Grow a Balcony Vegetable Garden describes balcony gardening vegetables you can grow and eat as well as how to overcome balcony vegetable garden problems. Check out the video below:
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Trees breathe in what we breath out, which is carbon dioxide. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide, the greenhouse gas, which is responsible for climate change. Because trees breathe in carbon dioxide, they act as our helpers in reducing the greenhouse gas of carbon dioxide. However, trees only breathe in carbon dioxide during the daytime. See more in the video below.
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We need oxygen made by trees. That’s because trees make our oxygen. But, how do trees make oxygen? In the leaves. How do leaves make oxygen? The oxygen comes out of the stomata on the underside of the leaves. We breathe in what the trees breathe out: oxygen.
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We breathe in what the trees breathe out. Because trees make our oxygen, and we breathe in oxygen, we breathe oxygen made by trees. However, there’s more to this story, as I’ll explain in this video. Because the trees lose their leaves in autumn, the trees actually make more oxygen than they would if they kept their leaves all year round. This contributes to the health of the planet.
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Nature knows best secrets revealed about why, overall, trees produce more oxygen than carbon dioxide. It’s a “How do trees make oxygen video,” and much more. You can better understand the nature knows best explanation when you look at photosynthesis and how trees make our oxygen. Plus, you’ll see that nature knows best autumn, because the trees lose their autumn leaves during the long nights of winter.
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Walking in the woods in the autumn gives me great joy, because the leaves are turning color and falling to the ground. It smells good. I like to go for a nature walk in the forest just about every day. And, in the fall, it’s not hot, so it’s easier to walk in the woods, especially going up this hill when, in the summertime, it would be more difficult in the heat. It’s a lovely forest walk going out in the autumn leaves.
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Autumn nature short video contains not only beautiful autumn scenes to lovely music, but also some ideas why autumn rates highly as a wonderful time to be outdoors.
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We breathe in what green plants breathe out. So, if you were wondering: where does our oxygen come from? From green plants. Does grass produce oxygen? Yes, grass too. In the video, Carol Anne Chapman breathes with plants, breathing in their oxygen and giving them her carbon dioxide. A plants is a living oxygen machine. In addition, she explains how certain plants, such as epipremnum aureum, also clean the air of pollution.
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When I first saw the white spider with black spots and spines, I thought it was a bug – a white bug with black spots. It’s actually a Spiny Orb Weaver Spider, a lovely, small, unique spider!
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Sequoia National Park, Photograph: Copyright 2007 Carol Chapman
Pan, Lord of the Wilderness channeled through me information saying that the Nature Kingdom feels the upheavals that are coming. Back in the 1990s, when I received this information, the Nature Kingdom had already begun to feel the what we presently experience. This message occurred long before climatologists started to warn us of Global Warming. For your information, Pan is a nature spirit that rules over the whole Nature Kingdom.
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