A great inspirational quote from my friend Melinda McKenzie, who beautifully plays the oboe in “Prayer, Duet, and Dance,” a composition for piano or organ and oboe by Deborah L. Carr. I used part of this delightful and magnificent piece as background music in my movie Yucatan Travel: Cancun to Chichen Itza. The “dance” part of the composition is a tango – fantastic for giving a Spanish flair to a movie set in Mexico.
Here’s the inspirational quotation from Melinda:
Isn’t that great!
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I’m working on my next book, Have Your Heart’s Desire. Each chapter is headed by an inspirational quote. There are so many wonderful quotes to choose from! Here’s a great inspirational quote from Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk now exiled in France.
“Ye love nature … the out of doors, the blossom of the rose, and the sunset, the fall of the water. ALL of these bring to thee the voice of that which has ALMOST persuaded thee as to how close He is to thee.”
(Edgar Cayce Reading 1809-1)
“People in their handlings of affairs often fail when they are about to succeed. If one remains as careful at the end as he was at the beginning, there will be no failure.”
Lao Tzu
“Every achiever that I have ever met says, ‘My life turned around when I began to believe in me.'”
Dr. Robert H. Schuller
Minister and Author
I love this one:
“Hold fast to that faith as ye learned in nature . . . that though yet may be dead in appearance ye are alive if there is the spirit of truth . . .”
(Edgar Cayce Reading 2559-1)
He’s referring to a tree in winter. It appears to be dead but is not and it will flower and leaf out again. Love it.
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“We find in nature the more perfect reflection of an all-wise, all-merciful providence that is a consciousness in the soul and mind of every individual . . .”
Edgar Cayce Reading 317-7
I chose the above inspirational quote for the June 2008 Divine in Nature Edgar Cayce Calendar because I love the quote. But, it wasn’t until to day that I noticed that the all-wise, all-merciful providence is a consciousness in the soul and mind of every individual . . . every individual. Wow! Until today, I only saw as far as the perfect reflection being in nature.
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I really love this inspirational Edgar Cayce quote about roses:
“Then who may tell the rose where and when to bloom? For it takes from whatever may be its surroundings, and when encompassed even by man it does the best possible to be the beauty, to be the joy, and to give out that which is pleasing in the service to God.” – Edgar Cayce Reading 2778-2
I especially love that, “. . . when encompassed even by man . . .” Is it really that difficult for a rose to do the best possible even when encompassed by man?
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Today, I picked up the Edgar Cayce Calendar: Divine in Nature with Inspirational Quotes from Edgar Cayce. They are gorgeous! I am happy with the job the printer did! I delivered the calendars to Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
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Tomorrow I pick up the gorgeous 2010 Edgar Cayce Calendar: Divine in Nature with Inspriational Quotes from Edgar Cayce at the printer’s and deliver it.
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