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Dream Interpretation: Flying

Over the years, I occasionally have dreams when I am flying, as I did a couple of days ago. I felt very happy and joyful as I flew through the air. So, what did it mean?

An excerpt from the Dream Moods interpretation says:

If you are flying with ease and are enjoying the scene and landscape below, then it suggests that you are on top of a situation. You have risen above something. It may also mean that you have gained a new and different perspective on things. Flying dreams and the ability to control your flight is representative of your own personal sense of power.

As it turns out, on the day before I had the flying dream, I had worked very hard on a book my company is publishing. I had felt afraid that I was falling behind the publishing timetable. However, because I made good progress, I felt happy as I went to sleep because I had accomplished my goals. So, the Dream Moods interpretation fit with my feeling of my own personal sense of power.

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End of the World Dream Interpretation

End of World Dream Interpretation becomes vital during a time of great change. For example, with all the talk about 2012 and predictions of the end of the world  during the end of 2012, I was delighted to find The Complete Dream Book: Discover What Your Dreams Reveal About You and Your Life, which has a dream interpretation for “The End of the World” dreams.

Just in case you’ve recently had an end of the world dream and fear it may be a true prophecy, let me assure you that, according to author  Gillian Holloway, Ph. D., end of the world dreams are quite common.

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