Did Atlantis go down during a Heinrich Event?
Following, please find an excerpt from a Wikipedia article describing the Heinrich Event:
Continue readingHeinrich events are global climate fluctuations which coincide with the destruction of northern hemisphere ice shelves, and the consequent release of a prodigious volume of sea ice and icebergs. The events are rapid: they last around 750 years, and their abrupt onset may occur in mere years (Maslin et al.. 2001).
According to the online Wikipedia article, Supercontinent Cycle, there is a regular rhythm between the drifting apart and coming together of continents.
One complete Supercontinent cycle is said to take 300 to 500 million years to occur.
Again, I wonder if, during this ongoing drift of continents, if the legendary lost city of Atlantis and the lost continent of Lemuria fragmented, bumped up against other land masses, and eventually disappeared.
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You have probably heard of Pangaea, the supercontinent that existed about 250 million years ago. It included all the present continents in one land mass.
Map of Pangaea, from an online Wikipedia article
But did you know that not only did Pangaea break up into land masses that drifted apart to form continents, but, according to an online Wikepedia article on “Pangaea:”
The breaking up and formation of supercontinents appear to be cyclical through Earth’s 4.6 billion year history.
It appears that earth’s land masses drift over the surface of the earth. I find it interesting to learn that at one time, earth’s land masses were almost all concentrated at the north and south poles with only a narrow strip of land connecting them through the equator. What a strange world that would have been!
Knowing this, it is not so far-fetched to believe that lost continents such as Atlantis and Lemuria once existed.
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This sounds really good:
A new National Geographic Channel documentary, Finding Atlantis, which will be broadcast nationally on Sunday, March 13, at 9 p.m. ET/PT, follows a team of American, Canadian, and Spanish scientists as they employ satellite space photography, ground penetrating radar, underwater archaeology, and historical sleuthing in an effort to find a lost civilization.
Greenberg Center to Screen National Geographic Channel Film
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M Paul Lloyd commented on the Lost City of Atlantis on the Focus, the Official Website to the BBC Focus Magazine, that although Google Earth has made many new discoveries, they did not find Atlantis:
But a Google Earth spokesperson told the Press Association that the shapes were created by boats using sonar to take measurements of the seafloor.
“It’s true that many amazing discoveries have been made in Google Earth including a pristine forest in Mozambique that is home to previously unknown species and the remains of an ancient Roman villa,” the representative said.
“In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artifact of the data collection process.
This an amazing photograph showing “carved symbols” … could that be writing? They are supposed to be older than 30,000 years. That puts they during the time of the existence of Atlantis since Plato said Atlantis went down around 9,000 B.C.E. The Bosnian pyramids and the “carved symbols” were discovered by Dr. Sam Semir Osmanogich. Isn’t it amazing!
Megalithic blocks in the underground tunnel network have carved symbols that have been covered by conglomerate material for more than 30.000 years according to the radiocarbon dating.
I wonder how many people viewed this “hill” in Bosnia and thought it was shaped very much like a pyramid but did nothing about it. Or perhaps, because they did not have the assurance of an academic such as Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, they could merely say, “That sure looks like a pyramid. Someone should find out if it is.”
I wonder if it never even occurred to anyone that the three regularly shaped hills were pyramids. In any case, we are fortunate that Dr. Osmanagich investigated these “hills.” Because debris on carvings in tunnels under the pyramids have been radiocarbon dated to before 30,000 years ago, I can’t help wondering if these structures were built by Atlanteans.
Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, the biggest stone structure in the shape of the pyramid on the Planet with the height of 220 meters, Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagic discovered a group of pyramids covered by dirt and vegetation in Bosnia. The tallest, at 220 meters, is taller than the Great Pyramid. In an online article on Dr. Osmanagic’s website, BOSNIAN VALLEY OF THE PYRAMIDS, a photo shows carved glyphs on stones in an underground tunnel. The material covering the glyphs has been radiocarbon dated to 30,000 years ago.
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So starts a long and comprehensive online article, Atlantis – Lost City of Atlantis real or just a fable? by a blogger who identifies himself as a male Gemini from Hyperabad, India.
I love articles such as this one because they show the many discoveries hailed as “Atlantis” over the years, this one in 1973. So far, unfortunately, none of the claims of “Atlantis found” has panned out to be the lost continent.
Still, a very interesting and comprehensive article including many references to Sitchin’s work about extra terrestrials creating and using humans.
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Since Google Maps did such a good job of finding the oh-so-elusive lost continent Atlantis, maybe next, they could find Camelot for us!
The Weekly World News online article ATLANTIS FOUND ON GOOGLE MAPS! did such a marvelous job of tongue-in-cheek reporting on the great Atlantis discovery, I can hardly wait to see what they can do with Camelot.
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