
Category Archives for "Orbs"

Orbs – Angels, other dimensional beings, aliens or what?

A Fun Orbs Photo

This is from Marianna Vanderklift in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. She sent this fun orb picture of her cousin, David Chasse, who is a singer and performer in Holland.




The orb is floating over the cousin’s right thigh. He’s dressed up in red and green finery for a Christmas greeting that reads, “Merry Christmas Baby!” What fun!







Here is a close up of the above orb. I’ve used brightness/contrast in Photoshop to make the orb more visible against the black coat. Amazingly,this orb appears to have a comical face in it. Is this just a coincidence or the face of the spirit represented by the orb?



Here, again, is the close up of the orb in one of the orb photos taken by Margaret G. in New Zealand posted February 13, 2009 on this blog. This orb also appears to have a face in it. Margaret has subsequently informed me that what I thought might be a goatee in this image is actually a light switch on the wall behind the orb. Oh!

Thanks, Marianna for sending the fun picture of your cousin.

Carol Chapman —

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More Orbs Feedback

As promised, here are more emails I received from readers of my enewsletters about their experiences with and opinions of orbs:

  • Madonna G., in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA wrote, “I have a friend, whose daughter is 12 years old, all pic’s of the daughter have orbs, even when she received a ‘higher’ belt in some form of Martial Arts!!!”
  • I say, about the above email, that I wonder if some spirit entity like a Guardian Angel oversees this young lady as an orb.
  • Martin A., in Wisconsin, USA sent a number of emails. I’ve put together excerpts from three of them:  “of course there are virtual images of entities of interdimensional space all arounds us all the time. . . . Trained and gifted psychics and clairvoyants can see orbs and spirit entities with their third eye chakra open. They can diagnose health issues as well, . . . Of course the spirit intelligence is small. It does not need a big astral-etheric body to be presence to be around human bodies,which are heavy duty equipment in comparison to spirit size which only needs a small light body smaller than the head of an ignited safety match head to embody all its functions and DNA patterns to manifest into a full size human structure –  bigger or smaller.

Thank you, Madonna and Martin, for sending your views on orbs to add to the many interesting and intriguing insights I’ve received.

Carol Chapman —

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Orbs Comments from Readers

When I began writing about orbs, I received many emails from readers of my enewsletters containing comments about orbs. I had specifically asked:

  1. Do you have photographs with orbs in them? If so, send them to me and I’ll post them in my enewsletters and in my blog to share them with others. I have done so and have a few more amazing orbs photos yet to post.
  2. Can you see orbs with the naked eye?
  3. What do you think orbs are?

 Here are some of the answers:

  • From Barbara S. in Ontario, Canada:  She said that, yes, there had been orbs in pictures of her son’s wedding (another reader has also said that they often turn up in photos when people are celebrating) and in other photos too. Barbara said, “We regard them fondly as entities/spirits. Like family.”
  • Zihna J. in Wisconsin, USA says, “I took orb pics for several years, trying to figure out what they were. I actually was able to ask them to be in a certain place. . . . I think these are intelligent energies, perhaps interdimensional beings. We see them as orbs in this dimension, but I think the orbs are merely how they move…sort of like a Merkaba.”

Thanks so much Barbara S. and Zihna J. for sharing your interesting experiences and ideas on orbs. More later . . .


Carol Chapman —

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Orbs Pictures from New Zealand

Margaret G., North Island, NZ, was kind enough to send these orbs photos. The first three were taken within a few seconds of each other. Margaret says that she stayed still as she took the photos. However, when she looked at the photos afterwards, she could see that the orbs had been moving.

Because of the light background, some of the orbs are very difficult to see. Therefore, Margaret drew lines on the photographs to show the location of the orbs.


These are photos of Margaret’s husband and their granddaughters.

Please note the large orb at the foot of the chair on the right. Margaret says that their now-deceased Labrador dog used to lay exactly in that spot. She says that “The children loved him, and I’m wondering if that actually was him visiting!”



Here is an enlargement of the large orb situated at the spot where Margaret’s beloved Labrador dog used to sit.

I find it interesting that so many of the orbs I’ve shown enlarged have a definite ring around their perimeter as does this one.




Note the orb floating at the top of the photo.







Here is that orb enlarged and brightened/contrasted with Photoshop. Do you see what appears to be two eyes, a nose, a little mouth, and a wee goatee?





A few seconds later and the large orb where the dog used to sit is gone as is the orb that, when enlarged, appeared to have a face. There are only multiple orbs that are difficult to see against the light background.





While many of us in the Northern Hemisphere usually experience winter temperatures at New Year’s Eve, Margaret and her family were out camping in New Zealand on New Year’s Eve, 2006.





Here’s a close up, which has also been brightened/contrasted in Photoshop, of the orb in the middle of the photo above. Again, it has a distinct ring around the perimeter.



Thank you, Margaret, for sending these photos to share with us.

Carol Chapman —

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Teleseminar on Dreams Tuesday February 10th

As I mentioned earlier, we’ll be having our first complimentary telephone seminar on dreams. It will be on Tuesday, February 10th from 8:00 to 9:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

The teleseminar is no cost but you will still have to pay long distance charges the same as if you called your Aunt Cecile.

Here’s a general outline of what you can expect:

About 5 minutes: Greetings and “housekeeping”

About 10 minutes: Interview with my guest. This week’s guest will be Cathy Hunsberger, an intuitive dream interpreter.

About 30 minutes: Share your dreams and give suggestions for interpretation.

