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Pyramid Builders’ Tombs Discovered in Giza

Another important discovery on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, which is the location of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, is interpreted as a the discovery of the graves of the builders of the Great Pyramid.

Graves of the pyramid builders were first discovered in the area in 1990 when a tourist on horseback stumbled over a wall that later proved to be a tomb. Egypt’s archaeology chief Zahi Hawass said that discovery and the latest finds last week show that the workers were paid laborers, rather than the slaves of popular imagination.

Great Pyramids of Giza

New Discovery Shows Slaves Didn’t Build Pyramids, Egypt Says

The discovery was announced on December 16, 2009.

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Wizardry takes over Lost Continent at Orlando

Is this a trend? Harry Potter is getting more interest than the Lost Continent . . . meaning, I supposed, Atlantis, at Orlando theme parks. Is this a trend for the world? Greater interest in Harry Potter than in Atlantis? Oh my!

According to the Orlando Sentinel:

Scott Smith, a professor in the University of Central Florida’s Rosen College of Hospitality Management, predicts that Universal will eventually opt to convert the rest of the Lost Continent section of Islands of Adventure into an expansion of Wizarding World.

Universal has already turned two Lost Continent rides into Potter-themed rides — the renamed Dragon Challenge and Flight of the Hippogriff roller coasters. That leaves only two significant attractions — Poseidon’s Fury and the Eight Voyages of Sinbad Stunt Show — to anchor Lost Continent.

One of a Kind? Harry Potter’s Success in Orlando Could Lead to More Parks

I guess ya gotta keep moving and changing those attractions to keep them customers comin’ back!

Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman

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Nibiru Sightings

I’m interested in discoveries of the planet Nibiru because I recently heard from a friend that information that came up in my past life regressions of Atlantean memories agreed with Zechariah Sitchin‘s translations of ancient Sumarian, Egyptian and Hebrew texts.

According to an article by Delphine, excerpted below, Nibiru has been discovered and photographs taken of it.

Nibiru is a planet that orbits our sun every 3600 years. It got its name from being an elusive planet. It is suggested that current astronomy points to the possibility that Nibiru is a brown dwarf or dark star rather than a planet. This has the implication that our solar system, like the majority in the known universe, is a binary star system; in other words, Earth has two suns with Nibiru being the second and less bright. The first real pictures of Nibiru were photographed shortly after January 26, 1983. The astronomers calculated at that time that Nibiru was over 50 million miles away from us. In 2004 Nibiru was determined to be only 7 million miles away. Confirmation of the twelfth planet Nibiru was photographed in Japan on February 28, 2008. It exists, and it will be on Earth by the end of 2012. Nibiru will appear as two suns in the sky no later than 2011.

Nibiru in 2012

Very interesting is all I can say.

Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
All Rights Reserved

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Another Possible Atlantis Location: Santorini, Greece

And yet, another possible location for the lost city of Atlantis. This time, in the Mediterranean Sea in Greece. Here’s an excerpt from a blog post by John Salta:

“. . . your view from those villages looks down into the cauldron of an ancient volcano. Never mind that the volcano is still active. Around 4,000 years ago, the Thera eruption was forceful enough to make it the largest such explosion ever recorded, vaporizing most of what was once a decent-size island. On the south of the island, you can explore the ruins of the city of Akrotiri, which was evacuated just prior to the eruption. Some scholars believe Santorini is where the lost city of Atlantis once thrived. Could be.”

John Saltas’ Summer Vacation
Join the City Weekly founder on a trip to Greece.

Funny, I though Plato said Atlantis was beyond the Straits of Gibraltar, which means in the Atlantic Ocean rather than in the Mediterranean Sea where Greece is. How did Santorini become a possible location for Atlantis?

I guess anything in the general area of the Atlantic Ocean is fair game for the experts . . . especially anything that disappeared because of a volcanic eruption. Makes sense in a way.

Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
All Rights Reserved

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Is It the Lost “City” or the Lost “Continent” of Atlantis

In reference to my post yesterday in which I quoted in entirety a blog post by Edziomek, posted on May 27th, 2010 at http://community.history.com.

It appears that the author of the article differentiates between the lost city of Atlantis and the lost continent of Atlantis. In other words, the lost continent of Atlantis would have been at the location of the present-day Atlantic Ocean, whereas he proposes that the lost city of Atlantis was off the coast of Spain.

Lost City of Atlantis ‘Could be in Buried in Southern Spain’

Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
All Rights Reserved

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Lost city of Atlantis off the Coast of Spain

There is so much information in this blog post on the Lost City of Atlantis that I decided just to copy and paste the whole article.

Some of it I have read about elsewhere, such as that the submerged land of the Atlantic Ocean was once above sea level and was Atlantis.

Some of it is new to me such as that 12,000 years ago our present North was South and our present South was North. Intriguing. Does this mean there was a pole shift?

Here’s the article. It’s by Edziomek, posted on May 27th, 2010 at http://community.history.com.

The Spanish researchers, and several of the posters have correctly explained that there are so many underwater former human habitats, that it will be difficult, but not impossible, to isolate just one location as the “real Atlantis”. I certainly encourage the Spanish researchers to try, and they may be right!

I am in the same boat as the speculators. As 10,000 persons before me, I am suggesting that the “Atlantic” is “Atlantis”, the continent. To find the explicit 20 by 40 mile habitat section called Atlantis, the city, under the mud is very difficult. As mentioned before, all ocean floors, the floor of the Med, the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, the Bay of Bengal, they are all showing organized, probably advanced, human habitat formations of the most extreme antiquity, probably 60 to 100,000 years ago.

As many before me have probably done, I took the time to overlay the most common ancient Atlantean map, with titles “upside down”, and overlaid the Atlantic ocean topography. Azores is the highlight still above water, and it stands for “O-siris”. The map depicts the mid-Atlantic world in the epoch of time when “North” was today’s “South”, and that would be 12,000 years ago.

In addition, remember what the ancient Egyptian priests told Solon, that “You Greeks are like children, you don’t even know your own history”. The Egyptian priests were explaining…”You too were Atlanteans, and you don’t even know it!”

I am convinced that the ancient Greeks had maps of those lost lands, and they hid these facts in their mythologies: The helmet of Athena was the area west of Ireland. The discus thrower encompassed Azores, and Northwest to Greenland. The disc itself is the “Aten”, an area south of Greenland.

There were two oceans, Atlanticos towards Spain, and Oceanos in the Bermuda area, with the Mid-Atlantic ridge area above water and showing massive habitats of extreme antiquity all the way down to Antarctica. Somewhere in the transition between Atlanticos and Oceanos, where the straits were narrow, was the city of Atlantis.

In my opinion, this was the ancient homeland area of some of the Greek tribes, Athenians for instance. The “sparkling white mountain” was Bermuda.

There are laser beam roads all across these ocean floors, indicating the entire world topography seems to have reversed, what is ocean floor was above sea level, and vice verse.

Lost City of Atlantis ‘Could be in Buried in Southern Spain’

Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
All Rights Reserved

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Atlantis and the Secret Doctrine

Here’s some strange information on Atlantis and Lemuria supposedly from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky‘s The Secret Doctrine. The following quote is
from a detractor who calls Madam Blavasky‘s book, “The Stupid Doctrine:”

Apparently the “elect” from the lost continent of Lemuria were to be found on Atlantis, before they made their way to Shamballah in the Gobi desert. When Lemuria was destroyed, Atlantis appeared (II, 402).

The Secret Doctrine–The Synthesis of Science Religion and Philosophy Volume 1 and 2

Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
All Rights Reserved

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Is the Pyramid in the Bahamas part of Atlantis?

