Carol Chapman

Author Archives: Carol Chapman

100 Subscriber Happy Dance – YouTube

The 100 Subscriber Happy Dance – YouTube. I feel so happy that my channel now has 100 subscribers and also feel so grateful for all those people who subscribed to my channel. When I make my videos, I think about the people who may be looking for the kind of information that I can share with them. In addition, every one of my subscribers, if they had a YouTube channel, I looked them up, checked them out, and watched a video or more if they had any. Furthermore, I believe it’s a tradition at YouTube that when your channel gets 100 subscribers, you do a Happy Dance. So, this is mine! And, it was easy to do, because I felt so excited!

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Same Sex Dreams Meaning in a Love Making Dream

Same sex dreams meaning in a love making dream may shock the dreamer if the dreamer doesn’t feel attracted to the same sex. In the same way, a person who prefers the same sex may feel shocked to dream about a man/woman love relationship. However, there are more than one same sex dreams meaning. In the video below, discover the interpretations for these kinds of dreams.

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Dream Interpretation Woman Being a Man

Dream interpretation woman being a man seems like it could be a really weird dream. Nonetheless, I’ve had one. As a result, I expect that other people also have experienced this dream and may want to know what it means. It actually has quite a delightful interpretation as you’ll discover in the video below:

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Romantic Dream About a Friend – Don’t Make the Wrong Interpretation

A romantic dream about a friend could get you in a lot of trouble if you interpret the dream incorrectly. So, beware that you keep in mind that you, not the friend, had the dream. This kind of dream can really create havoc with a wrong interpretation especially if you’re presently in a relationship with someone else. Also, it can bring you embarrassment if you make an unrealistic assumption about your friend’s feelings for you.

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