only the result of man’s interference with the environment, but also caused by the earth’s inherent dynamic nature?
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A volcano erupted off the coast of Japan on November 20th, 2013. You may wonder, as I did, if this volcanic activity could be the beginning of the fulfillment of the Cayce prophecy saying that:
The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea.
(Edgar Cayce reading 3976-15)
Yes, I know, this prediction says that much of Japan would become submerged under the water rather than that new land would appear. However, that new land is appearing is indicative of movement in the earth’s crust.
By the way, Edgar Cayce’s 3976-15 reading, which was given in 1934, makes many predictions, including pole shift.
Volcano also erupted in 1973
Nonetheless, as far as the recent volcanic eruption in Japan goes, if you watch the following video, you’ll discover that this particular volcano, which used to be underwater, also erupted in 1973. Since it already erupted 40 years ago, and Japan did not go into the sea at that time, I doubt this present eruption will lead to dire consequences.
Although you may find the electronically-generated narration annoying, this is the first YouTube video, among many, that I found on the topic with the information that the volcano had previously erupted in 1973. Here’s the video:
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Over the years, I have been blessed to received feedback from many individuals about my book When We Were Gods: Insights on Atlantis, Past Lives, Angelic Beings of Light and Spiritual Awakening. Several professionals have also written reviews. I’ve included some of both below. In addition, reviews have been posted on as well as some on, including one by a top 500 reviewer.
John Anthony West
Author of Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt
“The writing is professional, the first person approach direct, unselfconscious, and uncluttered. I was interested in reading more—that doesn’t happen often.”
Christopher Dunn
Author of The Giza Power Plant
“We should not underestimate the discrete, immeasurable influences of nature. In When We Were Gods, Carole Chapman unfolds a personal quest and vision that is not only entertaining, but inspirational.”
Susan Lendvay
Associate Editor, Venture Inward
“An incredibly interesting book, beautifully written. It reminds me of Shirley MacLaine’s The Camino—about the time before we had bodies, when the sexes weren’t yet separated.”
Ricki Baer, PsyD
North Carolina, USA
“I cannot imagine the courage it took to write this book . . . Slowly we realize that we are not simply enjoying a dramatic adventure . . . It is an epistle of enlightened facts, divinely inspired and beautifully written, providing astounding insights into our world’s fundamental mysteries and our own deepest knowledge.”
Verna J.
Reader, Ontario, Canada
This book is incredible. The information that came in to the author was information I was looking for-of how the soul came to Earth, about Atlantis, and the future. It’s very spiritual but also very logical-how things work and why things work.”
Virginia Hulsey
Reader, Richmond, Virginia, US
“I just read your book, When We Were Gods, for the SECOND time, something I very rarely do. But there is so much information in it, I really felt like I wanted to read it again. I have been an [Edgar Cayce’s] A.R.E. member for a long time, but I have to say, you really brought some pieces together!”
Nancy O.
Connecticut, US
“This is a POWERFUL book! Part adventure story and suspense mystery, full of Biblical references and New Age insights, it will appeal to many minds. We are kept riveted to our seats. As When We Were Gods unfolds, we become aware that Carole’s story is OUR story.”
Brent Raynes
Editor of Alternate Perceptions and author of Visitors from Hidden Realms
“When We Were Gods is a thought-provoking first-person account of Carole Chapman’s hypnotic exploration of apparent and ancient past life memories of a most incredible nature—‘memories’ that cited an extraterrestrial origin, as well as a past life, a strange root race, and the superior and mysterious technology of Atlantis, with a thing called ‘snake travel’ (would quantum physics call it a ‘wormhole’?) thrown in the mix. What you have is a fascinating autobiographical accounting of Carole’s memories, how she initially reacted to them and eventually came to deal with them, and the efforts and lengths to which she undertook to try and objectively confirm the truth of their reality—a journey and search that took her to Central America and Egypt. What she learned challenges conventional science and understanding, and it may take the emerging science of theoretical quantum physics to eventually confirm the actual truth of their bewildering ‘memories.’ A genuinely intriguing and thought-provoking book.”
