Category Archives for "Ancient Mysteries"Discoveries, intuitions, psychic information about ancient civilizations–could be Egypt, Mexico, Native American, Asian, African, European or Australian–from all the continents.
Discoveries, intuitions, psychic information about ancient civilizations–could be Egypt, Mexico, Native American, Asian, African, European or Australian–from all the continents.
Discovery has put together a series of short, yet interesting, videos on the Bermuda Triangle. However, I’m not sure how accurate they are, for example, a couple of them imply that every month either a plane or boat disappears in the area. I don’t think so. If that were the case, we’d hear of it, and I doubt commercial flights would be going out of Miami. Still, the footage is interesting and includes some experiments being done to explain why boats sink and planes crash. You can watch the videos here. The videos will automatically play one after the other, but there are some commercials in there as well.
This image of a map of the Bermuda Triangle is in the Public Domain and was retrieved from Wikipedia Commons
In a report posted by Higher Perspective, there is an image of the pyramids that are supposed to have been found. Although several people point out that the images may be (or are likely) computer generated.
In the report, they refer to Yucatan (which also came up in my hypnotherapy sessions as I wrote in When We Were Gods) and to a Yucatan legend that sounds very similar to the the lost continent of Atlantis.
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I recently came across information about crystal pyramids being found on the seabed off the coast of Cuba within the Bermuda Triangle. Being the natural skeptic that I am, I felt the need to investigate further. What I discovered is that stories of this nature have been around for decades. There seems to have been a surge in them over the last year or so. However, several sources, including snopes, can’t find any reputable scientific sources that confirm this discovery.
Even so, I find it intriguing that others are coming up with very similar information as what came through in my hypnosis sessions, which I talk about in greater detail in my book When We Were Gods. There are also suggestions that these pyramid formations may also be what is left of the lost city of Atlantis.
My hypnosis sessions took me back to a lifetime in Atlantis. At that time, I was a worker within a tower that operated a crystal in order to work with the Earth’s electromagnetic field to produce energy. There were several towers arranged in a grid patter, with three main large towers and many other smaller towers.
In the report posted on New Earth Daily, states the following:
“Preliminary results show this structure to be made of glass or a glass-like (crystal?) material, as it is entirely smooth and partially translucent.”
“In 1977, a mysterious discovery was made on the floor of the Atlantic concerning an unknown technology.”
“Another huge pyramid, in 10,000 feet of Atlantic water, was reported to have been found with a pulsating crystal on top of it, by Tony Benik’s expedition.”
“Other pyramids have been explored by a Dr. Ray Brown on the sea floor off the Bahamas in 1970. Brown was accompanied by 4 divers who also found roads, domes, rectangular buildings, unidentified metallic instruments, and a statue holding a “mysterious” crystal containing miniature pyramids. The metal devices and crystals were taken to Florida for analysis at a university there. What was discovered was that the crystal amplified energy that passed through it.”
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I was contacted by a lady who had watched a special on the Bermuda Triangle. She had also read my book, When We Were Gods, and while she was watching the TV show, she remembered that in my book there were three main towers and information regarding a triangle formation. She is now wondering whether the Bermuda Triangle is actually a natural occurrence of the type of energy source that was used during Atlantean times.
In my Atlantean memories, the towers were situated to work WITH the existing natural energy waves. They harnessed and directed the already existing energy that is in the world. Taking that into consideration, it certainly is POSSIBLE that the Bermuda Triangle is somehow tapped into and using that energy.
What do you think?
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When We Were Gods:
Insights on Atlantis, Past Lives, Angelic Beings of Light and Spiritual Awakening
Chapter 5:
The Vision
As Lynn started to summarize the Atlantean lifetime, she asked, “What is the reason for your needing to reconnect with this old, old memory now, in terms of the unfolding path that you’re following in your life?”
I answered, “My sense is to gather the faithful … It’s that there are people that could be trusted … that are good.”
I saw young people bowed on one knee. They were frightened and in despair because our world seemed insane to them. Around them swirled a maelstrom of darkness. The evil and selfishness around them fell away as they began to arise and glow. They were the Golden Ones, the hope of the world. Their souls were aligned with God—to bring in a New World in which there would be a thousand years of peace. It was my purpose to awaken them to their destiny.
