Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
How exciting! Atlantis found…again! This time, 900 miles off the coast of Brazil.
I’m delighted that the lost city of Atlantis has at least been found in a part of the world where you would expect it to have been–in the middle Atlantic.
* NOT in Indonesia, which is in the Indian and Pacific Oceans–NOTE: Does Atlantis sound like Indian or Pacific or like Atlantic? Since Atlantis sounds like Atlantic, could this be a clue!
* NOT in the sea between Denmark and Scotland and between France and England. Yes, the sea separating these northern countries are close to the Atlantic Ocean, but this would be the north Atlantic. Plato said Atlantis was outside the Pillars of Hercules, the passageway where the Mediterranean Sea opens up to the Atlantic Ocean in the middle Atlantic, not the north. Close but no prize.
* NOT off the coast of Ireland, a spoof put together by Weekly World News saying that Atlantis was actually a thriving island off the coast of Ireland. The spoof appeared after reports said that Google maps had found Atlantis, but it only turned out to a grid-like pattern made in the Atlantic Ocean floor by the Google maps boat.
* NOT the ice-bound continent of Antarctica at the South Pole, where it has been conjectured that Atlantis could have drifted on tectonic plates.
* NOT in the many other diverse places too numerous to mention where Atlantis has been found
I find it so very refreshing that this time, that Atlantis may have been found in a part of the world where the lost continent of Atlantis may have been, filling the space in the Atlantic Ocean between the Mediterranean Sea and the coast of Brazil.
Another refreshing detail of this recent Atlantis find: Unlike one of the researchers who prematurely announced that Atlantis had been found in a swamp in Spain, Roberto Ventura Santos, the Brazilian geology director, and Japanese university professor Shinichi Kawakami, whose teams are working on the Brazilian find, wonder if they have found a lost piece of the huge, ancient, unified continent of Pangea. They’re keeping their conjectures conservative and are not jumping to any conclusions.
That’s not only refreshing, it’s also delightful! Check it out at The Christian Post.
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Another nature quote excerpt from the “Message from Pan” chapter in When We Were Gods:
Continue reading“We need you to preserve our homes…don’t clear-cut. Leave trees, brush—homes for birds, rabbits, and raccoons. Make small changes in what you do.”
It’s that time of year when our thoughts turn to gardening, which invites an intimate relationship with nature spirits. Here’s an inspirational nature quote from Gandhi on gardening.
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Continuing on the theme of how nature can clean the earth, here’s an encouraging inspirational quote. It not only says that nature changes dirt into beauty, but also gives encouragement to slog through our own dirt to produce beauty in our lives.
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Inspirational photo: Celebrate nature! Apple blossoms.
In When We Were Gods, the nature god Pan said that if we appreciated nature, the natural world would gladly clean up our mess. This apple tree is not only blooming with beautiful and fragrant flowers to delight us, but is also producing food for us to eat and converting our carbon dioxide into oxygen. And, it’s roots, which are close to the drain field of our septic tank, is converting sewage into antioxidants. Wow! Talk about cleaning up the mess!
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Message from Pan Lord of the Wilderness: Following, please find an excerpt from When We Were Gods. While writing the book, I was awakened in the night and, for the first and only time in my life, received channeled information.
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Happy Earth Day! Here’s a photo showing the giant sunflowers that grew the year I was writing When We Were Gods. The nature god, Pan, Lord of the Wilderness, had appeared while I was writing the book and asked me to include a chapter about nature and nature spirits in the book, which I did. Pan wanted readers to know that nature could clean up the earth if we would just show more appreciation for the natural world.
Sunflowers grew over 14 feet tall–I’m 5 feet, 3 inches tall–after I included Pan’s message in When We Were Gods.
After I included the chapter in the book, I had a phenomenal garden. I felt that Pan was showing me and the world an example of what nature could do when appreciated.
I was just talking with the young woman whose experiences with the 40-day Manifestation Prayer I wrote about in Have Your Heart’s Desire. The 40-day Manifestation Prayer is based on the Law of Attraction and uses repetition over 40 days to retrain the subconscious.
This is the young woman who, when she was in college, wanted to be asked out on a date. After she finished her 40-day Manifestation Prayer, a young man she found attractive, who was in one of her classes, came up to her and said, “Hi.” However, she was so shy, that she couldn’t say “Hi” in reply. Then she realized she needed to do another 40-day Manifestation Prayer and ask for the ability to respond when an attractive young man approached her. After her second 40-day Manifestation Prayer, she did go out on a date with someone she liked.
When we talked yesterday, she told me that it had actually taken her years of doing the 40-day Manifestation Prayer to finally find the love she wanted in her life. She has now been married for a year and a half.
She said during this process of doing many 40-day Manifestation Prayers one after another, at first, a stray cat had turned up that she could love. Next, she got involved in a fan club for a particular sport she loves. And on and on–step by step accepting more love in her life until she found the relationship love she wanted. In her opinion, it took so long, because the changes had to come from within her, and this took a long time.
So, I wanted to pass this on to you just in case you need some encouragement with holding a positive thought so you can to continue going step-by-step in your changes toward a happier, more fulfilling life.
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Law of Attraction Quote: The “Yes, Buts” and tail-enders of killing your dreams.” ~ Sherry WinnSherry Winn knows about the power of the Law of Attraction. A former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games of 1984 and 1988, she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 medical practitioners that there was no help for her. Learning from seminars, mentors, books, and meditation, she used positive thinking to help herself.
In an online article on the Elevated Existence website, Sherry says:
. . . most of us want something but we don’t think we can have it, or we want it but we don’t see how we can get it. Our doubts interfere with the conviction behind the thought. We tend to use the “Yes, but” statements.
I know what she means. I might get enthusiastic about, say, cleaning the house. It is time for Spring Cleaning, right? So, I might visualize my lovely, glowing clean house and how good I feel welcoming friends and family to my spacious, beautiful home. However, all I have to do is look around and see all that needs to be done, and right away, I’m susceptible to a “Yes, But” statement such as:
“Yes, I love that my home is so beautiful, spacious, and clean, but there’s so much work to be done I don’t know how I’ll ever do it and get my work done too.”
There you have it: My “Yes, But” statement that attracts something I don’t want.
Sherry suggests meditating and asking yourself: Why? Why do you have what you want?
For example, I could ask, “Why is my house so beautiful, spacious, and clean?” And, my answer is, because I hired someone to clean it for me. Or, because I’ve set aside 30 minutes every day to clean it. Now, my positive thought can create what I want. Thanks, Sherry.
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“Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people”
~Nicholas Sparks
Lessons Learned In Life