Mary D. Jones
Curled Up with a Good Book
“When We Were Gods tells of the amazing and true stories of one woman’s discovery of her destiny. Author and spiritual seminar leader Carole Chapman went to a hypnotherapist to try to lose weight, and instead got an entry into a world of spiritual guides and powerful messages for the good of humanity in this intriguing story of awakening.
“Chapman had no idea her goal of losing weight would lead her to uncover the inner secrets of lost civilizations like Atlantis, and what they might mean for future generations of Golden Ones, children who would transform the world with Atlantaen wisdom and technological savvy. Her story mirrors that of many spiritual seekers who have also reported channeling information from other worlds, especially messages meant to give hope and a new outlook to those of us locked into the fate of this world. As the author makes her discoveries through various sessions with her hypnotherapist, she reveals all the important information she is being given to pass on to others, all the while remaining just a little skeptical of her newfound connection to this lost wisdom.
“The book covers much of the usual New Age territory, such as the presence of special “root races” throughout history that have transformed society and human consciousness, and she even talks about Indigo Children, a subject oft-mentioned in New Age sources. But one thing she does do that other books don’t is really get into the Jesus thing, with plenty of info about the Christ consciousness and the power of Christ that is available to all of us.
“The best parts of When We Were Gods are actually the intimate conversations Chapman had with her husband and children, during which she was forced to confront her own skepticism and doubts. These conversations provide the reader with a more personal look at how the author processes the unusual events happening in her world, especially in context with how she is being viewed by those closest to her.
“I found When We Were Gods to be interesting, hopeful and inspired by the sincere desire of the author to understand what she was being told by these divine messengers, and why she of all people was chosen to pass the info on to others. Much of the material will be old hat to those immersed in New Age and metaphysical subjects, but her insight does provide some new perceptions about why God allows suffering and what the destiny of the current “root race” may be. Whether or not it is all true, what matters most is that the author believes in a more Golden time to come, and her hope is infectious.”
Originally published on Curled Up With a Good Book at (C) Marie D. Jones, 2005
Daniel Kolos
Egyptologist, poet, and co-author of The Name of the Dead: Tutankhamund Translated
“Dreams connect us to our own innermost consciousness. Those of us who don’t take our dreams seriously miss out on life-changing signals. Then, years later, we begin to listen to our dreams and what happens? These dreams are still the same old, stale, outdated ones that were trying to get through to us years before! If we turn away from our dreams a second time, we may never have their benefit. But if we record them patiently, soon the dreams begin to catch up to our present, become meaningful and take their place as an equal contributor to our ‘mind’ along with intellect, intelligence, intuition, and many other functions.
“Carol Chapman listened to her dreams. She shared them with a friend and together they expanded Carloe’s dreams to include past life memories. Her consciousness expanded outwards to encompass the stars, and inwards, to the awesome operations of her chakra-system. Then she found the ‘Golden Ones’ children of this world whose souls were aligned with God in order to bring in a New World in which there would be a thousand years of peace. Carol’s purpose in this lifetime was to awaken these Golden Ones to their destiny!
“Carol’s path paralleled her daughter’s. Clair’s nonchalance gave Carol the courage to continue. They spoke of the Fifth Root Race, the Great Pyramid of Giza and Atlantis. Carol’s timidity often got in her way and time and again she heeded other people’s help to ‘get on with it’. Along the way, however, she missed some obvious observations. About the Great Pyramid, for example, she could have easily noted that all those millions of people who have visited this mysterious ‘power plant’ have likely been unconsciously stamped with ancient Atlantean knowledge. In turn, all these people carry that knowledge about with them, waiting for it to awaken into their consciousness.
“In order to awaken the Golden Ones, Carol had “to write a history of the soul on earth.” Along the way she was forced to think, to consult with a friend, and she came upon insights most serious meditators inevitably find, but in her own unique way: “The light beam knew no sorrow.” For me that would have been ‘unconditional love was not mitigated by sorrow.’
