Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
I’ve had another example of the importance of writing your dreams down. In a previous post, I said that I could remember two dreams in which I’d been told to wake up to take photographs of glorious sunrises. Actually, I could only remember one of the dreams. It was only because of looking through my photographs that I found one labeled as resulting from a dream telling me to wake up and photograph the sunrise.
To my surprise, as I continued to sort through my photography files in preparation for designing the Divine in Nature: With Inspirational Quotes from Edgar Cayce 2009 calendar, I came across another set of sunrise photographs labeled, “From dream that told me to wake up.” These are lovely misty sunrises. I love them and will likely use one of the photos in the calendar.
If I hadn’t labeled these two sets of sunrise photographs, I would have thought I had only had one dream that told me to wake up and take sunrise photos. Only one of the three dreams had remained in my memory.
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We are all psychic because “psychic is of the soul,” as Edgar Cayce, the world’s best documented psychic, said in one of his trance readings. Some people are naturally more talented in their connection with the spiritual. However, everyone can develop their psychic abilities. Even those individuals who are innately more psychic than others benefit from training of some sort.
Following the path to psychic development requires some real study, as well as deep inner work, even for those who are naturally gifted.
Global Psychics Weblog » Opening the Psychic Channels
The blog post above goes on to recount a personal story in which a psychically talented person got into trouble by attracting negative vibrations due to the lack of effective preparation and closing.
For me, the simple, easy disciplines I learned in Edgar Cayce Search For God Study Groups have been very helpful, especially the “How to meditate” suggestions. They include a prayer of protection and using the 23rd Psalm at the end so that the spiritual centers opened during meditation are closed safely. The Cayce meditation technique also uses a positive affirmation to direct the spiritual unfoldment during meditation toward positive channels.
Have you ever had a scary psychic experience?
Carol Chapman
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Have you ever had a dream in which you are told to wake up and do something? This has happened to me twice when I’ve been told to wake up because there is a beautiful sunrise I need to photograph.
The first dream of this sort occurred a number of years ago. Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the widely popular Chichen Soup for the Soul series of books appeared in my dream and told me to wake up because there was a magnificent sunrise occurring right at that time and I should photograph it. He even showed me the best place to go to capture the best view of the sunrise.
When I woke up, it truly was a gorgeous sunrise.
The other dream occurred last year. I came upon it while sorting through photos today for using in the Divine in Nature: With Quotes from Edgar Cayce 2009 calendar. A person did not appear in the dream. However, I heard a voice within me tell me while dreaming to wake up and look out the window because there was a magnificent sunrise.
I woke up immediately, looked out my window, and sure enough, there was a fantastic sunrise. Because I’m a professional photographer, a dream like this is really important to me. It amazes me that the dream is literal–not symbolic at all. It says, “Wake up now. You don’t want to miss this.”
Here is one of the many photographs that resulted from that dream:
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The question I ask myself: How could I have possibly known that there was a wonderful sunrise outside while I lay sound asleep inside the house with the blinds drawn?
Have you ever had a dream similar to this? One that woke you up with instructions to do something?
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I found this selection interesting and insightful in that it described the concept that the one god of Christianity originated in ancient Egyptian belief very well so I could understand it in a new way. I mentioned the concept in my new book, You Are Blessed, and especially like how it is put together here:
Continue readingOur story begins in ancient Egypt with the pharaoh Aknaten. This pharaoh brought the concept of monotheism into the world for the first time. It was not the Jewish religion that believed this. It was the Egyptian mystery school at Heliopolis. The Jewish people were still worshiping idols such as the golden calf.
The name of the one and only true God was “Ra” and much of the surviving literature about “Ra” and his worship is very beautiful.
To make a long story short, The Jewish people were living in Egypt at this time. It was when Moses was born. . . .
Later Moses led the Jewish people out of Egypt and into the wilderness. He went up into the mountain and came down with the 10 commandments that “Yahweh” had given him. The Jewish people were not interested and still worshiped the idol of a golden calf. The Old Testament tells us that this was a major turning point for the Jewish people. It was when they began to believe in the “one” God.
