Law of Attraction Quote: The “Yes, Buts” and tail-enders of killing your dreams.” ~ Sherry Winn
Sherry Winn knows about the power of the Law of Attraction. A former elite athlete competing at the Olympic Games of 1984 and 1988, she contracted chronic pain at the age of 33 and was told by 17 medical practitioners that there was no help for her. Learning from seminars, mentors, books, and meditation, she used positive thinking to help herself.
In an online article on the Elevated Existence website, Sherry says:
. . . most of us want something but we don’t think we can have it, or we want it but we don’t see how we can get it. Our doubts interfere with the conviction behind the thought. We tend to use the “Yes, but” statements.
The “Yes, Buts” and Tail-enders of killing your dreams
I know what she means. I might get enthusiastic about, say, cleaning the house. It is time for Spring Cleaning, right? So, I might visualize my lovely, glowing clean house and how good I feel welcoming friends and family to my spacious, beautiful home. However, all I have to do is look around and see all that needs to be done, and right away, I’m susceptible to a “Yes, But” statement such as:
“Yes, I love that my home is so beautiful, spacious, and clean, but there’s so much work to be done I don’t know how I’ll ever do it and get my work done too.”
There you have it: My “Yes, But” statement that attracts something I don’t want.
Sherry suggests meditating and asking yourself: Why? Why do you have what you want?
For example, I could ask, “Why is my house so beautiful, spacious, and clean?” And, my answer is, because I hired someone to clean it for me. Or, because I’ve set aside 30 minutes every day to clean it. Now, my positive thought can create what I want. Thanks, Sherry.
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