Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
I don’t even know where I got this from but today, while cleaning through boxes piled in the corner of my dining room, I came across this stapled sheaf of papers called: Techqua Ikachi: Messages from the Guardians of Land and Life.
Inside the front cover it says: “The Sacred Teachings of Native Cultures have been given to us on the condition that they NEVER be sold. To do so would be like selling someone else’s Mother. Feel free to copy and distribute this document to as many people as you wish. Please include this page. Thank You.”
I would like to share with you only a small excerpt from this 72-page booklet. This is from a statement by Hopi Traditional Elder Martin Gashweseoma in Maniwaki, Quebec on Sunday, November 29, 1998.
“We all started out as one people at the beginning. Even you who are sitting among all the rest of you out there (and here). Right now we are all different from one another because of our language, because of our dress clothes, because of our hair. But that don’t make no difference, because we came from one at the beginning. That’s where we were given our different dress codes, our different hair styles, our foods, what we are to live with. This was all given to us. So we all have different foods that we life with. The people up north here live with the salmon, and the caribou. Down south we live with the corn, the vegetables. Very seldom do we go out and kill a four legged. Most of our food supplies, corn, beans, you know, the different vegetables. But these were all given to each one of us; we were given these things at the beginning.”
Techqua Ikachi: Messages from the Guardians of Land and Life
Isn’t that lovely. It never occurred to me that our differences were given to us in the beginning. However, when I think of the Christian Bible, it also says that early in the beginning, we were given different languages, so it sounds like Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma’s traditional knowledge lines up with the knowledge of the tradition I come from. How lovely, especially that I didn’t really understand it until reading this.
According to the National Hurricane Center, as reported by Eric Ehlir on the Men’s Lifestyle and News Spot site, a tropical storm which could possibly increase speed to a hurricane is headed to the Yucatan Peninsula.
The models forecasting possible tracks of Tropical Storm Alex mostly show the storm heading for the Yucatan Peninsula. The storm could travel to the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico possibly as soon as this weekend says Jack Bevens, a hurricane forecaster.
Tropical Storm Alex Heading Directly Toward Yucatan Peninsula
However, I thought the first of the hurricanes in 2010 was Tropical Storm Agatha, as I reported on this blog on June 8th. Either the hurricane forecasters from different countries need to start communicating with each other or, more likely, I don’t know how the hurricane naming system works because I thought that the first tropical storm/potential hurricane’s name started with the first letter of the alphabet, i.e. “A,” the second with “B,” and so forth.
While in Cancun filming footage for the Yucatan Travel Movie, we saw the ravages of previous hurricanes with metal staircases twisted like a pretzel. Pretty darn scary!
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When Miriam Balsley, the narrator of the Yucatan Travel Movie, told me that she was going to Semuc Champey during her travels in Guatemala, I naturally assumed she was going to one of that Central American country’s many magnificent Mayan ruins.
Oh, how wrong could I be! Semuc Champey is a natural wonder of waterfalls and stair steps of turquoise green cascading waters. Her nature photographs are gorgeous. Check them out!
Miriam Balsley at Semuc Champey
Today was a great day because I showed the Yucatan Travel Movie to two of the wonderful people who provided background music for the movie. One is the composer, Deborah L. Carr, and the other is the musician, Melinda McKenzie. Both play the composition for the movie.
The piece is called Prayer, Duet and Dance. – a great piece with different kinds of moods so I was able to use different parts of the piece in three places in the movie. Loved it! The dance part of the composition is a fl
OK, I admit that I felt apprehension. What if they did not like the movie? What if they might not like the way I used their music in the movie?
But, not to worry! They were genuinely delighted. I loved that they laughed in the funny parts. Very, very encouraging for me.
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Here is an excerpt from an illuminating article posted on Indigo Orbit about the difference, if any, between twin souls and twin flames.
If you remember, in my book When We Were Gods, I describe my 40-day manifestation prayer in which I asked to find my twin soul. As a result of praying this 40-day prayer, I literally ran into the stranger I had encountered in my dream about a year earlier.
Twin flames—twin souls? Are they different? NO. They are one and the same thing. Saying one is different from the other is false. What you want to call a man and a woman who share one Higher Self and who generate violet flame heart energy is a matter of semantics. A rose by any other name, right? Don’t let people start playing games with your head about stuff like that. Someone’s always going to have some alternative take on some topic or other, and since twin flames are all the rage right now, people are trying their hand at the Aristotelian exercise of building a spiritual taxonomy of what is what.
Back to Straighten Out Some Stuff . . .
Speaking of dreams, the above article also explains that a twin ray is “your twin that you haven’t met in the 3D world that you meet in dreams.”
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Here’s a great photograph from God Discussion on the buzz about the End of the World 2012, Planet X and Nibiru:
2012 Doomsday Prophesies: Nibiru, Planet X and the Mayan Calender
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This is a topic close to my heart. I am very interested in the Nazca lines (also spelled “Nasca”) in Peru, especially after reading Erich von Daniken‘s Arrival of the Gods in which he proposes that extraterrestrials created the lines as landing sites for their space ships.
However, in spite of Mr. von Daniken’s fine theory, no one yet knows who created the amazing designs on the Nasca plains that were only recognized as images of, for example, a monkey or a hummingbird, until viewed from in an airplane.
Following is an gorgeous aerial photograph of a monkey on the Nazca plains from the Wikepedia article on “The Nazca Lines”:
You can’t help but wonder that whoever made the Nazca lines had to have had the ability to fly, supporting von Daniken’s theory of extraterrestrials. In addition, since the monkey’s tail creates a large circular area, I can’t help but wonder if whoever made the image flew a vehicle more like a helicopter than a winged plane or jet since the circular tail looks more like a helicopter landing pad than a runway.
Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
All Rights Reserved
I am happy because I am putting together the preview of the Yucatan Travel Movie. I will be able to upload it for your viewing soon.
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In my June 13th post entitled, I said that:
Another important discovery on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, which is the location of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, is interpreted as a the discovery of the graves of the builders of the Great Pyramid.
Pyramid Builders’ Tombs Discovered in Giza
However, as I said in my book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, I wonder if any and all graves of pyramid builders uncovered by archeologists are builders of the Great Pyramid or of other pyramids on the Giza Plateau such as the Queens Pyramids.
Take a look at this magnificent award-winning Wikipedia image showing a map of the Great Pyramid in relationship to the other pyramids on the Giza Plateau:
Map of Giza Pyramid Complex
Notice the three smaller pyramids in the bottom left called, “Pyramids of Queens,” or the three smaller pyramids in the middle right of the map to the right of the Pyramid of Khufu, the Great Pyramid. I am curious to know whether the archeologist know for sure which pyramids the pyramid builders built.
In my past life regression of the building of the Great Pyramid, also described in my book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, I saw the Great Pyramid under construction not by pyramid builders but by mind power.
Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
All Rights Reserved
How do you like this? Art imitates life! Artists staying with farmers in Oregon will mow parts of field in patterns imitating crop circles.
Several other artists will mow large patters — similar to crop circles — into the landscape, then view them from an airplane at the end of the week.
Artists Retreat Begins This Weekend
When I first saw this Hometowns article, I thought it was going to be the usual thing where people come forward and say they are the ones who were creating the crop circles. But no, these are people showing their appreciation for the crop circles by creating their own. I wonder how close they man made crop circles will be to the mysterious ones that appear overnight. I wonder how long it will take the artists to create their crop circles – overnight, a couple of hours, days . . . and will they be beautifully symmetrical?
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