
Category Archives for "Other"

Brine Pickles and Nourishing Traditions

My family used to like to make brine-pickled cucumbers. These are delicious traditional pickles made by my grandparents, the recipe handed down for generations. The liquid or kvass is considered a medicinal drink.

My mother always said that she did not know why, but the cucumbers would not turn into pickles unless you used organic cucumbers.

I learned the hard way that she was right. When I put together brine, cucumbers, garlic, and fresh dill as she had instructed me, it turned into a smelly, slimey mess.

“Did you use organic cucumbers?” she asked me.  

“Honestly, Mom, I didn’t think it could possibly matter,” I said.

“Now you know,” she said. She was right.

I’ve just discovered why non-organic cucumbers don’t work. The explanation is in Sally Fallon’s excellent cookbook, Nourishing Traditions. Organic pickles have more enzymes and cucumbers will not ferment if they don’t have enough enzymes.

This is a fantastic cookbook, full of nutritional advice and explanations for the nutritional basis of our grandparents’ wisdom in the kinds of foods they prepared.

You can read more about research into traditional nutrition on the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation web site at:

They also have a number of free downloadable articles.

Carol Chapman

Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman

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Just Do It!

Today, in my Edgar Cayce Search for God Study Group meeting, we discussed a passage that comes from the New Testament in which we are told that is it our job to sow the seeds knowing that some will fall on poor soil and will not thrive, some will fall among brambles and get choked out, and some will fall by the wayside and will not germinate. However, we are assured that some will fall on fertile soil and produce fantastic results. We are reminded that God gives the increase, not us.

I find this very helpful when I need to undertake new projects and when I meet with new groups. I wonder, will my ideas be helpful and appreciated? Will my ideas be welcomed? Will people accept me? Will my suggestions be of benefit to others? Well, the above passsage tells me not to concern myself with the outcome. The results are with Creative Forces. Just do it!

Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman

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Photographs for Edgar Cayce Calendar

Today I’ve been working on the thumbnails that go on the calendar pages of the  Divine in Nature: with Inspirational Quotes from Edgar Cayce 2009 Calendar. These images are excerpted from the full page photos accompanying each month of the calendar. I feel so happy with these beautiful images. Here are a sample of a few that I may or may not use:

3-Sea-Lions-for-Blog 9-Sunflower-2-for-Blog 4-ARE-Medit-Grdn-for-blog
Sea Lion Sunflower Azaleas

Copyright 2007-2008 Carol Chapman

Carol Chapman

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"Divine in Nature" 2009 Calendar

Today I’ve been working on the “Divine in Nature: With Inspirational Quotes from Edgar Cayce”  2009 calendar. The images I worked on included:

  1. An Alaska water scene
  2. A wild honey bee flying past yellow flowers
  3. A lovely sunflower
  4. A graceful swan
  5. A winter snow scene along the waterfront
  6. The Meditation Garden at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.
  7. Denali (Mtn McKinley) with golden-leafed aspens

Carol Chapman

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