Atlantean Hall of Records in the Edgar Cayce readings

Here’s a quote from America’s great psychic Edgar Cayce on the sealing of the Atlantean Hall of Records in the Great Pyramid:

The ceremony [sealing of the tomb of records at Gizeh] was long; the clanging of the apex by the gavel that was used in the sounding of the placing. Hence there has arisen from this ceremony many of those things that may be seen in the present; as the call to prayer, the church bell in the present, may be termed a descendant; the sounding of the trumpet as the call to arms, or that as revelry; the sound as of those that make for mourning, in the putting away of the body; the sounding as of ringing in the new year, the sounding as of the coming of the bridegroom; all have their inception from the sound that was made that kept the earth’s record of the earth’s building, as to that from the change.

Edgar Cayce Reading 378-14

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Carol Chapman

CarolChapman is an author and inspirational speaker. She speaks at weekend retreats,day-long events, and half-day programs. Her seminars are not onlyinformative and transformational but also fun and entertaining. They ofteninclude participatory workshops and visual aids, such as videos andphotographs. She specializes in dream interpretation, reincarnation, andAtlantis, and is the author of When WeWere Gods, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, and Have Your Heart’s Desire.

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James - September 25, 2022

Ms. Chapman,

I came across your name while searching for information on the Atlantean Hall of Records in Yucatan.

I’m writing a novel and I’d like one of my main characters to have been in Yucatan around ten years ago searching for the Hall of Records.

I’ve never been to Yucatan and have very limited knowledge about Edgar Cayce’s readings on the Atlantean Hall of Records. Yet I’d like to, best I can, put my readers in the shoes of my character as she explores Yucatan in search of the Hall of Records.

From what I’ve read, you have a great deal of knowledge on this subject and have visited Yucatan many times. Given this, I’m wondering what books and or other resources you might recommend I read or look in to in order to accomplish what I described above?

I am planning to read your book, “When We Were Gods.” It sounds extremely interesting!

I’d very much appreciate hearing from you.



    Carol Chapman - September 25, 2022

    Hi James,
    How exciting that you’re writing a novel with a character who has been to the Yucatan search for the Hall of Records.

    To begin, as far as the Cayce readings go, to my knowledge, he only referred to an Atlantean Hall of Records in Egypt, not in Yucatan. However, he did say that when Atlantis was breaking up, Atlanteans left Atlantis for safety lands in Egypt, Peru, and Yucatan. So, you’d be OK having your character looking for evidence of Atlanteans in Yucatan, but not if you said she was looking for the Hall of Records in Yucatan.

    As for evidence of Atlanteans in Yucatan, you will read about it in both my books: When We Were Gods, and also Arrival of the Gods in Egypt. The latter has a chapter devoted to Yucatan with photos to show similarities images in ruins in Egypt.

    I don’t know of anyone else who wrote about finding evidence of Atlanteans in Yucatan, but that may be because I mainly used my own past life memories of Atlantis. As a member of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., I also used the original Edgar Cayce readings on Atlantis. There may be many more books. It’s just that I had enough data from my own memories to do a search for other books.

    Hopefully, that’s helpful. If you have any questions, I’m here.

    Thanks for writing and showing an interest in this very exciting topic.


    Carol Chapman


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