
Category Archives for "Ancient Mysteries"

Discoveries, intuitions, psychic information about ancient civilizations–could be Egypt, Mexico, Native American, Asian, African, European or Australian–from all the continents.

“Hola” from Yucatan

We are on Isla Cozumel, an amazingly sacred spot for the ancient Maya. It is the place where their legendary religious leader Izamna arrived and departed from. He travelled on a serpent boat.

I wonder, was Izamna actually from Atlantis – he came from the East – and was the serpent boat actually travel by flying serpent as I experienced in my memories of Atlantis?

Izamna is the Christ-like personnage for the ancient Maya. He is both a person and also a god.

Carol Chapman

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2012 and the Great Pyramid Predictions

I was just talking to a girlfriend who recently returned from a spiritual vacation tour of the mystery lands of Egypt.

She said her visit to the Great Pyramid was the most profound experience during the tour.

In the midst of a flurry of predictions about worldwide 2012 cataclysms, she said that the interpretation of the predictions built into one of the passages within the Great Pyramid goes up to the year 2038.

As far as prophecies go, that’s encouraging. It’s a lot past 2012!

Carol Chapman —

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Dutch Contractor Builds Replica of Noah’s Ark

Or, anyway, close to a replica of Noah’s Arc. He says it’s 1/2 the length and 1/3 the width of the original arc. If you look at the photos at you’ll see that even though the Dutch contractor’s version of Noah’s arc is less than 1/2 the size of the original arc (according to the contractor – more on that later) nonetheless, it is huge and big enough to house many types of animals.

Replica of Noah’s Ark built by a Dutch contractor.

Noah’s Ark Replica Schagen Netherlands Photo Gallery by PaultheDane at

The contractor is making the arc to prove his faith – basically, that there could have been a boat big enough to house a representative sample of two of each of the animals on earth. However, detractors on his blog, on the above link, say that there is no original dimensions on a credible version of the Bible since there are no original manuscripts of the Old Testament.

Still, I can’t help but admire the man’s dedication and carpentry skills.

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Magnificent Cover of Arrival of the Gods in Egypt

My August 4, 2008 post showed a picture of the magnificent front cover of Arrival of the Gods in Egypt.

Here’s a copy of the fantastic front cover of Arrival of the Gods in Egypt:

Arrival of the
Gods in Egypt

Newest Title: Arrival of the Gods in Egypt — Carol Chapman

Here’s a picture of the marvelous back cover of Arrival of the Gods in Egypt.


9780975469156rgb4blogbackco Arrival of the Gods in Egypt
Carol Chapman
Back Cover


Copyright (c) 2008 Carol Chapman All Rights Reserved

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Mexican Underground Cave System: Lost Records from Atlantis?

In referring to my previous post of July 30, 2008, I quoted an excerpt from a article posted on Yahoo News proclaiming that archeologists are reopening a secret cave under a Mexican pyramid. My comments included the following:

How exciting! I wonder if the archeologists will discover a tomb as they did in Palenque, which was also in a hollowed out area under the Pyramid of Inscriptions.

Carol Chapman —

I also wondered if this cave could contain the Records from Atlantis, which Edgar Cayce, the “sleeping prophet” said would be found somewhere in Yucatan, Mexico.

For years, I’ve been fascinated with Cayce’s psychic readings on Atlantis that said that there were three places on earth where inhabitants of Atlantis had left records of their civilization.

  1. In Egypt, presently buried close to the Great Sphinx
  2. Off the coast of the Bimini Islands in the Bahamas buried under the slime of the Atlantic Ocean
  3. Yucatan, Mexico, under or in a temple (or pyramid–he sometimes uses the words “temple” and “pyramid” interchangeably) that may have slid into the sea during earth upheavals

Because the cave undergoing recent excavations is in Teotihuacan, which is close to Mexico City and therefore NOT in the Mexican state of Yucatan, I doubt that records from Atlantis will be found here.

Nonetheless, it does remind me that the whole of the Yucatan Peninsula, which includes the Yucatan State, is riddled with underground caves where the Atlantean records may be hidden.

Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman All Rights Reserved

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Researchers Open Secret Cave Under Mexican Pyramid

Here’s an excerpt from a July 13, 2008 article by Miguel Angel Gutierrez: 

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Archeologists are opening a cave sealed for more than 30 years deep beneath a Mexican pyramid to look for clues about the mysterious collapse of one of ancient civilization’s largest cities.

Researchers open secret cave under Mexican pyramid – Yahoo! News

The article goes on to say:

      • “The soaring Teotihuacan stone pyramids, now a major tourist site about an hour outside Mexico City, were discovered by the ancient Aztecs around 1500 AD, not long before the arrival of Spanish explorers to Mexico.
      • But little is known about the civilization that built the immense city, with its ceremonial architecture and geometric temples, and then torched and abandoned it around 700 AD.
      • Archeologists are now revisiting a cave system that is buried 20 feet beneath the towering Pyramid of the Sun and extends into a tunnel stretching for some 295 feet (90 meters) with a height of 8 feet.
      • They say new excavations begun this month could be the key to unlocking information about the sacred rituals of the people who inhabited the city, later dubbed “The Place Where Men Become Gods” by the Aztecs who believed it was a divine site.”

How exciting! I wonder if the archeologists will discover a tomb as they did in Palenque, which was also in a hollowed out area under the Pyramid of Inscriptions.

I also like the title the ancient Aztecs gave the location: “The Place Where Men Became Gods.”

It reminds me of the title of my book, When We Were Gods, which describes hypnosis-induced memories of ancient Mexico and a journey to the Yucatan where I found images in ancient ruins of my memories. Here’s the amazon listing if you’re interested in reading more about When We Were Gods.

Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman All Rights Reserved

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