Final 15 minutes: General discussion on a topic of current interest, such as: Do you see orbs? Ever taken a photo with orbs in it?

Carol Chapman —

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More Fantastic Orbs Pictures

Here are a couple more amazing Orbs Photos:  


Here’s an interesting

orbs photo from

Monica K. in

Nanaimo, BC,

Canada. It looks like

the orb is a companion

to the decorative ball.



A close up of the

above orb photo.



Here’s an orbs photo,

in which there are

so many orbs floating

around in this basement

it looks like its snowing!

From Peter F., in


British Columbia,



A close up of the bright

orb in the lower left

of the above photo.

Carol Chapman —

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They See Orbs . . .

If you’ve read my books When We Were Gods and Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, you know my skeptical nature. I did not consider orbs to be a reality until a couple of them turned up in my photographs

Therefore, I am thrilled by the following emails I received from readers who can actually see the orbs with their naked eyes. Because some of the orbs in orb pictures can be a camera manifestation, that these people can see the orbs themselves proves to me that at least some of the orbs that turn up in orb photos must actually be orbs.

As I promised, here are excerpts from emails sent to me from readers who see orbs with the naked eye

From: Shannon W, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada:

Well I guess I have to get my two cents worth in here as well.

I have seen orbs with my naked eyes on two different occasions at the Metaphysical Network right here in Nanaimo.

I thought, “Oh, that’s what people are talking about!”

I’m the kind of person who has to see it myself, before I believe it and so there you are.  I believe it!

From Betsey L, Gloucester, Virginia, USA:

I, too have seen big white orbs in my living room, but never occurred to me to ask who or what they were!! How funny. Will do so next time. Just always said “hi, how are ya” as I do to all phenomena I’ve witnessed. Now that I’m older :-)and have to slow down, I will take the time to sit down for a chat.

From: Marianna V., Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

my granddaughter Janina, who was 8

at the time, says she saw one

floating in her bedroom

she called her mother,

“Mom, there’s a balloon in my room!”

we have often seen orbs in family pictures,

and my daughter sees them at work as well,

in the movie industry.

Just recently i photographed my friend’s kitchen

renovation, and there, sure enough, were lots of orbs;

little ones in this case

it seems everybody loves kitchens!

From: Terra M., (who I believe is from Nevada, U.S.A.):


From: Monika K., Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada:

I have a picture of my son and husband with a gigantic orb in it.  I also see them with the naked eye no camera required I see them in 3 different colors and I know that we are never alone because I see them.  My youngest son has one around him all the time.  Interestingly I see indigo violet and silver….BUT in my dream the other night I was doing healing on a person and the meridians of their body lit up for me to see them and then an orange orb showed itself as being the problem area for that person so I pulled the orange orb down the body and out through the feet!!   Have since been wondering when this will happen for me as I am doing healing work. 

From: Judith M., Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada:

I used to see them when I was a child, and have seen them only once in a while as an adult, which is a lovely gift when it happens!  I feel they are angelic energies, and that they are absolutely intelligent beings. 

THANK YOU VERY MUCH, all of you who wrote to say you can see orbs without having to photograph them. Because of your testimonies, I believe it!

By the way, if I missed including someone’s email in this list, please send yours again and I will post it.

Love and blessings,

Carol Chapman

Carol Chapman

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Do Orbs Form Crop Circles?

OK, I know I said that today I would get back to you with a list of orb experiences readers have sent me, and I still intend to, but . . .

Remember, I said I was going to the Edgar Cayce Forum in Virginia Beach last night? Because the title of Lloyd Kremer’s talk was “Crop Circles, UFOs, and the End Times,” I did not expect to hear anything about orbs.

You can imagine my delight when Kremer presented a number of videos showing orbs making crop circles. He said he found the videos on the internet.

So, what have I been doing today? Watching videos on YOUTUBE and Google Video showing orbs making crop circles. I’m also feeling a bit in shock at the possibility that the videos may be true.  

Here’s a link to one of the videos of orbs making crop circles. Note, in the comments section under the video, that many people believe it is a fake. On the other hand, one of the people leaving a comment says that the person who made the video was forced to say it was a fake for the sake of secrecy.

Here’s another link. This one includes an interview with a Dutch scientist who’s research has led to a theory that the electromagnetism in the orbs creates the crop circles. Again, in the comments section below the video, people are crying “fake” including one or two people who say they have personally created crop circles and therefore know, first hand, that they are fakes.

So, instead of putting together the list I promised you or the book that’s almost finished that I promised you, I’ve been watching videos!

I don’t know what to think. I just feel stunned . . . truly, a goner – totally zonked out on the possibility that orbs create crop circles.

I should be over this by tomorrow.

Carol Chapman

Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman

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Orbs and Ghosts

This is a selection on ghosts and orbs from independent paranormal investigator Robert Kreuk: 

In the paranormal community a belief in ghosts is pretty common place. If they are, or if they have a connection to, “orbs” seems to be divided.

» Ghosts and Orbs Professional Reference and Education Articles Directory: Free articles directory about reference and education ,you can submit article to the directory.It is all free.

He also says that:

“If we are to prove the existence of either of these phenomena, if that is indeed the point of the investigations, our measuring equipment may need a facelift. Hauntings are not a modern phenomena, but over the years our equipment has changed and improved, so if we were to improve our devices to detect something more, or something else, maybe we’ll be able to shut the book on ghosts and orbs once and for all.”

Carol Chapman

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