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Karma and the Law of Attraction

Another way that Buddhism differs from the Law of Attraction is that Buddhism includes Karma–that difficulties in this lifetime may be the result of actions and decisions in past lives.  The colorful image below is a 19th century painting showing the 10 avatars or incarnations of Vishnu, one of which was Buddha. Vishnu is the supreme god in the ancient Hindu Vedic sacred texts.

Incarnations of Vishnu, one of which is Buddha

Vishnu with his 10 avatars (incarnations): Fish, Tortoise, Boar, Man-Lion, Dwarf, Rama with the Ax, King Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalkin. Painting from Jaipur, India, 19th century; in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. This image is in the public domain because its copyright has expired. From Wikipedia Commons

According to the Law of Attraction, as popularized in such books at The Secret by Rhonda S. Byrne and The Key by Joe Vitale, difficulties are supposed to result from wrong thought. If a person sustains positive thoughts and visualizes good results that lead to happiness, the person will attract good things in their life.

Some people say that when the Law of Attraction doesn’t work, it is because the person did not visualize properly, or they did not believe enough, or they were not positive enough. Unfortunately, sometime when people do not get the results they were promised, they feel like they are greater failures than before they tried the Law of Attraction.

On the other hand, Buddhism does not promise quick results. Instead, to quote an excerpt from the Talking Spoon blog site:

In my experience of 28 years as a Buddhist, to become truly and deeply happy is indeed a matter of faith, blood, sweat, patience and tears. Of confronting head-on the harsh realities of daily life and creating value and beauty from them. We call this process ‘Human Revolution’ in Nichiren Buddhism and when you’re changing a really deep aspect of karma (for example mental health, career or relationships) it can feel like every day produces new and bigger obstacles. Nichiren himself said that obstacles are an inevitable sign of progress and that when faced with challenges, “The wise rejoice and the foolish retreat.”

The Secret and the Law of Attraction–good stuff but Buddhism says they’re only half the story…

Now, that sounds encouraging! And, it also makes sense–that it would take more than a positive thought and visualization to change long-standing beliefs, especially those carried forward from previous lives.


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Dream Interpretation Crossing a Bridge

Dream interpretation Crossing a Bridge! Have you ever had a dream about crossing a bridge? If so, please share it.

Dream Interpretation Crossing a Bridge

Public Domain Photo from Pixabay

I recently had a dream about crossing a bridge. Therefore, I began looking for online sources of: Dream Interpretation: Crossing a Bridge. I’m happy to say that I found a few. Following, please find a few dream interpretations of this symbol. I’ve included links to the original article under the excerpt. In some cases, the original article also includes a sample “crossing a bridge” dream interpretation.

In summary, I’d say that my understanding of this symbol: Crossing a Bridge, is that it signifies a time in your life when you’re contemplating or have made a decision to make a change in your life. These tend to be large changes, such as quitting a job, rather than smaller decisions such as choosing one outfit over another.

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Video: Children remember past lives – Reincarnation research by Ian Stevenson

Children can have verifiable past life memories that can be independently corroborated. They can present specific names, places and events that they never can had a chance to know about. These specifics can be confirmed by going back years in the public records. Birth marks and birth defects can show up in situ of weapons wounds that caused their often violent or traumatic death.

Has your child/grandchild mentioned a previous life?

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Evening event in Nanaimo, BC: Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Fifth Root Race

On Thursday, April 19th, 70 people gathered at the Unitarian Fellowship Hall in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, to hear Carol Chapman speak about “Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Fifth Root Race.” The Nanaimo Metaphysical Network sponsored the event.

At the by-donation event, Carol shared information on the history of the soul’s connection with the physical on earth. Multiple individuals (Edgar Cayce, Madame Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, the Hopi, Maya, and the Hindus) talk about humans progressing through root races and/or previous worlds. The story of the root races goes beyond reincarnation. During the event, Carol explored this interesting topic and included additional information she received through hypnosis about the root races, for example, why humans suffer, why death is the new thing in our soul’s journey, and what to expect from the fifth root race
Some of the things people liked best about this event are:

“The five-door meditation.”

“The simplicity of this explanation.”

“The topic, the information/knowledge of the speaker.”

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Fifth Root Race Story will be presented in Nanaimo, British Columbia

I enjoy speaking about the root races, which I will be doing in Nanaimo, British Columbia at the Nanaimo Metaphysical Network on Thursday, April 19th. The speech is called, “Edgar Cayce’s Story of the Fifth Root Race.”

If you’re wondering what the root races are, they are the step-by-step progression from a soul that can freely move around the whole universe to a soul that is bounded by the physical on earth.

According to possibly the best-documented psychic on earth, Edgar Cayce, our souls were not yet bound by the reincarnation cycle during the time we incarnated in Atlantis. We were a “thought people.”

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Past life regression connects with the afterlife in a previous lifetime

In yesterday’s post I referred to a delightful article on the afterlife. I found the article delightful, because it reminded me of one of my past life regression hypnosis sessions in which the hypnotherapist asked me to go to the last day of my life while I was remembering a previous incarnation. As soon as I died (in that past life), my mother, who had passed on years earlier, was there waiting for me. I felt so happy that I could be with her again. The whole story of this reincarnation memory is in my book When We Were Gods.

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The Afterlife is just another frequency of awareness

I really liked this article on “life after life” posted on The Times of India. Remember, the predominant religion in India is the Hindu religion which believes in reincarnation. As soon as I saw the title of the article, When Your Earth Visa Expires, I knew I wanted to read it. And, as it turned out, I enjoyed the article. It spoke to me. Here’s an excerpt:

When TV channels are changed, it is only awareness that is shifting from one channel to another. The old channel doesn’t cease to exist because the new channel is being viewed. It is just that the screen is now displaying a different frequency. This is the same principle that happens when we die. Our awareness is tuned into a different frequency of creation. The Earth plane does not cease to exist, but for the person who has passed on, the frequency of awareness has shifted. The reality they perceive is now different.Similarly, for those on Earth, the person seems to have gone, but in reality the soul has just moved onto another frequency of awareness. It leaves behind the empty human body, a kind of virtual reality device, through which the soul experienced life on the Earth.The opposite of life is not death.

The opposite of birth is death. Life is eternal. Birth and death are just entry and exit points of incarnations.

When Your Earth Visa Expires

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Speaking events on “life after life”

It makes me happy that people who attend my presentations on Atlantis give me feedback that they especially appreciate the information on “life after life” in those seminars. The topic of the afterlife comes up when discussing reincarnation and the history of the soul on earth. I will be talking about these concepts during my speaking events in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada, in April.

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Lemurian Seed Crystals in Hawaii

Lemurian Seed Crystal image from the Reiki with Aloha website

A beautiful Lemurian Seed Crystal. The image is from the Reiki with Aloha website

According to the Reiki with Aloha website, the Lemurians left crystals encoded with the vibrational frequencies of Lemuria.
On the left, is an image of a Lemurian Seed Crystal from the Reiki with Aloha website.
By the way, I suggest you visit the site, if for no other reason, to listen to the beautiful music.
Usually, I click away from a site with music on it. But I like this music so much that lately, I’ve been visiting the website at the end of my day. I love the sound of the sea and sea life mixed in so beautifully with the instruments.
Is that the sound of the ocean at Hawaii? Reiki with Aloha is in Hawaii. Must be.
The music is enchanting. I think that if I was going to Hawaii, I might want to visit Reiki with Aloha just to meet the person who put together such a lovely experience on her website.
Is she a reincarnated Lemurian? Must be.

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