Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Pyramid of Kukulcan, Chichen Itza
14 Reasons for loving the Yucatan? Let me count the ways. From swimming and snorkeling in the warm tropical waters of the Riviera Maya, to exploring mysterious lands and ancient Mayan ruins, to the shopping and nightlife of Cancun, to the rich cultural heritage of the Mayan people, to the world-renown Chichen Itza pyramids, these are just some of the 14 reasons the Yucatan Peninsula is a magical place.
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Here’s a wonderful video showing what nature does to clean the earth of pollution. It describes the benefits of just one tree and how in one day, the tree processes from 120 to 180 gallons of fluid. By doing so, it cleans our water, our air, and the earth.
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According to NASA, 2014 was the warmest year on record since 1880 when temperatures were first recorded.
However, nature can help. At the same time as we increase carbon dioxide, so much of the nature kingdom is also being destroyed.
Many trees and vegetation are cut down, and the oceans are becoming increasingly polluted. As a result, the carbon dioxide, which is processed by trees and algae into oxygen, is not being consumed at the rate it could be if the earth had more vegetation and cleaner oceans.
In other words, it’s not just a simple case of increased levels of carbon dioxide causing global warming, but that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is heightened since there’s less of it being used up by nature.
We can do something about this. Besides cutting down on the use of carbon-based fuels by turning to alternative forms of power such as solar and wind, we can also reduce the increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the air by planting more trees, nurturing more vegetation, and cleaning up waterways.
Why not, as well as reducing greenhouse gases, also increase vegetation to reduce CO2?
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In this excellent video, NASA Goddard for Space Studies Director Dr. Gavin Schmidt refers to man’s use of greenhouse gases, especially carbon-based fuels such as oil and gasoline, which produce carbon dioxide (CO2), as the cause . . . or one of the causes . . . of the unprecedented rise in earth’s temperature. In fact, 2014, was the warmest year since 1880 when temperature records were first kept.
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An amazing video of Seth Itzkan at his TED talk in which he shows how the overabundance of carbon in the atmosphere (that many believe causes global warming and climate change) could be harnessed into the soil by natural livestock management. This is eye opening!!! And very, very hopeful for reversing climate change.
Take a look at this video, which includes photographs of man-made deserts made abundant and fruitful again! The way I learned it in school, desertification could not be reversed. Here is proof that is wrong. Hope springs eternal!
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Here’s a great video describing differences in locational gravity based on the earth’s features such as mountains and the resultant changes in gravity due to changes in features such as the shrinking of ice in Antarctica.
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In this banned TED talk, The Science Delusion, Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., biologist and author, reveals that gravity fluctuates.
This is like my experience in Atlantis managing the relationship between the electromagnetic field and gravity into a unified field. It was my task to be aware of the fluctuations of gravity and correlate them with the electromagnetic field to provide power in Atlantis. One of the results of this power was levitation. I describe my experiences in Atlantis in my book When We Were Gods, which is the updated version of The Golden Ones.
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In this banned TED talk, The Science Delusion, Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., biologist and author, names ten constants we believe in science as religion. Then, he shows how two of these constants are not really so.
I love this TED talk, because it shows up our culture’s beliefs in the findings of science as if they are constants. Whereas, real science is constantly making discoveries that change previous findings.
This is comforting to me since I’m constantly amazed that the media announces new scientific discoveries as if this latest information is the ultimate proof and solution to a certain problem. The public seems to forget that previous scientific discoveries were hailed as the ultimate proof and solution to the same problem years previously. Every time a new discovery is made, it is treated as if this is the ultimate truth. In reality, it’s merely the latest discovery on the way to a greater understanding of reality.
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Although the U.S. northeast experienced an extremely cold 2014/15 winter, the earth experienced the warmest months from December 2014 through February 2015 since weather records have been kept.
I wonder for those of us reincarnated from Atlantis: Is this what it was like before that great island-continent broke up? Were there indications ahead of time that the earth’s climate was changing? Could it be that what we’re going through now, with global climate change, is not only the result of man’s interference with the environment, but also caused by the earth’s inherent dynamic nature?
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This is a gorgeous video that includes interviews with Greg Braden and Deepak Chopra.
The title, “The Time Is Now – Awaken,” interested me since, while writing The Golden Ones, I had a very unusual experience similar to channeling. In the middle of the night, this other-worldly being told me I needed a different title for my book. Instead, it should be called, “Awaken – The Time is Now.”
Therefore, I’m always interested in videos with a similar theme. This video not only has interviews, but also scientific evidence that meditation can influence people around us. For example, it shows the results of an experiment in which many people went into meditation in Washington, D.C. During the time the people were in meditation, the crime rate in the city plummeted. Amazing!
It’s also a very well-made video. You’ll enjoy it!
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