Today I visited Virginia Beach to photographer the sun rising over the Atlantic Ocean on Easter morning. To my surprise, I wasn’t the only one there. Many people gathered on the oceanfront to great the sun (Son) on Easter morning.
Afterward, I went to Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. and took numerous photographs there as well. The meditation garden, with its meandering water lily pond, arched bridge, and flowering camellias, looked lovely in the early light.
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I don’t know about you, but it has occurred to me that this December 21, 2012 date is on a Mayan calendar. The stela I saw at the Mayan ruin in Coba in January 2008–just two months ago–was made in the 800s or 900s way before Europeans even came to North America.
Therefore, doesn’t the date and the Mayan Long Count Calendar only refer to the Mayan civilization? Makes sense to me.
So then, why is everyone else, who is not Mayan, getting themselves worked up about the date?
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Here’s a selection from what appears to be My by a Ugandan writer called “Kenz.”
The Mayans never said that date was the end of the world. It was just the end/beginning of a cycle to them. Winter solstice of 2012 represents both a solar maximum, and one complete wobble of the Earth (precession, which occurs only once every 25,780 years). It is very likely that this is why that date was significant to them.
Have you heard about the end of the world in 2012?! : March 2008 : Kenz : My Telegraph
In one amazing article, Kenz writes about the Mayan 2012 and the end of the world (selected above), crop circles, and the straying planet, “Niribu,” described by Zacharia Sitchin in his controversial 1976 book The Twelfth Planet. This book is evidently Sitchin’s understanding of a translation of ancient Sumerian texts as saying that there is a twelfth planet in the solar system which has an extremely wide elliptical orbit bringing it back to the solar system every 3,600 years.
Kenz also says that 80 percent of crop circles have been discovered to be hoaxes. Still, that leaves 20 percent unaccounted for. What causes the 20 percent?
In any case, have you heard of this Niribu? Do you believe in it?
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Gregg Braden, best selling author who bridges science and spirituality, writes, in The Mystery of 2012, that modern-day Maya say that their descendents left their temples, pyramids, and observatories, walked into the jungle and disappeared.
What does that mean? Disappeared, as in “vanished” presto, poof, gone? Or disappeared, as in walked deep into the jungle and stayed out of sight?
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I like that the following selection equates the union of Twin Souls with Service. Somewhere, perhaps in Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings, I read that as a soul progresses toward leaving the reincarnation cycle, the incarnation of twins is less often as lovers and more often in a relationship in which they work together to provide service to others. One example would be Edgar Cayce and his secretary Gladys Davis. Another example would be Edgar’s son Hugh Lynn Cayce, who had so much to do with developing Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., and his mother Gertrude, Edgar’s wife.
The Union of the Twin Flame is one of Service. It should not be romanticized in the context by which one perceives the male and female relationship. The Service of the Twin Flame is not only planetary but also cosmic and Universal.
The Twin Soul connection is always a triad involving the Divine Spirit / All That Is.
Twin Souls: When Love Incarnates | Spirit Library
Do you know? Have you read this too? That twin souls are more likely to incarnate with the purpose of service rather than romantic love the nearer the soul comes to leaving the reincarnation cycle? If so, where did you see it? The Cayce readings?
Carol Chapman
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One aspect of reincarnation I find especially intriguing is that all members of a family, even though they probably knew each other in numerous past lives, may not be working on the same lifetimes in this present life.
It would be simpler if everyone were working on the same lifetime. That way if, for example, they had all lived during the American civil war, they could all go to civil war reenactments together, collect civil war memorabalia, and watch movies about the civil war.
But, if, for example, the father is working on the the civil war lifetime and his son is working on an experience during the time of the pharaoh’s in ancient Egypt, you can see how the father could not understand his son and the son could be bored with the endless family excursions to civil war museums and battlegrounds.
It gets even more complicated in the area of human emotions if family member A is working on a previous lifetime in which the family member A was betrayed by family member B and family member B is working on a lifetime in which they both had a deep love relationship. Family member A will not be able to trust family member B and family member B will feel hurt because family member A is not reciprocating the love family member B feels for family member A.
These are the kinds of scenarios that make life interesting.
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