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Updating 2012 Presentation for Nanaimo

Today, I have been working on updating my PowerPoint Presentation of “2012, Edgar Cayce and the Maya,” which I will be giving for the Nanaimo Edgar Cayce Metaphysical Center on Thursday, June 4th in Nanaimo, British Columbia from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.

It looks pretty good!

I found some fantastic links to images of the Galactic Center, which I will be including in the PowerPoint Presentation!

Carol Chapman

Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman

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2012, Edgar Cayce and the Maya Update

I’ve been updating my PowerPoint presentation of 2012, Edgar Cayce and the Maya to include information from my recent visits to the Yucatan; namely, the Chichen Itza Pyramid of Kukulcan Equinox Event and the Chichen Itza Mayan Elders Equinox Ceremony.

The presentation will also include my photographs of the Milky Way’s Galactic Center, because the Earth and Sun will be exactly lined up with the Galactic Center on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 25,625 years.

2012, Edgar Cayce and the Maya will be presented in Comox, British Columbia, on May 28th, in Nanaimo, British Columbia, on June 4th and in Richmond, Virginia, on June 20th. For event particulars, including contact information, please click through to the Events Page on my speaker web site.

Carol Chapman —

Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman

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2012, Edgar Cayce and the Maya

Today, I’ve been updating my PowerPoint presentation on 2012, Edgar Cayce and the Maya, which I will be giving in Comox, British Columbia on May 28th from 7 to 9 p.m. and in Nanaimo, British Columbia on June 4th from 7 to 9 p.m.

For contact information for these two events, please take a look at my speaker web site at http://www.CaroleChapman.com/Events.html.

This is an intriguing subject because Edgar Cayce’s psychic readings of the Akashic record of individuals’ past lives helps to explain how the ancient Maya could have had such an advanced calendar. Cayce says that the ancient Maya were influenced by people from Atlantis, Mu (Lemuria), Egypt and (later) the Lost Tribes of Israel.

Carol Chapman —

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Amazing Orbs Pictures from British Columbia

I already posted this fantastic orbs photograph on January 23rd, 2009, but did not attribute it to Norman Thomas. Norman is one of the contact people for my upcoming event, 2012, Edgar Cayce and the Maya, in Comox, British Columbia.

Since I will be speaking in Comox on May 28th (this Thursday) from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., I wanted to post Norman’s photograph again because it shows the strong Native presence in Canada’s most westerly province and it also gives me a sense of the innate power of the land in B.C.

By the way, if you’re interested in attending the event, Norman and Anjali Thomas’ phone number is: 250-338-1690 and their email is: anjali_thomas@shaw.ca. (Just click on the photo to enlarge it.)

Here is the photo:

2005_0811Image0060 NormanThomas4x3


The Kawakwaka’wakw Nation

performing a traditional dance in the “Big House” at Alert Bay, BC, on Cormorant Island, just off the northeast coast of Vancouver Island (near Port McNeill)




A Close Up of a couple of the Orbs in the above photo.


Thanks so much for sending the wonderful photo, Norman!

Carol Chapman

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Are You in British Columbia?

If so, I’m going to be in Comox/Courtenay on May 28th and in Nanaimo on May 30th and June 4th.

I hope to see you there!

WHEN: Thursday, May 28th

WHERE: Comox/Courtenay, British Columbia

WHAT: 2012, Edgar Cayce and the Maya

WHO: Please contact  Anjali/Norman at 250-338-1690 and Garry/Carol at 250-338-6213.

WHEN: Saturday, May 30th

WHERE: Nanaimo, British Columbia

WHAT:  Secrets of a Psychic.

WHO: Please contact William and Judith at 250-753-2110.

WHEN: Thursday, June 4th

WHERE: Nanaimo, British Columbia

WHAT: 2012, Edgar Cayce and the Maya

WHO: Please contact William and Judith at 250-753-2110


If you are not in British Columbia, I will also be in Richmond, Virginia; Portland, Oregon and Anchorage, Alaska this spring and summer.

For more information on all the above programs, please go to my speaker web site Events Page at: http://www.CaroleChapman.com/Events.html

Carol Chapman —

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Wonderful Seminar in Lancaster, Pa

It was a great day in Lancaster, Pennsylvania during my seminar on Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt – an exciting and infinite but difficult subject.

As usual, I met so many wonderful people – many of whom have had their own experiences and memories of Atlantis. I also enjoyed that so many were very knowledgeable of Edgar Cayce and his readings.

All of them were enthusiastic, interesting . . . and a joy to be with.

Sheer delight!

Carol Chapman

Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman

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Atlantis: The World was So Different

 In reviewing my material for tomorrow’s seminar, Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, mentioned in yesterday’s post, I am reminded of the very different world it was during the time of Atlantis.

Mountains such as the Colorado Mountains were under the sea, land masses such as Atlantis and Lemuria were above the sea, and deserts such as the Sahara, were fertile. I love studying the Edgar Cayce psychic readings on this long ago time when we had our beginnings.

Carol Chapman —

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Edgar Cayce’s Story of Atlantis

I especially enjoy preparing for my upcoming May 2nd speaking event, Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt, in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, because I’ll be talking about Hept-supht, an Atlantean who made Egypt his home. Hept-supht sealed the Egyptian Hall of Records which contains records of Atlantis that are duplicates of the records buried under the sea in sunken Atlantis.

Carol Chapman —

Copyright (c) 2009 Carol Chapman

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