Speaking Event in Nanaimo BC April 2012
On April 14, 2012, I will be delivering a day-long program called, Everyone Has a Book in Them in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.
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On April 14, 2012, I will be delivering a day-long program called, Everyone Has a Book in Them in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.
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Well, Mercury Retrograde is over now. How did you manage during that time?
By chance, I was away on a travel for almost the whole month of August. It seemed as if my travel, which is usually adversely affected by Mercury Retrograde, began as soon as the little planet began its backward trek. I return home almost as soon as the retrograde period was over. I am happy to report that there were no delays, re-routings, missed flights, or other travel problems.
Were there any Merc. Retro problems? I must admit that I feel grateful that I bothered to look up the predictions of this recent retrograde time. Since Mercury would be going backward from Virgo to Leo, the astrologers suggested problems with the communications, especially so since Mercury rules Virgo. They emphasized taking care to articulate carefully during confusing interactions with others. These incidents of misunderstanding did turn up. I remember a number of times when I especially remembered this suggestion and took the time to clarify my meaning and also to make sure I understood the other person’s meaning. It helped to know what to expect ahead of time. Of course, this is a good suggestion for communicating effectively at any time.
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The Planet Mercury from a Wikipedia article on Mercury
According to an information-filled Wikipedia article, Mercury is similar in appearance to the Earth’s moon. It has both craters, smooth plains, and no atmosphere. Unlike the moon, it has an iron core, which gives it a magnetic field. However, Mercury’s magnetic field is only one percent the strength of the Earth’s.
Mercury is about to go retrograde on August 2nd. This small planet has a great affect on communications, travel, and relationships between people and can cause havoc during its retrograde periods, which lasts about three weeks.
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In making plans for next month, I see that Mercury will begin to go retrograde on August 2nd. Mercury will be in the 2nd degree of Virgo at that time and will be moving backward or retrograde into Leo from our perspective here on Earth. Of course, the planet Mercury is not really going backward. It is just that Mercury, a small planet very close to the sun, is going around the sun. From our vantage point here on Earth, Mercury appears to go backward as it circles the sun in an orbit of about 90 Earth days.
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Here is a rather religious but nonetheless very comforting inspirational quote from Edgar Cayce:
Continue readingWhether in joy, in sorrow, in trouble or in pain, let that mind be in you as was in He that gave, “I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”
Edgar Cayce Reading 262-33
Front Cover of Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City from the Amazon listing
So, was the underwater land off the west coast of the Orkney-Shetland Islands exposed during the last Ice Age? As I wrote yesterday, according to Professor Arysio Santos, author of Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found, at the end of the last Ice Age, some 11,600 years ago, sea level was 500 feet lower than it is now. Therefore, many of the lands that are currently underwater, were above sea level at that time.
I consulted the Mail Online article I wrote about in my July 19th posting to see how deep underwater the submerged land was off the west of the Orkney-Shetland Islands. And, it is too deep to qualify for Atlantis according to Prof. Santos’ theories.
Continue readingThe 1.2mile-deep landscape is located in the North Atlantic west of the Orkney-Shetland Islands and has peaks that once belonged to mountains and eight major rivers.
Lost world: Ancient submerged landscape of mountains and riverbeds found on the Atlantic seabed
In his book Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found author Professor Arysio Santos points out that in 11,600 B.C., around the time Plato said Atlantis existed, and at the end of the last ice age, the sea level was 500 feet lower than it is today. That is because much more of the water on earth was bound up in ice than it is now. Professor Santos concludes that Atlantis had to be in present-day Indonesia in the South China Sea since there is submerged land there that would have been above sea level at the end of the last ice age.
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Am I missing something? The comments accompanying an intriguing article at Mail Online called Lost world: Ancient submerged landscape of mountains and riverbeds found on the Atlantic seabed seem to be deriding the information in the article.
The commenters appear to ridicule the author of the article for wondering if the underwater land that was once above sea level could have been the mythological land of Atlantis.
Is it the date? That the land has been submerged for 56 million years? Or is it because no ruins have been found (as yet) on this land? After 56 millions years underwater at the bottom of the North Atlantic, would buildings still exist?
I am amazed when one after another ruin above and below water around the Mediterranean, Caribbean, from Antarctica to Indonesia are hailed as the lost city of Atlantis that this . That’s not ridiculous?
For my part, I am excited to learn of this new discovery. Echo-sounding technique used for finding undersea oil made the unusual find.
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Hair in dreams is supposed to indicate thoughts, because both hair and thoughts come out of our heads.
So what would a dream about a wig mean? Hiding your real thoughts?
Dream Analysis says that dreaming of a wig means:
Continue readingA wig indicates someone is pretending they think a certain way with regard to the subject matter of the dream.
Dream Analysis