Carol Chapman

Author Archives: Carol Chapman

Firefox Logo Crop Circle

All along I have been thinking that the gorgeous crop circles must have been made by supernatural means . . . or extraterrestrials . . . because they are so intricate. However, students in Oregon made a crop circle that looks just like the Firefox logo. It is intricate and gorgeous. You can even have a look at it at Google Maps. If such a crop circle as the Firefox logo was made by humans, it follows that all the other crop circles could likely have been made by humans as well. There goes the supernatural/aliens theory! Down the drain.

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Crop Circles Have Appeared throughout History

I just learned that crop circles are not a modern phenomenon. I don’t know why I thought they were. Evidently, they have been appearing since the Middle Ages and in many countries throughout the world. During the Middle Ages, they were called “Witch” or “Pixie” circles, because, I assume, people at that time thought that witches or supernatural pixies made the circles. Today, many people think they are made by extraterrestrials and UFOs. Recently, a couple of men came forward and said that they were making the crop circles. However, these men lived in England and crop circles were appearing in many countries around the globe such as Australia and Canada. I learned this information and much more in a series of YouTube videos.

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Yucatan Travel Movie Article Opportunity

Today, Miriam Balsley, narrator of the Yucatan Travel Movie, is in town. I am delighted that there will be an article about Miriam and the movie in our local newspaper, the Gazette-Journal. We’ve had a request from Gazette-Journal correspondent Sherry Hamilton for photographs.

Yucatan Travel will be screened at Gloucester Library on July 11th at 2:00 p.m. Free admission. There will also be complimentary chips and salsa provided by El Ranchito Mexican Restaurant in Gloucester, Virginia.

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A Powerful Edgar Cayce Quote

This one sure gets me thinking:

“Hold rather to those things in which, in thy dealings with thy fellowman, ye may see only the pure, the good! For until ye are able to see within the life and activities of those ye have come to hate the most, something ye would worship in thy Creator, ye haven’t begun to think straight.”

Edgar Cayce Reading 1776-1

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Bermuda Triangle “Electronic Fog”

Take a look at this intriguing web site about an amazing experience in the famed “Bermuda Triangle” that some think is situated over the submerged lost city of Atlantis.

A pilot flying through the “Bermuda Triangle” encountered a lenticular cloud “electronic fog” that the pilot says attached itself to his plane and cast him 100 miles distant and 30 minutes into the future:

Bruce Gernon is the only person in the world to witness what creates the Bermuda Triangle. Others have seen parts of this phenomenon and some have seen it but vanished. Gernon is the only one to see this from its birth stage through its mature stage and enter the heart of the Timestorm and escape through a Tunnel Vortex and experience a time warp of 30 minutes forward in time and 100 miles forward in space.

A New Explanation for an Enduring Enigma

The article includes many photographs of the pilot’s experience flying into a hole between two clouds that were forming around him.

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