
Category Archives for "Ancient Egypt"

Upcoming Portland, Oregon Event: Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt

 Here’s the information from my speaker web site about my upcoming event in Portland, Oregon, on July 18th. Hope you can make it!

Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt

“Also there will be the opening of the temple or hall of records in Egypt and those records that were put into the heart of the Atlantean land may also be found . . .”
    (Edgar Cayce reading Number 5750-1)

“See, most of the people had tails then!”
    (Edgar Cayce reading Number 5748-6)

What kind of people were these Atlanteans that they had tails? Why did the Atlanteans create the Hall of Records in Egypt? What was the world like when Atlantis was in existence? What happened to Atlantis? Where is it now?

These questions will be answered in the Saturday, July 18th Seminar Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt.
Topics discussed will include:

  • The reason the Atlanteans chose Egypt for a colony
  • What was Egypt like when the Atlanteans arrived?
  • Who was Hept-Supht and why did he leave Atlantis for Egypt?

Does your interest pique whenever you see information on Atlantis? Could you have been an Atlantean?

Presented by Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. Northwest Region

WHEN   Saturday, July 18, 9:30 a.m. to 12 Noon
WHERE   Raymond and Nobie Tarpey’s Place
             2481 Marylshire Lane
             Lake Oswego, Oregon
LOCATION   Portland, Oregon
CONTACT    Nobie Tarpey (503)697-8341 or email at
             – Events

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Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt Evaluations

Today, I had a chance to take a look at the Evaluation Forms submitted by participants at my Lancaster, Pennsylvania seminar on Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt on Saturday, May 2nd, 2009.

I am happy to say that of those who filled out their forms, 60% rated the event as “Excellent” and 35% rated it as “Good.” No one rated it as either “Fair” or “Poor.” One did not check off a rating but made the comment: “Unique. Very illuminative – new material – your Atlantean memory validating other sources, so is all, most satisfying – Thank you.”

So, I’m pretty happy because I prepared well for the event. I am glad that my effort and enthusiasm for the topic was appreciated.

Carol Chapman —

Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman, All Rights Reserved

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Wonderful Seminar in Lancaster, Pa

It was a great day in Lancaster, Pennsylvania during my seminar on Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt – an exciting and infinite but difficult subject.

As usual, I met so many wonderful people – many of whom have had their own experiences and memories of Atlantis. I also enjoyed that so many were very knowledgeable of Edgar Cayce and his readings.

All of them were enthusiastic, interesting . . . and a joy to be with.

Sheer delight!

Carol Chapman

Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman

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Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt

I’m heading out for Lancaster, Pennsylvania tomorrow. The one-day seminar on Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt will be on Saturday, May 2nd from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contact person is Dave Nelson, (717)684-6454.

Evidently Lancaster, PA is Amish country. It should be gorgeous. Maybe I’ll see a lot of cows with young calves grazing in emerald fields. I like that.

— Carol Chapman

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Many Atlantis Replies

I’ve received many email replies to my newsletter mentioning my research on Edgar Cayce’s readings on Atlantis for my May 2nd Lancaster, Pennsylvania seminar on Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt.  

This is encouraging because I wondered if, because of the recent great emphasis on 2012 and therefore Yucatan and the Maya, if the perennial interest in ancient Egypt and Atlantis had been diverted.

I think that ancient Egypt and Atlantis will always hold a fascination for many people. I know it does for me.

Carol Chapman —

Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman

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Edgar Cayce’s Story of Atlantis

I especially enjoy preparing for my upcoming May 2nd speaking event, Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, because I’ll be talking about Hept-supht, an Atlantean who made Egypt his home. Hept-supht sealed the Egyptian Hall of Records which contains records of Atlantis that are duplicates of the records buried under the sea in sunken Atlantis.

Carol Chapman —

Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman

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2012 and the Great Pyramid Predictions

I was just talking to a girlfriend who recently returned from a spiritual vacation tour of the mystery lands of Egypt.

She said her visit to the Great Pyramid was the most profound experience during the tour.

In the midst of a flurry of predictions about worldwide 2012 cataclysms, she said that the interpretation of the predictions built into one of the passages within the Great Pyramid goes up to the year 2038.

As far as prophecies go, that’s encouraging. It’s a lot past 2012!

Carol Chapman —

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Shaved Eyebrows in Ancient Egypt

This little snippet piqued my interest and brought a smile to my face. I guess people in ancient Egypt felt felt as deeply bereft at losing their pets as many people do today.

People in ancient Egypt shaved off their eyebrows to mourn the death of a household cat. ( | Ideas | 10 things we learned this week

Is that why the ancient Egyptians had such dramatic elongated eyebrows? Had they painted over their shaved brows after losing a beloved household feline?

I’m saying this rather tongue-in-cheek because I’ve also read that the ancient Egyptians colored their eyes and eyebrows so dramatically with black to protect their eyes from the sun.

In addition, during my autumn 2000 travel to Egypt, I discovered that some Egyptians follow an ancient tradition of covering their hair with mud and dust when they grieve the death of a human loved one. You can find a description of this practice in my latest book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt.

Carol Chapman

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