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Photo of Santorini Possible Atlantis Location

I’ve mentioned Santorini, a Greek island, before. It is thought by some to be the location of the lost city of Atlantis. Here’s a great photo of the Santorini Harbor from the cliffs above.

Santorini Island, Greece

Ships are seen in the waters below the towering cliffs of Santorini. A Greek island of unmatched beauty, Santorini is thought by some to have been part of the lost city of Atlantis.

The photo is by Dr. Hubert Dellinger from his article, Reader Travelogue: Strands of history intertwine on tour of Mediterranean islands, that appeared in the online newspaper, the Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee.

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The Atlantes and Atlantis

A coincidence or what! In Yucatan, among Mayan ruins, there are ancient statues that are supposed to be holding up the world called Atlantes. Is that Atlantes or Atlantis? Where did these Atlantes get their name? What difference, if any, is there between the pronunciation of Atlantes and Atlantis. It could very well be only a difference in interpreting the spoken word. They are probably the same word!

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Yucatan Travel Movie DVD

Today I’m mulling over back cover copy for the DVD case of the Yucatan Travel Movie. How does this sound?

“Join narrator Miriam Balsley, and her Mom and Step-dad, in this entertaining . . . occasionally amusing . . . tour of the Yucatan, a magical land full of beauty, mystery, and vacation delight.”

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Bermuda Triangle “Electronic Fog”

Take a look at this intriguing web site about an amazing experience in the famed “Bermuda Triangle” that some think is situated over the submerged lost city of Atlantis.

A pilot flying through the “Bermuda Triangle” encountered a lenticular cloud “electronic fog” that the pilot says attached itself to his plane and cast him 100 miles distant and 30 minutes into the future:

Bruce Gernon is the only person in the world to witness what creates the Bermuda Triangle. Others have seen parts of this phenomenon and some have seen it but vanished. Gernon is the only one to see this from its birth stage through its mature stage and enter the heart of the Timestorm and escape through a Tunnel Vortex and experience a time warp of 30 minutes forward in time and 100 miles forward in space.

A New Explanation for an Enduring Enigma

The article includes many photographs of the pilot’s experience flying into a hole between two clouds that were forming around him.

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Statement from a Hopi Elder in 1998

I don’t even know where I got this from but today, while cleaning through boxes piled in the corner of my dining room, I came across this stapled sheaf of papers called: Techqua Ikachi: Messages from the Guardians of Land and Life.

Inside the front cover it says: “The Sacred Teachings of Native Cultures have been given to us on the condition that they NEVER be sold. To do so would be like selling someone else’s Mother. Feel free to copy and distribute this document to as many people as you wish. Please include this page. Thank You.”

I would like to share with you only a small excerpt from this 72-page booklet. This is from a statement by Hopi Traditional Elder Martin Gashweseoma in Maniwaki, Quebec on Sunday, November 29, 1998.

“We all started out as one people at the beginning. Even you who are sitting among all the rest of you out there (and here). Right now we are all different from one another because of our language, because of our dress clothes, because of our hair. But that don’t make no difference, because we came from one at the beginning. That’s where we were given our different dress codes, our different hair styles, our foods, what we are to live with. This was all given to us. So we all have different foods that we life with. The people up north here live with the salmon, and the caribou. Down south we live with the corn, the vegetables. Very seldom do we go out and kill a four legged. Most of our food supplies, corn, beans, you know, the different vegetables. But these were all given to each one of us; we were given these things at the beginning.”

Techqua Ikachi: Messages from the Guardians of Land and Life

Isn’t that lovely. It never occurred to me that our differences were given to us in the beginning. However, when I think of the Christian Bible, it also says that early in the beginning, we were given different languages, so it sounds like Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma’s traditional knowledge lines up with the knowledge of the tradition I come from. How lovely, especially that I didn’t really understand it until reading this.

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Nazca Lines in Peru a helicopter landing pad rather than a Runway?

This is a topic close to my heart. I am very interested in the Nazca lines (also spelled “Nasca”) in Peru, especially after reading Erich von Daniken‘s Arrival of the Gods in which he proposes that extraterrestrials created the lines as landing sites for their space ships.

However, in spite of Mr. von Daniken’s fine theory, no one yet knows who created the amazing designs on the Nasca plains that were only recognized as images of, for example, a monkey or a hummingbird, until viewed from in an airplane.

Following is an gorgeous aerial photograph of a monkey on the Nazca plains from the Wikepedia article on “The Nazca Lines”:

Nazca Lines Image of MonkeyLines and Geoglyphis of Nazca and Pampas de Humana, Wikepedia

You can’t help but wonder that whoever made the Nazca lines had to have had the ability to fly, supporting von Daniken’s theory of extraterrestrials. In addition, since the monkey’s tail creates a large circular area, I can’t help but wonder if whoever made the image flew a vehicle more like a helicopter than a winged plane or jet since the circular tail looks more like a helicopter landing pad than a runway.

Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
All Rights Reserved

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Pyramid Builders Could Have Built the Queen’s Pyramids NOT the Great Pyramids

In my June 13th post entitled, I said that:

Another important discovery on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, which is the location of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, is interpreted as a the discovery of the graves of the builders of the Great Pyramid.

Pyramid Builders’ Tombs Discovered in Giza

However, as I said in my book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, I wonder if any and all graves of pyramid builders uncovered by archeologists are builders of the Great Pyramid or of other pyramids on the Giza Plateau such as the Queens Pyramids.

Take a look at this magnificent award-winning Wikipedia image showing a map of the Great Pyramid in relationship to the other pyramids on the Giza Plateau:

Wikipedia Giza Pyramid Complex Map

Map of Giza Pyramid Complex

Notice the three smaller pyramids in the bottom left called, “Pyramids of Queens,” or the three smaller pyramids in the middle right of the map to the right of the Pyramid of Khufu, the Great Pyramid. I am curious to know whether the archeologist know for sure which pyramids the pyramid builders built.

In my past life regression of the building of the Great Pyramid, also described in my book, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, I saw the Great Pyramid under construction not by pyramid builders but by mind power.

Copyright (c) 2010 Carol Chapman
All Rights Reserved

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