Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Today, I received an email from Heidi Dudgeon telling me how much she enjoyed reading When We Were Gods, which she had purchased at Edgar Cayce’s online A.R.E. Bookstore.
She also sent a couple of pictures of her amazing artwork. It turns out Heidi is an artist with a psychic bent. She tells me that she will first see, in her mind’s eye, something like a slide show of many different paintings. Out of these possibilities, she will choose one to make into an actual physical work of art.
I’m not surprised that the inspiration for her artwork comes to her intuitively. Edgar Cayce said that creativity was an expression of the soul as much as is psychic ability. And that creative expression can be a way toward psychic development.
Take a look at some of Heidi’s paintings on her web site at:
I love how she lists each individual work of art with an accompanying inspirational quote. The quotations she’s chosen are superb. Many are from my heroes such as Carl Jung, Harriet Tubman, George Bernard Shaw and the Bible.
I also love how her paintings are like mandalas or tarot cards in that there are so many symbols in them. It you look at the paintings for a while, you will see all kinds of fascinating images you didn’t see at first.
For example, take a look at the one called, “The Mothers,” which Heidi says parallels some of the information in my book When We Were Gods, which has a chapter called, “A Message from Pan,” is about awakening the Golden Ones and the birth of a new world.
Here’s what Heidi says about “The Mothers:” The image of “The Mothers” is about a third of the way down the page at
“The angel is a pregnant mother earth resurrecting humanity through compassion… as shown as the mothers below in prayer. The goat, representing Pan, or the life sustaining animal is pictured tolling the bells to awaken people. His collar in numbers spells the word pray as if to say, pray for the earth, the children and the new life that will soon be resurrected by the divine mother (within us all.)” ~ Heidi Dudgeon, the artist
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I don’t know if this is genuine or merely the rantings of a madman, but this web site has a YouTube video promoting a $29.95 movie about a man named James Gilliland who says he has had contact with aliens. The movie is available at The YouTube video covers the following excerpt from a blog post on (What is a Warth or a Lich King?). Anyway, this is interesting especially that the aliens, according to Gilliland, want to share with us their knowledge of how to achieve peace on earth.
This is the part that’s not covered, that’s not coming out – the fearlessness it takes to bring this message out to the public is not there in our mainstream media. Why is it that in Mexico, UFO sightings are a normal part of the news coverage? In France and England, the Government’s previously classified UFO files are starting to be disclosed. But in the US press, talk of extraterrestrials, UFOs sightings, crop circles, ETs and alien contact is still a joke, when discussed at all.
UFO ET Contact Documentary, Environment, world leaders & war | Warth of the Lich King
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Here are some interesting dream symbols. I think most people dream about a path or road or track at some time or another. However, I think a fox is a more unusual dream symbol.
Continue readingDream symbol Path: Path or track is associated with direction, journey and progress.
Dream symbol Fox. This symbol is associated with cunningness and victimization. It also represents victimization or rivalry from someone we know.
Voodoo Who Do: Free Online Dream Interpretation Tutorial – Example 5
As I said yesterday, about my latest book Arrival of the Gods in Egypt:
While writing this book, I looked online for documentation of the rioting in Cairo and found none. I also could not find documentation supporting a declaration of war by Israel.
By chance, I met a young man who happened to be in Egypt almost at the same time I was there in October 2000. I flew out of Cairo the morning of October 1st. He arrived four days later on October 5th. And, he definitely corroborated my memories of the reports of rioting in Cairo. He said that he had been closely following the BBC reports on the rioting in Cairo before he left for his Egyptian tour because there was a good chance his tour would be canceled.
In fact, when I returned to North American from Egypt, I discovered that some Egyptian tours had been canceled because of the rioting.
However, when I wrote Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, I could not find documentation of the rioting on the Internet. I began to wonder if my memories that there had been rioting were incorrect or perhaps exaggerated. Therefore, I felt happy to meet another person who had been in Cairo in October 2000. It felt good to know that his memories coincided with mine. I now feel secure to say that it truly was a time of strained relationships between countries in the Middle East.
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In my latest book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, I wrote:
While writing this book, I looked online for documentation of the rioting in Cairo and found none. I also could not find documentation supporting a declaration of war by Israel. However, I did find information saying that peace talks had been in progress at the time. Perhaps declarations of war had been threatened during the peace talks.
