Very Happy with Nanaimo, British Columbia Events
I met many wonderful people and enjoyed giving my presentations.
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I met many wonderful people and enjoyed giving my presentations.
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Here is the itinerary for my speaking event in Nanaimo, British Columbia this upcoming Saturday, April 10th, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Nanaimo Metaphysical Network.
Morning: First Session: The Intuitive Process of Writing
Morning: Second Session: The Changing World of Publishing
Afternoon: First Session: To Self-publish or Be Published
Afternoon: Second Session: You Need a Platform
Throughout the day, there will be short, simple, easy writing exercises as well.
Also in Nanaimo:
April 19, 7:30 p.m. Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Fifth Root Race
April 21, 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Atlantis and Its Colonies in Egypt and Yucatan
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Front cover of Have Your Heart's Desire: Tools for a Wealthier, Healthier, Happier Life by Carol Chapman
My new book, Have Your Heart’s Desire: Tools for a Wealthier, Healthier, Happier Life is now listed on Amazon and Barnes and (also available at Barnes and Noble brick and mortar bookstores by order. You’ll need the ISBN: 978-0-9754691-3-2.)
Are you interested in a book that will change your life?
The inspirational prayers in Have Your Heart’s Desire: Tools for a Wealthier, Healthier, Happier Life have improved the lives of many and can do the same for you.
Author Carol Chapman has shared these prayers for years at her speaking engagements. Audience members have remarked that the prayers have improved their lives. Now she’s sharing the prayers with the rest of the world so that others can reap the benefits the prayers provide.
Chapman learned the prayers from their creator, J. Everett Irion, a kind and psychic counselor working at Edgar Cayce headquarters in Virginia Beach. He studied the psychic guidance in the Cayce readings and provided private spiritual coaching sessions that included guidance in psychic development, personal transformation, and self improvement. One of the prayers, the profound 40-day Forgiveness Prayer, is often referred to as the Edgar Cayce prayer.
Everett was in his mid-70s when the author knew him. Sadly, he has passed away since, but his words of wisdom live on. In this fantastic book you will learn:
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Today I added a couple of links to this blog site. They will take you to websites dealing with Yucatan Travel:
I love to travel in Yucatan and have been there six times. My outstanding interest is always the quest for evidence that inhabitants of the lost city of Atlantis visited Yucatan in millennia past. I have written about my experiences in my books When We Were Gods and Arrival of the Gods in Egypt.
While in Yucatan, I also began videotaping the many places we visited. These became the DVD travelogue Yucatan Travel: Cancun to Chichen Itza.
Those of us who made the Yucatan Travel DVD listed above decided to also start a blog about some of our favorite places in Yucatan. If you’ve been to that tropical paradise, we invite your comments, especially those that would be helpful to other travelers.
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I enjoy speaking about the root races, which I will be doing in Nanaimo, British Columbia at the Nanaimo Metaphysical Network on Thursday, April 19th. The speech is called, “Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Fifth Root Race.”
If you’re wondering what the root races are, they are the step-by-step progression from a soul that can freely move around the whole universe to a soul that is bounded by the physical on earth.
According to possibly the best-documented psychic on earth, Edgar Cayce, our souls were not yet bound by the reincarnation cycle during the time we incarnated in Atlantis. We were a “thought people.”
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You really need to read the piece in its entirety. Not only is this a hilarious commentary on the “modern” trend to devalue tradition and human values, but also, it’s a great tongue-in-cheek comment on the mania to find Atlantis in many and diverse places. I must admit, reality stings at the thought of commercial development destroying a “miraculous habitation that has eradicated crime, poverty, and disease.” Bravo The Satirical Rogue!
Here’s an excerpt from the article – the first paragraph – to whet your appetite for the whole piece:
Continue readingGreece— Archeologists have confirmed the location of Atlantis in the Aegean Sea just off the coast of Santorini Island and plan to turn the entire submerged island into a retirement resort paradise.
Lost City Of Atlantis Discovered, Rezoned for Commercial Development
These are just a couple of paragraphs of a fantastic answer to the question: Do you believe in the lost city of Atlantis? If you’re interested in this topic, I suggest you follow the link and read the whole article. The online name of the author is “Dubbs.” The question was posed on the Yahoo! Answers UK and Ireland website.
With science accepting this as our basis for the premiss of existence, it will interfere many other branches of science. Archeology isn’t about discovering the truth of our past anymore, it’s about upholding the accepted version of what we call prehistoric fact. The history books have already been written, so when somebody comes across an anomalous find that just won’t fit into the accepted data it’s usually refuted, lost and forgotten. There have been numerous archeological finds that challenge what we know about history and it’s never accepted, it would change things.
So when Plato was told about the existence of Atlantis by the Egyptian priests, of course it was refuted. If a technological advanced civilization existed 9000 years ago as he was told, it would raise too many unanswered questions. Timeas and Critias, the two priests that relayed the tale to Plato, told him of an island continent in the Atlantic Ocean, beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Straight of Gebralter), that once waged war against the rest of the world. While attacking Athens a cataclysmic event caused this continent to become swallowed by the ocean. The survivors fled to Egypt and taught the Egyptians how to build the pyramids.
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I continue to prepare for my speaking engagements in Nanaimo, British Columbia, April 14th to 21st. As I went over what I’m going to share with participants of the Saturday, April 14th all-day event Everyone Has a Book in Them, I especially enjoyed this inspirational quote from Andre Dubus, author of A Father’s Story:
“Don’t quit. It’s very easy to quit during the first 10 years. Nobody cares whether you write or not, and it’s very hard to write when nobody cares one way or the other. You can’t get fired if you don’t write, and most of the time you don’t get rewarded if you do. But don’t quit.”
—Andre Dubus
How do you like that–10 years! Well, actually, in a way that is inspirational. When I have read the biographies of so many writers and creative people, they have pressed on year after year, before they were successful. And, as this quote says, they may also press on year after year, and get no rewards for their effort.
But, there is always the joy of connecting with one’s inner muse!
The event is sponsored by the Nanaimo Metaphysical Network. To register, please contact Nanaimo Metaphysical Network at or 250-753-2110.
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Here I’m filming footage to be used in a future movie on Yucatan. I’m perched at the rim of Cenote Zaci in Valladolid. A cenote is a sink hole down to underground water through the limestone shelf that makes the surface of northern Yucatan. Valladolid is one of my favorite places to visit in Yucatan.
In yesterday’s post I referred to a delightful article on the afterlife. I found the article delightful, because it reminded me of one of my past life regression hypnosis sessions in which the hypnotherapist asked me to go to the last day of my life while I was remembering a previous incarnation. As soon as I died (in that past life), my mother, who had passed on years earlier, was there waiting for me. I felt so happy that I could be with her again. The whole story of this reincarnation memory is in my book When We Were Gods.
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