“That the light beam “indulged in sexual play” was obvious to some of the ancient people. In Greek mythology, Danae, whose father had hidden her in a subterranean chamber, was sought out and impregnated by Zeus himself in the form of a shower of gold. Similar stories have the maidens impregnated by the sun, whose color is gold. (Frazer, The Golden Bough, Chapter 60, section 3)
“Carol asks the age-old question whether or not sexuality was the cause of the ‘fall’, and, in the process discovers the duality of light and darkness. Light was pure energy while darkness was the change of energy into corporeality. Unfortunately Carol names this descent into bodily form the work of ‘Satan’, although she realizes that the ‘sin’ or the mistake of having been drawn from a consciousness of an energetic being to that of a corporeal being was a choice she had made. She calls this choice of becoming trapped ‘disobedience’ and lack of humility. In a sense Carol comes to the same conclusion Rudolf Steiner reached a century ago and he also portrayed Satan as a suave, sophisticated tempter whose job it is to make people forget their connection to their own energetic selves, to pull them into the unbalanced trap of indulging in their physical pleasures and prowess and to forget the way out. In this sense Carol traveled the well-worn path of the cathartic rediscovery of her own light-being. In another sense, Carol had figuratively impregnated her consciousness and was reborn to the realization that there is a life beyond the physical body, something our culture takes great pains to suppress.
“Carol does not examine the source of disobedience that caused her own ‘original sin.’ She does not make the connection to her own responsibility of being able to make a choice. This ability is akin to the vast difference between Christianity as we know it, and the ancient Gnostics: orthodox religion demands that we believe, while Gnosticism assures us we are ‘able to know’ God. And if the essence of God is reflected in a light beam, and or inner selves are part of that light beam, then indeed we not only are able to ‘know’ God, but carry God’s essence within each of us! So when Carol begins her with the observation that a ‘light beam knows no sorrow,’ she is actually re-initiating this Gnostic process of examining her own connection to the essence of God and trying to figure out how she lost it in the first place!
“Duality causes paradoxes and Carol discovers these in her own life as well as in the life of Christ. By reconnecting with her own inner light being, something that is part of her every cell, every thought, she realizes that she is not lost in her own physical mire and sees the way home, where dualism resolved itself back into the light. And she accomplishes this process through the trance of hypnotherapy. And in that realization she discovers the history of the soul!
“Having practiced past life therapy ever since my own ‘therapist’ passed into his light being, I was touched by Carol’s persistence to continue this process of self-discovery that proved to be far greater than the self. It took into the presence of illuminated beings, solved the mystery of Christ’s washing of the feet of his disciples (teaching by doing, or role-modeling). This experience leads Carol to discover unconditional love.
“Some questions arose in my mind, as they did in Carol’s. Was she being self-centered, self-indulgent in putting herself as the center of the universe from which she was supposed to radiate light to the rest of us? To stop with a facile answer to that question is to fall short of the process of self-discovery. Having studied developmental psychology and the related neurobiological field that is still expanding exponentially as the fastest growing field of study, I concluded that just as every human being has to go through childhood in order to grow and develop into an adult, physically, emotionally and intellectually, we also have to go through that process spiritually and likely in several other yet unexplored areas of our existence. Spiritual development, usually repressed by culture outside such controlled environments as churches, mosques and synagogues, is usually repressed by culture because it is socially uncontrollable and unpredictable. But once an individual begins the spiritual development, it is like any other form of development. Spiritual awareness has its own infancy, grows through its own ‘childhood’ before it unfolds into maturity. Most adults do not wish to go through such seeming infantile regression! And Carol, self-conscious of the self-centeredness, wondering why she has to go through it, nevertheless persevered through it. Along the way she finds Christ’s message, including the Second Coming, deciphered.
“Carol reached her next cathartic moment when she realized that spending time in the spiritual dimension comes with a price: the seeming loss of the senses, the transcending of the body. We tend to equate the loss of the senses with being insane, and it is well documented that thousands of people under psychiatric care lost their senses and sanity. Carol struggled with the seemingly vast gap between the information filtering down to her as a ‘light being’ and her everyday life, which seemed so mundane in contrast to such grand events as the Second Coming, reincarnation memories from Atlantis, and being charged with writing a book to awaken the Golden Ones!
“Even Pan had a hand in writing this book! In some of her visions he dictated too Carole how the book should begin.). He seemed to know about Atlantis, Egypt, the role of the Great Pyramid and Carole’s calling. but he also had overriding concerns, asking humanity above all to ‘do no harm!’ His greatest lesson to teach us is that “death and re-birth is a gift.” Finally Pan left with a piece of advice for us all, to do some gardening: “Grow something!”
