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Listen to my internet radio interview this Sunday

I’ll be appearing online at 10:00 am EDT on Reflections: The Wisdom of Edgar Cayce Internet Radio Show, hosted by Brenton Bickerstaff.

During the interview, I’ll be speaking about J. Everett Irion, the man who’s teachings formed the foundation for my book Have Your Heart’s Desire. I will also discuss what inspires me to write my books and how I first became aware of Edgar Cayce. In addition, I will talk about the event I’ll be speaking at on December 29, 2013 at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I will also discuss the miracle prayers that are in Have Your Heart’s Desire.

Find out more about the radio appearance.

Find out more about Have Your Heart’s Desire.

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Carol Chapman speaking events in Virginia Beach, Charlottesville, and The Villages

Carol Chapman

Carol Chapman

All the details are not in yet, but I will be speaking:

November 16th, 2013, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., Charlottesville, VirginiaAtlantis and Its Colonies in Egypt and Yucatan

December 29th, 2013, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., Virginia Beach, Virginia, the New Year’s Eve program – Have Your Heart’s Desire 

January 23rd, 2014, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., The Villages, FloridaSecrets of a Psychic

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40 day prayer book awesome review

Have Your Heart's Desire I recently received this lovely email from Susan Lendvay, Publications Editor at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. about my book, Have Your Heart’s Desire, which contains two life-changing versions of the 40 day prayer. You can get the book in paperback and as a Kindle ebook from Amazon. A copy of Susan’s email is below:

Dear Carol,

I’ve read almost all your book, and I think it’s wonderful. Anybody who reads it, would probably be inspired to try some of those techniques. And I recognized all the same things Everett used to tell me too, and I’m sure all the other folks who asked him about anything, for example: Say “thank you” for everything, etc. Your personal examples of results, wanted and unwanted, are so helpful and encouraging. And your not telling people who their God or higher self should be—that makes it so universal. I don’t mean to sound like a book review, but just telling you how much I like and respect this book.

It would be a super Christmas gift and it would also be a super e-book for those electronically inclined people.

Love and blessings,


Susan A. Lendvay

Venture Inward Magazine and Newsletter


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Are you frustrated with the Law of Attraction? Try the 40-day Manifestation Prayer

Have Your Heart's Desire Front CoverI was just talking with the young woman whose experiences with the 40-day Manifestation Prayer I wrote about in Have Your Heart’s Desire. The 40-day Manifestation Prayer is based on the Law of Attraction and uses repetition over 40 days to retrain the subconscious.

This is the young woman who, when she was in college, wanted to be asked out on a date. After she finished her 40-day Manifestation Prayer, a young man she found attractive, who was in one of her classes, came up to her and said, “Hi.” However, she was so shy, that she couldn’t say “Hi” in reply. Then she realized she needed to do another 40-day Manifestation Prayer and ask for the ability to respond when an attractive young man approached her. After her second 40-day Manifestation Prayer, she did go out on a date with  someone she liked.

When we talked yesterday, she told me that it had actually taken her years of doing the 40-day Manifestation Prayer to finally find the love she wanted in her life. She has now been married for a year and a half.

She said during this process of doing many 40-day Manifestation Prayers one after another, at first, a stray cat had turned up that she could love. Next, she got involved in a fan club for a particular sport she loves. And on and on–step by step accepting more love in her life until she found the relationship love she wanted. In her opinion, it took so long, because the changes had to come from within her, and this took a long time.

So, I wanted to pass this on to you just in case you need some encouragement with holding a positive thought so you can to continue going step-by-step in your changes toward a happier, more fulfilling life.

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South Carolina events draw diverse, interesting people of all ages

Carol Chapman answers questions in Charleston, SC

Carol Chapman answers questions afterr her event at the Unity church in Charleston, SC, sponsored by the local Edgar Cayce study group

When I speak to groups in various places, I enjoy meeting the many wonderful people who are are interested in the topics I present. For example, in Greenville and Charleston, South Carolina, among the people I met were:

* A young woman who works at her passion, an interpreter for deaf children
* A nurse who teaches classes on nursing
* A businessman, interested in my Yucatan Travel DVD, who is embarking on his passion: Turkish Adventure Tours
* A woman from Lithuania who is interesting in healing prayer
* A real estate construction estimator
* A young woman who brought her delightful six-year-old daughter who loves spirituality topics
* A former banker who now helps companies by reducing their utility costs

These are just some of the people at my recent events. They are a diverse, very interesting group. In common, they hold an interest in furthering their spiritual development. I feel fortunate to have met them.