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When We Were Gods: Insights on Atlantis, Past Lives, Angelic Beings of Light and Spiritual Awakening
Table of Contents
Author’s Note
Author’s Notes to the Second Revised Edition
Part I: When We Were Gods
Chapter 1: The Man of my Dreams
Chapter 2: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 3: In the Beginning
Chapter 4: Fat Karma
Chapter 5: The Vision
Chapter 6: The Golden Ones
Chapter 7: God is Greater
Chapter 8: The Light Without
Chapter 9: The Dark Force
Chapter 10: The Light Force
Chapter 11: The Life to Come
Chapter 12: Love of the Physical
Chapter 13: Going Crazy
Chapter 14: A Message From Pan
Chapter 15: Flying Snake
Chapter 16: The Fifth Root Race
Chapter 17: The Brotherhood
Chapter 18: The Tower and the Crystal
Chapter 19: Snake Transportation
Chapter 20: The Great Pyramid
Chapter 21: When We Were Gods
Chapter 22: Death is the New Thing
Chapter 23: Feathered Serpent
Chapter 24: A New World
Chapter 25: Epilogue
Part II: Articles
Chapter 26: Introduction to the Articles
Chapter 27: “From Obesity to the Fifth Root Race” published in Venture Inward
Chapter 28: “Melting Off the Pounds: The Sun Diet” published in Whole Life Times
Chapter 29: “Arcturus is Home” published in Fate
Chapter 30: “The Great Crystal” published in Circle Magazine
Chapter 31: “Searching for the Hall of Records in the Yucatan” published in Venture Inward
Chapter 32: “The Man of My Dreams” published in Dream Network
Chapter 33: “In the Mouth of the Snake” published in Alternate Perceptions
Author Biography
Read more about When We Were Gods.
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The author of the Ancient Destructions blog site, Peter “Mungo” Jupp, believes the Piri Reis map shows Antarctica ice-free. There is some controversy. Others believe the part of the map that could be Antarctica is actually the southeastern coast of South America.
Interestingly, the Ancient Destructions blog site includes a copy of a letter from Harold Z. Ohlmeyer Lt. Colonel, USAF Commander, who is writing to author Charles Hapgood saying that Colonel Ohlmeyer agrees that the Piri Reis map shows part of the coast of Antarctica before it was covered with ice.
That’s great–that a USAF Lt. Colonel would validate the Antarctica details of the Piri Reis map. Here’s an excerpt from the letter:
The geographical detail shown in the lower part of the map agrees very remarkably with the results of the seismic profile made across the top of the ice-cap by the Swedish-British Antarctic Expedition of 1949.This indicates the coastline had been mapped before it was covered by the ice-cap. This part of Antarctica ice free. The ice-cap in this region is now about a mile thick. We have no idea how the data on this map can be reconciled with the supposed state of geographical knowledge in 1513.
Harold Z. Ohlmeyer Lt. Colonel, USAF Commander
The Ancient Destructions blog site also has a video on it that you might enjoy. I like that Peter “Mungo” Jupp is an Australian archaeologist and therefore he’s close to Antarctica.
As before, I am interested in the Piri Reis map, because, if it shows Antaractica ice free, it means that someone somewhere in humanity’s past, had to have been there when Antarctica was ice-free. Could there have been a pole shift? Did the earth’s crust shift, move Antarctica from a location in a more temperatue area of the globe down to the pole? Was there an extreme climate change? Could this happen again?
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In When We Were Gods, I write about an encounter with another bald eagle, years ago. This bald eagle was hidden in mist right beside me. I didn’t know what was making all the noise in the mist until the eagle rose in front of my face carrying a snake in its talons.
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Today, a bald eagle flew–no, soared–right over my head. If you’ve read When We Were Gods, my book about past life memories of the lost city of Atlantis, you’ll know why the eagle’s fly-by was especially important and exciting for me.
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Unexcavated pyramid in China from the Philip Coppens website
Despite speculation about the existence of great pyramids in China, archaeologists and bureaucrats have refused to consider even the rumours about such structures. But recent pictorial evidence proves that China’s pyramids are indeed real, rivalling those of Egypt and Central America for their age, size and significance.
In my humble opinion, I can’t imagine how someone could not consider that the “hill” in the above photo was anything but an overgrown pyramid. The edges are too sharp for a simple hill.
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