“Carole did a stint on Toronto’s Ward Island at the time city hall threatened to remove its residents. It was a great school for grass roots cooperation in the face of bureaucratic insensitivity.
“Carole returns to her self-doubts again and again. All people have doubts of one sort or another, but Carole seems to use hers for self-motivation: to return to hypnosis, to contact her inner self.
“The Five Root Races are:
1. Light beam
2. Wisp-of-smoke, translucent amber beings
3. Going in and out of bodes in Atlantis
4. Modified animal bodies as we know ourselves now
5. Golden, unchanging auras, loving people who do no harm, They will be able to return to the light beam and back into their body at will.
“In the meantime, a loose form of Christ-centered Brotherhood begins to emerge from Carole’s writing. This Brotherhood is ‘etheric’ or, more precisely, part of her visionary energy. But when I began to read about the Brotherhood and Carole’s curious interaction with them, I began to ‘know’ what she was going through. I have read about this energetic Brotherhood a long time ago, and through the help of various selfless people, I encountered them in 2003 at a conference in Allegan, Michigan. Carole was there! She didn’t know what I was going through, and I didn’t know at that time the focus of her ‘work’. I was pursuing a study of the role of Goddess worship throughout history. I had spent the previous year working with the ancient Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet, the lioness Goddess of both Destruction and Healing. Carole had encountered a ‘lifetime’ when she was an Egyptian Goddess!
“Then I turned to the last thousand years of history and the role of the three Marys and their relationship to the Knights Templars. It was after one of my more animated presentations in Allegan about the Knights having sailed to the Americas centuries before Columbus, that Mary Hardy, our host, asked the speakers to form a meditative circle and introduced us to the etheric Knights Templars who have accompanied her and have supported her work for years. That is where, with head bowed, these Knights also appeared to me and spoke about their ‘Brotherhood’ that transcends all organizational ties humanity has created.
“As I read Carole’s Chapter 17, I shivered: I also went through a time of medically untreatable skin irritation (in 1984-85) that only cleared up when a friend recommended I explore my past lives and I found the ‘cause’ of my unresolved problem in ancient Egypt! I also had to decide to forego ‘fame’ and work closely and selflessly with smaller groups of people. When I read Carole’s dreams of knowing about a secret chamber in the Great Pyramid that contained Atlantean records, I also remembered a 1963 dream in which I ‘saw’ three other people open that chamber, exactly as Edgar Cayce had foreseen it, and I was one of the follow-up people who helped to translate the ancient texts! I too have come to the personal realization that Christ’s Second Coming is a personal matter unique to each individual. When I finished Chapter 17, I recognized that Carole was following her own divine guidance.
“The rest of the book was almost like ‘deja vu’. Many years ago I struggled with Rudolf Steiner’s concept of the “Egyptian Mysteries” wherein humanity had descended into our current physical bodies in similar stages as Carole’s Five Root Races.
“Some years ago I had studied the Chakra system and its relationship with the body’s endocrine system, and acknowledged that each ‘chakra’ might be a transmitter and receiver of different energies, giving us another seven levels of sentience over and above our five senses. Then, when Carolyn Myss came out with her first book, everything fell into place for me: our chakras are indeed our connection to our light bodies.
“We change the world by changing ourselves, one at a time. Perhaps it is a chain reaction, and the Golden Ones to whom Carole Chapman has dedicated her life, will get the message and see the light, see their potential to return to their light bodies by following the examples and role modeling that people like Carole provide them.”
Find out more about When We Were Gods.
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When We Were Gods:
Insights on Atlantis, Past Lives, Angelic Beings of Light and Spiritual Awakening
Chapter 5:
The Vision
As Lynn started to summarize the Atlantean lifetime, she asked, “What is the reason for your needing to reconnect with this old, old memory now, in terms of the unfolding path that you’re following in your life?”
I answered, “My sense is to gather the faithful … It’s that there are people that could be trusted … that are good.”
I saw young people bowed on one knee. They were frightened and in despair because our world seemed insane to them. Around them swirled a maelstrom of darkness. The evil and selfishness around them fell away as they began to arise and glow. They were the Golden Ones, the hope of the world. Their souls were aligned with God—to bring in a New World in which there would be a thousand years of peace. It was my purpose to awaken them to their destiny.
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