Yesterday’s blog post said how important it is to write down your dreams if you want to access your own personal psychic source. If you don’t write your dreams down, you’ll likely forget them.
Here’s a good example from my own experience. In my March 28, 2008 blog post, I said that I had totally forgotten a very significant dream that had told me to wake up and take photographs of the sunrise. Here’s an excerpt from that post:
I came across another set of sunrise photographs labeled, “From dream that told me to wake up.” These are lovely misty sunrises. I love them and will likely use one of the photos in the calendar.
Dream Interpretation: Write Your Dreams Down — Carol Chapman
If I hadn’t labeled the resulting photos as “From Dream that told me to wake up,” I would have never known the gorgeous pictures had resulted from a dream.
Isn’t it amazing that some part of our psyche, while sound asleep indoors with the blinds closed, is awake enough, exists free of the body, and yet is capable of sensing enough to know that outside there’s a fantastic sunrise worth photographing.
The gorgeous photograph from this morning’s misty sunrise is in the 2009 Edgar Cayce Calendar.
Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman
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In my July 3, 2008 post, I said that dream study is an easy avenue for most people to access their psychic abilities. Dreams can provide clairvoyance, telepathy, knowing the future, and communicating with the dead.
However, it isn’t enough to dream. You also have to write your dreams down. If you don’t, you will likely forget the dream. Even if you remember the dream, you will likely forget important details of the dream.
Has that ever happened to you . . . that you woke up remembering a fantastic dream, became distracted, and, when you went to tell someone about your dream, the memory of it was totally gone?
Carol Chapman » Psychic Development
Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman
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Have you ever had a dream come true? Did you ever receive the solution to a problem you were pondering in a dream? Have you ever met a stranger in a dream before meeting them in waking life?
These are just a few examples of the psychic information that can surface in dreams.
What’s an easy way to develop the psychic information that comes through in your dreams? Keep a dream journal. Write your dreams down as soon as you wake up.
By keeping track of your dreams and attempting to understand them upon awakening, you let your unconscious know that you want to receive psychic information in your dreams.
Copyright 2008 Carol Chapman
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I’ve had another example of the importance of writing your dreams down. In a previous post, I said that I could remember two dreams in which I’d been told to wake up to take photographs of glorious sunrises. Actually, I could only remember one of the dreams. It was only because of looking through my photographs that I found one labeled as resulting from a dream telling me to wake up and photograph the sunrise.
To my surprise, as I continued to sort through my photography files in preparation for designing the Divine in Nature: With Inspirational Quotes from Edgar Cayce 2009 calendar, I came across another set of sunrise photographs labeled, “From dream that told me to wake up.” These are lovely misty sunrises. I love them and will likely use one of the photos in the calendar.
If I hadn’t labeled these two sets of sunrise photographs, I would have thought I had only had one dream that told me to wake up and take sunrise photos. Only one of the three dreams had remained in my memory.
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Have you ever had a dream in which you are told to wake up and do something? This has happened to me twice when I’ve been told to wake up because there is a beautiful sunrise I need to photograph.
The first dream of this sort occurred a number of years ago. Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the widely popular Chichen Soup for the Soul series of books appeared in my dream and told me to wake up because there was a magnificent sunrise occurring right at that time and I should photograph it. He even showed me the best place to go to capture the best view of the sunrise.
When I woke up, it truly was a gorgeous sunrise.
The other dream occurred last year. I came upon it while sorting through photos today for using in the Divine in Nature: With Quotes from Edgar Cayce 2009 calendar. A person did not appear in the dream. However, I heard a voice within me tell me while dreaming to wake up and look out the window because there was a magnificent sunrise.
I woke up immediately, looked out my window, and sure enough, there was a fantastic sunrise. Because I’m a professional photographer, a dream like this is really important to me. It amazes me that the dream is literal–not symbolic at all. It says, “Wake up now. You don’t want to miss this.”
Here is one of the many photographs that resulted from that dream:
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The question I ask myself: How could I have possibly known that there was a wonderful sunrise outside while I lay sound asleep inside the house with the blinds drawn?
Have you ever had a dream similar to this? One that woke you up with instructions to do something?
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You’re on the edge of the ocean looking out to sea.
