
Category Archives for "Atlantis"

Archaeologists and the Lost City of Atlantis

Archaeologists and the lost city of Atlantis might not seem to mix. That’s because archeologists look for evidence of human beings. However, in Atlantis, we weren’t human. Indeed, in the past life regression memories of Atlantis, we were gods and goddesses, thought beings, light beings, and demigods. In my next series of videos, I’ll explore ancient ruin sites that show evidence of these unusual beings from Atlantis.

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Can humans reincarnation as animals? Do you think transmigration is weird? That’s when you reincarnate into an animal body instead of into a human body. Well, I think it’s weird. Or, anyway, I thought it was weird, until I realized that I had past life memories of having been a frog in Atlantis. In this video, I reveal reincarnation stories and the connection between transmigration and myth.

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