Photo of Black-tailed Buck with Antlers

Remember I said I became so excited that, when I tried to take the photograph of the deer in the woods, I did something wrong with the settings on my camera with the result that only a black image came up on the digital feedback screen of my camera?

Well, it turned out that I was able to get an image by using the photo processing software on my home computer.

Here it is. Isn’t he magnificent! 

By the way, although it looks as if he might be a metaphysical deer because his eyes are glowing, the glow is actually caused by the flash from my camera.


Black-tailed Deer in the woods on the side of Highway 113, the road between Terrace and New Aiyansh, British Columbia, Canada.

Carol Chapman —

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Carol Chapman

CarolChapman is an author and inspirational speaker. She speaks at weekend retreats,day-long events, and half-day programs. Her seminars are not onlyinformative and transformational but also fun and entertaining. They ofteninclude participatory workshops and visual aids, such as videos andphotographs. She specializes in dream interpretation, reincarnation, andAtlantis, and is the author of When WeWere Gods, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, and Have Your Heart’s Desire.

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