Interpretation–you’re ready to undertake a wonderfully creative enterprise.
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Foods in your dreams don’t necessarily represent the actual food dreamed about. For example, even vegetarians dream of deliciously devouring red meat. These dreams often refer to enjoying life experiences with power–claiming our power.
Sweets can refer to sweet, innocently pleasurable experiences. Vegetables, to experiences that are good for us. Fruit, to emotionally and physically satisfying experiences, sometimes with sexual connotations. Milk often represents mother love or issues with mother. Bread can refer to satisfying experiences that require planning and effort such as a business or a pregnancy.
These dream intepretations come from Gillian Holloway Ph.D.’s The Complete Dream Book.
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Two interesting dream symbols, the Owl and the Peacock:
The owl is most often thought of as a symbol for wisdom and knowledge.Peacock
The peacock is often thought to symbolize vanity.
freuds interpretation of dream – articles and information news
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Have you ever had a dream where you were abduction by aliens? Since there are numerous books recounting people’s experiences of being abducted by aliens, I wonder what dream dictionaries say about this kind of dream. Therefore, I did an internet search. The following dream interpretations vary considerably. At the bottom of this post, I’ve included some information about reports of actual alien abductions.
If you dream that you are an alien from outer space this will denote that your ideas are starting to get out of hand in regard to occult matters. It is your minds way to ‘put the brakes on’. If you dream you have been abducted by aliens this shows your fear of changing your surroundings or your deep seated fear of losing your home and family. To see aliens of any kind is bringing out your fears and must be correlated with the rest of the dream.
Occasionally, people will have dreams about UFO’s and aliens. What these dreams symbolize, collectively or individually is difficult to explain and understand. Meeting and talking to aliens may suggests that significant changes are coming into your life and, at the moment, things feel strange and foreign to you. If you dream that you are the alien, it suggests that you may feel detached from some parts of yourself and from others. You may be a stranger in your immediate surroundings, and some self-evaluation and familiarization is suggested.
Source: Dream Lover Incorporated,
Alien : Dream Interpretation Dictionary – Alien
Alien: Meeting aliens predicts important changes. See yourself as an alien and valuable new friends are about to enter your life.
Source: The Illustrated Dream Dictionary by Russell Grant
Alien Dream Symbols:
A part of yourself that is neglected or unknown, such as your spiritual self. Undiscovered parts of yourself. Dreaming that you are surrounded by aliens is an indication that you might be finding some difficulties adjusting to a new environment, new people or a new job.
(Source: Myths – Dreams – Symbols)
Alien Abduction
Kidnapping by non-human beings. The first reported claim of alien abduction was in Brazil in 1957 and since then there have been reports from all over the Western world – in Europe including the UK, Australia, South Africa, Russia, and North America. Although people?s experiences vary quite widely, the following features recur
Light, especially a beam which draws the person up, and sometimes vibration.
A spacecraft of some kind.
Humanoid beings, especially small gray ones with large black eyes, who communicate by telepathy.
Medical tests being performed and eggs or sperm removed so that human/alien offspring can be produced.
Lost periods of time and inexplicable small wounds.
Very few accounts are complete but sometimes the full story is recovered through hypnosis.
Carol Chapman
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Another common dream from The Common Dream Book by Gillian Holloway, PhD. In this one, you’re giving a speech and everything goes wrong. At first things may seem good–more people arrived than you expected, they’re really enthusiastic about your topic, they love you . . . and then, things start going wrong. The microphone is broken, people in the audience are talking and you can’t shout loud enough to drown them out, your electronic visual presentation won’t work, people are leaving the room, those who remain begin to fight . . .
She says that some people believe that this is a dream about an upcoming task that the dreamer is nervous about. She believes that the dream is telling the dreamer to get more connected with without it is that he or she is undertaking.
The watchword is “service.” If the dreamer can get the focus off of him or herself and to the needs of the people in the audience, the fears the dreamer feels will begin to leave.
People who work giving presentations in front of the public often have these kind of dreams when a new stress turns up such as if they’ve taken on too much or they come down with a cold.
She has found that people who handle this kind of stress the best are able to keep their performances in perspective, not being overly proud when things go well and not being overly devastated when they do not.
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