Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
SilviaP_Design, Pixabay Public Domain Image
What is your first thought as you awaken after a snake dream? That is, after you get over having that kind of dream? For many people it’s, “Are snake dreams good or bad?” That’s because they want to know if their snake dream means something good or bad for them and their life.
All right, I know that the snake symbol turns up rather frequently in dreams. And, I know that even though many people don’t especially like snakes, in dreams, snake dreams can even symbolize many good things such as spirituality . . . for some people. In this article, I’ll discuss certain kinds of snake dreams and certain kinds of people for whom snake dreams can be good.
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Sequoia National Park, Photograph: Copyright 2007 Carol Chapman
Pan, Lord of the Wilderness channeled through me information saying that the Nature Kingdom feels the upheavals that are coming. Back in the 1990s, when I received this information, the Nature Kingdom had already begun to feel the what we presently experience. This message occurred long before climatologists started to warn us of Global Warming. For your information, Pan is a nature spirit that rules over the whole Nature Kingdom.
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Monster Mouth at the top of the Uxmal Pyramid of the Sorcerer, Photo by and Copyright 2008 Miriam Balslely, Used with Permission
An archaeological expedition found two ancient Mayan cities, including a monster mouth doorway, in the southeastern corner of the Mexican state of Campeche.
Take a look at the monster mouth photo on the right. Please notice the eyes the ancient Maya sculpted into the rock. They’re just above and on either side of the doorway. The doorway represents the mouth of the monster and will take you into a dark cave-like room.
This monster mouth doorway discovery in Campeche excited me not only because of the find, but also because of what the archaeologist said about it. It sounded very much like a description of one of my scariest memories of Atlantis.
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Guest blog post by Kristine Ellingson, an excerpt from her book:
Tales from the Yucatan Jungle:
Life in a Mayan Village
by Kristine Ellingson
Chapter Fifteen
The next time I am to come up against something I cannot explain it is a shamanic experience, a curandero.
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I burn my left hand with grease splatters while cooking. Being distracted by the girls, I have not paid attention. I have four large burn blisters on the back of my fingers and thumb. I put
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Photo Copyright 1997 Carol Chapman
Pan, Lord of the Wilderness visited me with a message for humankind. This occurred while writing my first book, The Golden Ones, which became When We Were Gods. He told me that the Nature Kingdom requests our help. However, the type of help he requested surprised me.
He also said that the Nature Kingdom could clean the earth for us, but had become discouraged because of our abuse, neglect, and disrespect. Nonetheless, if we gave the kind of help he requested, the Nature Kingdom could do amazing things for us and the earth.
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Copyright 2007 Carol Chapman
Here in Virginia, USA, close to Williamsburg, we had three days in the month of February with temperatures of 81F / 27C. That is hot for this time of year! Those are Florida temperatures, not Virginia. Those are nice-days-in-summer temperatures for us! So, I ask myself, “What’s going on here? Did high temperatures in February 2017 break records? Is this climate change or what?”
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Local geese fly low over the water and treetops. (Pixabay)
Just to let you know, a couple of week ago, two huge “V’s” of Canada Geese flew by overhead. Immediately, I thought, “Ah, the geese are flying north.” So, I thought you’d like to know the geese are on the move. If you live in Canada or the northern U.S., you’ll be pleased to know that these magnificent harbingers of spring are coming your way. I could hardly see the V’s, because the geese flew so high. They were obviously migrating rather than the couple that live around here year-round, which fly low right over the river or slightly above the treetops. Now, I wonder, did they make it? Have you seen any geese arriving? Please comment below to let me know where you live, if the geese have left (if you’re south of me) or arrived (if you’re north).
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Kristine Ellingson tells her stories about life in Tales from the Yucatan Jungle. She describes how she needs to get away after a devastating marriage breakup, but she doesn’t lose heart.
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Kristine Ellingson learned cooking in a Mayan house during her marriage to a Mayan man and living in a Mayan village for over 20 years. In the video below, Kristine describes the traditional cooking hut used by her Mayan mother-in-law, Carmen, also explaining Carmen’s method of cooking in a Mayan house.
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The Reincarnation Lady speaks out about prejudice: Who are we to say anything about anyone else, when likely we have been just like that person in a previous lifetime. Today, I
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