We yearn for forgiveness: both for ourselves and also to be able to forgive those who have wronged us.
As you’ve probably found, if you don’t forgive those who have hurt you, you continue to suffer. The person no longer hurts you. Now, you hurt yourself.
Unbidden, you find the uncomfortable memories rearing up in your mind. In fact, you may dwell on the memories, complain about the person to others, and even plot revenge.
Meanwhile, the person who hurt you doesn’t even know. That person may even be dead!
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I recently received a message from a reader, asking me about the 40 Day Prayer. The reader wanted to know how to use it in an emergency as a 40-HOUR Prayer. The 40-Day Prayer is one of the powerful prayers in my latest book, Have Your Hearts Desire. Here is part of the message I received:
I bought the kindle version of hearts desire and noticed the 40 hour emergency prayer but no reference on how to do it in an emergency situation.”
OK, the 40-hour emergency prayer. First, 40 days is always best. If you’re intending to do the prayer in 40-hours, because you don’t want to bother doing it for 40 days, or you want results immediately, you might be pushing your subconscious which works in mysterious and subtle ways. As I said in Have Your Heart’s Desire, with the subconscious you can’t expect the same results as with the conscious mind. With the conscious mind, you can add this to that and get a consistent result.
The subconscious is more powerful than the conscious, but is also as unpredictable and as uncontrollable as a dream. Therefore, if you really are not in an emergency, I’d go with the 40-day prayer to allow the subconscious mind to work in its own way.
However, if you really are in an emergency, then follow all the directions for the 40-hour prayer as for the 40-day prayer, such as:
You may want to set an alarm to wake you every hour during the night or, you might consider praying it every waking hour. Check in with your intuition whether to wake yourself through the night or not.
You didn’t mention if you’re doing the Manifestation Prayer or the Forgiveness Prayer. If it’s the Manifestation Prayer, remember to keep your words positive.
How does the 40-day (or 40-hour) prayer work? I don’t know. I only know it has worked for me and for others. And, that Everett Irion, who created the prayers, was a devout student of Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings. He said he received his inspiration for the 40 day forgiveness prayer in a dream.
In addition, I also know that the Manifestation Prayer is based on the Law of Attraction. One man who used it, and received great results, emailed me to say that he thought it worked on repetition – that the subconscious makes a new thought pattern or habit through repetition. It makes sense that since thoughts create, the prayer works by repeating the same thought over and over again. That could be it.
Remember, don’t expect anything to happen until the 39th or 40th hour (or day) or even 41st. Furthermore, if you don’t get what you were praying for, note what you did get. You may get something better. Even if you can’t see any results at all, Cayce did say that when you don’t get what you want, it doesn’t mean that God has not answered you.
I hope this has helped.
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I recently received this lovely email from Susan Lendvay, Publications Editor at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. about my book, Have Your Heart’s Desire, which contains two life-changing versions of the 40 day prayer. You can get the book in paperback and as a Kindle ebook from Amazon. A copy of Susan’s email is below:
Dear Carol,
I’ve read almost all your book, and I think it’s wonderful. Anybody who reads it, would probably be inspired to try some of those techniques. And I recognized all the same things Everett used to tell me too, and I’m sure all the other folks who asked him about anything, for example: Say “thank you” for everything, etc. Your personal examples of results, wanted and unwanted, are so helpful and encouraging. And your not telling people who their God or higher self should be—that makes it so universal. I don’t mean to sound like a book review, but just telling you how much I like and respect this book.
It would be a super Christmas gift and it would also be a super e-book for those electronically inclined people.
Love and blessings,
Susan A. Lendvay
Venture Inward Magazine and Newsletter
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Take a look: I’ve just added my new book to the “Carol Chapman’s Books” page of this blog, Have Your Heart’s Desire: Tools for a Wealthier, Healthier, Happier Life or Change Your Life with Inspirational Prayers, Forgive, Help Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Body Mind Spirit Healing. It contains the wonderful 40-day prayers, sometimes known as the “Edgar Cayce Prayer.” Have Your Heart’s Desire is now available on Amazon.
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