In my May 18th and 19th blog posts, I examined the report, Dr. Ray Brown’s Subterranean Pyramid Diving Experience, on Crystalinks that a Dr. Ray Brown came upon a submerged 120-foot tall pyramid in the Bahamas.

I found this report especially intriguing because Edgar Cayce, America’s amazing seer, also known as “The Sleeping Prophet,” said that there were three places in the world where the Atlanteans had left records of their civilization. One was near Bimini in the Bahamas.

Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman

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Questionable Details in “Submerged Pyramid in the Bahamas” Crystalinks Story

I’ve been thinking about that article I mentioned in yesterday’s blog post from Crystalinks. In the article entitled, Dr. Ray Brown’s Subterranean Pyramid Diving Experience, Dr. Ray Brown was a scuba diver from Mesa.

He goes off by himself, away from his friends, and, without anyone around to back up his story, comes upon this underwater pyramid. After his experience, does he bring his friends to the pyramid? No. Was there really a pyramid?

This is the part that makes me wonder. He says that it was 120 feet high – Did he measure it? How did he know? And, here’s the real kicker. He also says that only 90 feet of the 120-foot-high pyramid was sticking out of the sand. Really? Did he measure it? Did he dig down?

I love a good lost continent of Atlantis story. I have past life memories of being in Atlantis that I wrote about in my books, When We Were Gods and Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, and, I really, really want to believe that someone has found what could be the ruins of Atlantis submerged in the Bahamas.

But, even I have to wonder how a lone scuba diver could know that only 90 feet of a 120 foot tall pyramid was sticking out of the sand and that 30 feet of the pyramid was buried. Do you know how deep 30 feet is? That’s about as tall as a three story house.

He dug that far down to the base of it? With his hands? Is this a dream or a fairy tale?

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Submerged Atlantean Pyramid in the Bahamas?

Today I thought I’d just check out Crystalinks to see if there was anything new on that site that I haven’t seen before on Atlantis. Well, I am glad I did because I found this amazing article about a Dr. Ray Brown who evidently found an amazing crystal inside an underwater pyramid in the Bahamas while scuba diving. You’ve got to read the article.

I am amazed that Dr. Brown had the hutzpah to go inside this strange pyramid. Maybe scuba divers are naturally braver and more curious that ordinary folk.

If it was me and I came across a totally never-before-seen pyramid sticking out of the earth, I wouldn’t go charging inside it.

When I visited the Great Pyramid in Egypt, even seeing the three great pyramids from a distance awed me to my bones because they are so absolutely strange compared to any square or even dome building I’ve ever seen before.

I can’t imagine approaching and climbing into something that unusual without at least calling some friends to join me. And, why didn’t he take pictures? Don’t scuba divers bring underwater cameras with them?

Furthermore, this Dr. Brown had the audacity to take away a crystal he found held by life-size hands that appeared to be burnt. I think I’d be fainting about now. Life-size hands that appear burnt inside an underwater pyramid! Run away, run away!

And, whatever you do, do NOT touch the crystal! Oh no, but not only does Dr. Brown have to touch the crystal in the weird hands, but also he has to take it away! It supposedly has been examined by someone at the Smithsonian Institute. Is this for real?

Here’s the beginning of the Crystalinks article. The rest of the article is at the link below.

Allegedly in 1970, Dr. Ray Brown, a naturopathic practitioner from Mesa, Arizona, was scuba diving with friends near the Bahamas, in an area 20 miles from the edge of a submarine drop-off called the Tongue of the Ocean.

During the dive, Brown became separated from his companions, and in trying to rejoin them, suddenly saw a strange pyramid shape looming up against the aquamarine light. The pyramid was situated 22 fathoms down, stood 120 feet high, with only 90 feet projecting out of the sea floor shifting sands. Brown was at first struck by how smooth and mirror-like the stone surface of the structure was, with the joints between the individual blocks almost indiscernible.

Dr. Ray Brown’s Subterranean Pyramid Diving Experience

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