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A New World after 2011

Interestingly, I talked about a new world beginning in 2012 long before the present craze, in 1995. At the time, the date seemed so far in the future.

I had gone to a hypnotherapist. During past life regression, I had a vision in which I said that our present troubles would fall away and a new world would begin after 2011.

The full story is in my book, When We Were Gods.

I will be speaking about 2012 and the End of the World at Book ‘Em next Saturday, October 16th in Waynesboro, Virginia.

by Carol Chapman

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Twin Souls and Twin Flames

Here is an excerpt from an illuminating article posted on Indigo Orbit about the difference, if any, between twin souls and twin flames.

If you remember, in my book When We Were Gods, I describe my 40-day manifestation prayer in which I asked to find my twin soul. As a result of praying this 40-day prayer, I literally ran into the stranger I had encountered in my dream about a year earlier.

Twin flames—twin souls? Are they different? NO. They are one and the same thing. Saying one is different from the other is false. What you want to call a man and a woman who share one Higher Self and who generate violet flame heart energy is a matter of semantics. A rose by any other name, right? Don’t let people start playing games with your head about stuff like that. Someone’s always going to have some alternative take on some topic or other, and since twin flames are all the rage right now, people are trying their hand at the Aristotelian exercise of building a spiritual taxonomy of what is what.

Back to Straighten Out Some Stuff . . .

Speaking of dreams, the above article also explains that a twin ray is “your twin that you haven’t met in the 3D world that you meet in dreams.”

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Chief Chester Moore’s Totem Pole

Totem pole carving is not a dead art only relegated to ancient totem poles displayed in museums. Totem poles are living things created by modern-day master carvers such as Chief of Chiefs Chester Moore.

We interviewed Chester on videotape in his home village of Kinkolith, on the mighty and cold Nass River, which empties into the Pacific Ocean south of the Alaska panhandle.

The Nisga’a tribe, of which Chester is a member, is separated into four clans: Wolf, Eagle, Raven, and Killer Whale. Chester is Chief of Chiefs of the Frog Clan which is interrelated with the Raven clan.

Knowing that there is a frog clan makes me feel good since I had memories of being a frog / human mixture during my past life regressions of Atlantis. I wrote about my memories of Atlantis in both my books: When We Were Gods and Arrival of the Gods in Egypt.

Here are my photographs of a couple of the amazing animals carved on Chester’s magnificent totem pole.



Two fierce ravens adorn the top of the totem pole. They look over to the snow-capped mountains on the other side of the Nass River in Northern British Columbia.





Chester pointed out to me that this is a metaphysical frog since it has human faces in its eyes.




Carol Chapman —

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