I did find archived articles by the London Times. One article, dated Monday, October 2, 2000, said that Israeli troops had killed a ten-year-old boy the day before, which was the day I flew out of Cairo. Evidently, his death was the 28th Muslim fatality in only four days. He was also the third child killed in that short time. I can see why people in Egypt would be outraged.
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As I said yesterday:
Amazingly, the giant Sequoia trees, the largest trees on earth, are surviving Lemurian vegetation.
The Sequoia are the largest trees on earth by volume. A close relative of the Sequoia, the giant Redwoods, also of California, are the tallest trees on earth.
According to some researchers, both of these trees once belonged to the lost continent of Lemuria. Must of Lemuria was destroyed by earth upheavals before Atlantis and descended into the sea. However, part of the lost continent of Lemuria remained above water and, due to continental drift, bumped up against the Rocky Mountains and the West Coast of North America.
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Yesterday, I visited Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, Virginia, to hear a fascinating lecture by Una Marcotte, an expert on Lemuria.
Whereas, most speakers interested in ancient mysteries focus on Atlantis, ancient Egypt, Yucatan and the ancient Maya – or anyway, I certainly do in my books When We Were Gods and Arrival of the Gods in Egypt – Una emphasizes the ancient civilization that flourished before Atlantis, which was known as Mu. Una explained that the name, “Lemuria” resulted when a 19th century researcher gave the name to a land mass he believed disappeared into the ocean.
I felt absolutely enthralled as she spun her tale, The Ancient Ones of Lemuria, about life forms called the root races, which are different body types used by the soul to interact with the earth. She said that the Lemurians were the 2nd root race and that we humans, a very dense and heavy creature, are the 4th root race. The amazing Lemurians could create companions with thought, a magical people, who Edgar Cayce called thought forms.
Una also showed us maps illustrating where Lemuria or Mu had existed. Most interesting to me, she said that the West Coast of the U.S., including California, had once been a part of Mu which had drifted up against what is now called the Rocky Mountains to create two parallel sets of mountain ranges. Amazingly, the giant Sequoia trees, the largest trees on earth, are surviving Lemurian vegetation.
For her research, Una consulted the psychic readings of Edgar Cayce and Rudolph Steiner plus the research of Churchwood and Cerve. She also referred to my own research, which had surfaced in past life regression. I loved how she put all the information together in an easily understandable manner.
Once a month, the A.R.E. hosts The Forum, a free lecture, co-moderated by Lindy van Burik and Day Schwartz, a daughter/mother team who love to tell jokes to entertain their audience. The Forum is always an enjoyable and informative evening. Next month, November 2008, the speaker will be a psychic medium.
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This Edgar Cayce quote is taken from the Edgar Cayce Calendar, the inspirational quotation for the month of April 2009. I’ve also included the beautiful nature photography that goes with the words of encouragement from one of the world’s best psychics.
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“Quiet, meditation, for a half to a minute, will bring strength – will the body see physically this flowing out to quiet self, whether walking, standing still, or resting. Well, too, that oft when alone, meditate in the silence – as the body has done.” (Edgar Cayce Reading 311-4)
The lovely inspiring photo was taking at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. It is their tranquil meditation garden.
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This little snippet piqued my interest and brought a smile to my face. I guess people in ancient Egypt felt felt as deeply bereft at losing their pets as many people do today.
People in ancient Egypt shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the death of a household cat. ( | Ideas | 10 things we learned this week
Is that why the ancient Egyptians had such dramatic elongated eyebrows? Had they painted over their shaved brows after losing a beloved household feline?
I’m saying this rather tongue-in-cheek because I’ve also read that the ancient Egyptians colored their eyes and eyebrows so dramatically with black to protect their eyes from the sun.
In addition, during my autumn 2000 travel to Egypt, I discovered that some Egyptians follow an ancient tradition of covering their hair with mud and dust when they grieve the death of a human loved one. You can find a description of this practice in my latest book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt.
Carol Chapman
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How do you like that? Reba McEntire believes she’s been born again and she doesn’t mean “born again” in the religious sense. She means reincarnation.
Country queen Reba McEntire has stunned her legions of devout Christian fans by revealing she believes in reincarnation.
In an interview with country news website, the flame-haired singer insists she’s been a man in a previous life and she has known her son Shelby before.
Reba McEntire: ‘I’m Born Again’ – Starpulse Entertainment News Blog
Will her “born again” fans be able to stick by her?
It may turn out that many of them secretly believe in reincarnation as well!
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