Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
My daughter Miriam Balsley shared a Tea Time Ceremony with me during her recent visit. I learned about the ceremony while in Richmond, British Columbia, which has a huge Chinese population. I’ve heard it said that in Richmond you can get the best Chinese food outside Hong Kong. We shared fresh highly antioxidant green tea.
My mom was kind enough to include me in an abbreviated Tea Time, or Green Tea Ceremony that the Chinese still use today when drinking Green Tea. Sacred Green Tea! Copyright (c) 2010 Miriam Balsley
As I said yesterday, the Astro America website has a page on 2012 Doomsday Prophecies, including a list of books on the astrology aspects of 2012 prophecies.
David R. Roell, who represents Astro America ssuggests that “Before you get sucked up into this [2012] malestrom” consider that as far back as recorded history, there has never been an end of the world, not even on the August 13, 3114 B.C. date generally considered the start of the Mayan calendar.
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While buying my Jim Maynard’s Pocket Astrologer, I scouted around the Astro American website and found, to my surprise, a commentary on 2012. Interested in reading a view of the December 21, 2012 date and Mayan prophecy, I digested the article. However, I felt disappointment to find merely opinions on 2012 – and that the end of the world could not possibly happen. Not for astrological reasons, but for logical reasons. On retrospect, the article was interesting and brought up points I hadn’t thought about or read before.
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Every year I get a Jim Maynard’s Pocket Astrologer. I love the small, flat sized calendar packed with astrological information. I can keep it in my purse, pocket or backpack and consult it for void of course moon, planetary aspects, and woe of woes, Mercury Retrograde, coming up December 10th to 29th, by the way.
This year, because the store I usually buy it from is closed, I ordered the astrological calendar on Jim Maynard’s website, Astro America.
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We have so much to be thankful for. This morning I woke up to see an intensely blue-red sunrise under a bank of clouds. The weather prediction forecast rain. However, as the day progressed, the sun blazed down on the carpet of leaves surrounding our house. It only rained about a half hour just before sunset. The rest of the day was gorgeous. That’s something to be thankful for.
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I’m working on my next book, Have Your Heart’s Desire. Each chapter is headed by an inspirational quote. There are so many wonderful quotes to choose from! Here’s a great inspirational quote from Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk now exiled in France.
Robert Fulghum wrote All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. This quote is from his Uh-Oh.
“Ye love nature … the out of doors, the blossom of the rose, and the sunset, the fall of the water. ALL of these bring to thee the voice of that which has ALMOST persuaded thee as to how close He is to thee.”
(Edgar Cayce Reading 1809-1)
An online article called The Dogon, the Nommos and Sirius B, describe the aspects of the dogon mythology on the extraterrestrials from Sirius:
This article also brings up the possibility that these myths are not accurate, for example, that Sirius B, one of the stars in the Sirius system, once occupied the location our sun occupies now. According to science, this is impossible. Furthermore, the dogon believe that it takes Sirius B 60 years to orbit Sirius. However, they celebrate the Sirius B orbit every 50 years. It doesn’t make sense.
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On November 12th I wrote about the Dogon tribe in Western Africa. They supposedly knew that Sirius was part of a multiple sun system, information they learned from an ancient visit from extraterrestrials from the Sirius star system.
American astronomer and astrophysicist Carl Sagan agreed with author Robert Temple (The Sirius Mystery) that the 100,000 member Dogon must have been influenced by a technologically advanced society to know about Sirius and its companion sun. However, Sagan thought the technologically advanced society had been visitors from other areas of the earth where knowledge about the Sirius star system had been discovered according to the online article Dogon and Sirius.
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