During my present American Southeast Tour, I have been talking on a new topic: Have Your Heart’s Desire based on the information in my new book of the same name.

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Have Your Heart’s Desire speaking event in Greenville, South Carolina

Carol Chapman speaking at Unity Church of GreenvilleI spoke at Unity Church of Greenville in Greenville, South Carolina, for Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. Study Group in Greenville. At the event, I spoke on a new topic: Have Your Heart’s Desire, based on my latest book of the same name. It was fitting that the church had this tapestry: “If the only prayer you ever pray is ‘thank you’ that would suffice,” since my talk was about the power of prayer, and among the participatory exercises, included how saying “thank you” is so helpful, plus suggestions for making a Gratitude List.

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When you finish, compare your life on Day 40 with Day One of the 40-Day Manifestation Prayer

Find the 40-Day Manifestation Prayer in Have Your Heart's Desire

Find the 40-Day Manifestation Prayer in Have Your Heart’s Desire

I just finished a 40-Day Manifestation Prayer. If you attended one of my recent events in South Carolina, you know my life began to change as soon as I started this 40-day prayer. That doesn’t often happen. Most of the time, you have to keep praying until the 39th, 49th, or 41st day before you receive a result.

However, I kept on with this particular 40-day prayer and more changes occurred as I went. I did miss Day 11 and so had to start over again. However, on Day 40, I did receive a loving blessing–nothing  big or earth-shattering, but something very nice in my life.

Nonetheless, I think I expected something huge to occur and felt a bit disappointed.

However, today, a couple days after the end of that prayer series, I realize that the difference in how I feel today after Day 40 compared to the way I felt on Day One is huge! I feel so much better about the situation I prayed about today than I did on Day One.

As a result, I feel grateful and happy for the ability to do the 40-Day Manifestation Prayer. Also, I have another way of gauging results when I’m explaining the 40-Day Manifestation Prayer to people during my speaking events.

Basically, if you come to Day 40 of your 40-Day Manifestation Prayer and it doesn’t seem as if something huge or stupendous arrived for you on this day, think back to your situation on Day One of the prayer and compare it with your situation on Day 40. For me, there was a huge difference!!!

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Need to pray 40 days in a row–if you miss a day, start over

Have Your Heart's Desire Front CoverIf you’re doing one of the 40-day prayers in Have Your Heart’s Desire, remember, if you miss a day, you need to start from the beginning again.

I’m presently in the middle of a 40-Day Manifestation Prayer. I missed a day a couple of weeks ago. So, I started again. Now, I’m close to the end, being conscientious to think of the prayer every morning.

To keep track of what day I’m on, I write my prayer down. It helps to date it and write it.

Have Your Heart’s Desire is both in Kindle and paperback form.

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Are Eagles considered messengers of the gods, because they fly so high?

Eagle flying in cloudsI assume that eagles are considered the messengers of the gods, because they fly so amazingly high. In fact, I have seen them flying so high that they were partially obscured by wispy clouds and no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence. In fact, when I saw them fly so high, I wondered if perhaps they had disappeared, they looked so tiny. But then, they flew to a lower altitude and I could see they had merely flown so high I could hardly see them. According to this Wiki answers article:

Bald Eagles are commonly reported by hang glider pilots in the Owens valley along the California/Nevada border to fly far above 15,000 feet. They will circle with hang gliders, sometimes flying only 10′ off their wingtip. They will share the same rising thermal for many thousands of feet before the hang glider pilot or the Eagle leaves the thermal and flies on.

 How high can a bald eagle fly?

I’m using the image above in my PowerPoint presentation on Have Your Heart’s Desire as a beautiful symbol of the energy path you create when you pray.

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40-day prayers will be included in my Have Your Hearts Desire presentation

Today I’m working on my Have Your Heart’s Desire PowerPoint presentation for the events in South Carolina.

This presentation will include the 40-day prayers from my book Have Your Heart’s Desire.

So, how do I present prayer is a manner that is acceptable to most people? I ask this because most people think of prayer as highly regulated poems regulated my religious organizations.

But the prayers in Have Your Heart’s Desire are prayers you write yourself using a suggested template. They are more like organized thoughts. But, they work like prayer in that their intent is a connection between the person praying and spirit.

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