Category Archives for "Orbs"Orbs – Angels, other dimensional beings, aliens or what?
Orbs – Angels, other dimensional beings, aliens or what?
Today I’m excited and preparing for my day-long event in Toronto on Saturday, June 2nd. I’ll be speaking on: Atlantis and Its Colonies in Egypt and Yucatan.
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Here are close ups of two of the orbs/snowflakes from the wintry scene nature photograph posted on this blog on December 27th. I magnified these “orbs” to see how they would compared with the orb picture close up posted yesterday. As you can see, yesterday’s orb has an internal border and internal organization. The close ups of the orbs or snowflakes do not. What do you think now? Are the following images orbs or snowflakes?
On the left, a close up of two “orbs” floating in the December 27th wintry scene. On the right, a close up of an “orb” photographed against a tree trunk.
Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
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Here’s an orb photo posted previously on this blog to compare with yesterday’s photo: Orbs or Snowflakes?
You decide. Are these orbs or snowflakes?
Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
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I came across this very comprehensive article on scientific advances in studying plasma, which can behave in a life-light manner.
According to the article,metaphysicians believe that genuine orbs, which are made of plasma, are the “astral” body of a deceased person.
Plasma Life Forms – Spheres, Blobs, Orbs and Subtle Bodies
According to this very long, detailed, full-of-information article, “genuine” orbs, in comparison with camera effects of light and dust or water droplets, can have a double outer membrane similar to the skin around an onion.
Take a look at these photographs submitted to me by Zihna Jones in Wisconsin and posted on this blog on January 26, 2009 in an article entitled, Fantastic Orbs Photos Include Orange and Golden Orbs!
Orbs by Zihna Jones in Wisconsin
In the close-up, below, of two of the orbs in the above photograph, you can see the “onion-like architecture” of the larger orb.
If you want to get a better look at the concentric spheres inside the orbs in the close-up photo below, you will have to go to the original post at (just click on this link and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the post the link takes you to) Fantastic Orbs Photos Include Golden and Orange Orbs .
Orb with "Onion-like Architecture"
I highly recommend the Plasma Life Forms – Spheres, Blobs, Orbs and Subtle Bodies article for its detailed descriptions of many phenomenon associated with plasma from scientific experiments to ghost hunters to metaphysical views. However, I wish it had a definition of plasma because, although everything sounds great in the article, I don’t have an idea just what plasma is.
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Have you ever had a dream in which one or more glowing light orbs appeared? You might have been contact by one of the Extra Celestials. A while ago, I received an email from Nancy Burson, who says she is a [human] spokesperson for extraterrestrial beings who call themselves the Extra Celestials.
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Here are some gorgeous photographs taken by Norman Thomas of Courtenay/Comox, British Columbia, with orbs in them. These photographs were taken in 2005 at a the Kawakwaka’wakw Nation in which participants were performing a traditional dance in the “Big House” at Alert Bay, BC. Alert Bay is on Cormorant Island, which is just off the northeast coast of Vancouver Island near Port McNeill.
Although the next and last photograph does not display any orbs, that I can see, nonetheless, it is my favourite and so I have included it.
Thank you, Norman, for making these photos available to us. Even without the orbs, the photographs are fantastic!
Carol Chapman
Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman All Rights Reserved
Photographs: Copyright (c) 2005 Norman Thomas All Rights Reserved
I already posted this fantastic orbs photograph on January 23rd, 2009, but did not attribute it to Norman Thomas. Norman is one of the contact people for my upcoming event, 2012, Edgar Cayce and the Maya, in Comox, British Columbia.
Since I will be speaking in Comox on May 28th (this Thursday) from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., I wanted to post Norman’s photograph again because it shows the strong Native presence in Canada’s most westerly province and it also gives me a sense of the innate power of the land in B.C.
By the way, if you’re interested in attending the event, Norman and Anjali Thomas’ phone number is: 250-338-1690 and their email is: (Just click on the photo to enlarge it.)
Here is the photo:
The Kawakwaka’wakw Nation
performing a traditional dance in the “Big House” at Alert Bay, BC, on Cormorant Island, just off the northeast coast of Vancouver Island (near Port McNeill)
A Close Up of a couple of the Orbs in the above photo.
Thanks so much for sending the wonderful photo, Norman!
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Hi again,
I promised you more orbs photographs from recipients of this enewsletter. Here are some of them.
These orbs photos are from Michael Day. As before, I’ve also included close ups of various orbs. By the way, for your information, you can see these photograph in an enlarged format if you click on them.
This orbs photo shows a close up of the orb floating above the man in blue with his hands in a prayerful pose. I’ve used Photoshop‘s “brighten and contrast” feature to bring out the patterns in the orb. By doing so, I inadvertently exposed more orbs than were previously visible.
Although these photos were submitted specifically to show orbs in a photograph, I also enjoy the opportunity to view the experience of being at a spiritual retreat in India. This photograph also shows a couple of golden orbs.
A close up of the large orb in the above photograph.
I like this close up because it shows a number of orbs superimposed one on top of the other. I also like that you can see how transparent they are and the patterns within the orbs.
This final orbs photos shows a cloud of orbs. If they truly are spirits, as some people believe, there certainly were many attracted to this spiritual retreat in India.
A close up of the glowing orb above the man’s head in the above orbs picture – lovely.
Thanks, Michael Day, for sending these orbs photos to me so I could share them with others.
There are still more Orbs Photos to come and I will post them when I get home from Yucatan. I’m leaving tomorrow to take the final footage for my 2012 movie.
Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman
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While paranormal investigators scanned the Sandusky Hotel in Sandusky, Indiana, for ghosts, a floating orb appeared, which was captured on video. At the same time, the paranormal investigator’s instruments registered heightened electrical energy. The Sandusky Hotel used to be a nursing home. Investigators deemed it a likely candidate for ghosts since people had died during the time the building had been a nursing home.
Another interesting incident occurred when a video camera captured a moving orb, or transparent ball. Stone notes that an orb is on the left in the video and says that instruments showed a burst of electrical energy.
Ghost’s2009 My Story: Ghost hunters investigate Sandusky’s Hotel Rieger
Although the orb appeared on videotape, Rob Stone, of Nomine Paranormal Research of Fort Wayne, Indiana, said that investigators have to be careful about attributing orbs to ghosts. He also said that about 99.9 percent of the time, orbs in photographs are produced by dust, insects and other natural phenomena.
I wonder, then, was this orb the 0.1 percent of orbs that is actually spirit based, according to Rob Stone’s definition of orbs, or was it a floating dust mote?
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