Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Front Cover of Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City from the Amazon listing
So, was the underwater land off the west coast of the Orkney-Shetland Islands exposed during the last Ice Age? As I wrote yesterday, according to Professor Arysio Santos, author of Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found, at the end of the last Ice Age, some 11,600 years ago, sea level was 500 feet lower than it is now. Therefore, many of the lands that are currently underwater, were above sea level at that time.
I consulted the Mail Online article I wrote about in my July 19th posting to see how deep underwater the submerged land was off the west of the Orkney-Shetland Islands. And, it is too deep to qualify for Atlantis according to Prof. Santos’ theories.
Continue readingThe 1.2mile-deep landscape is located in the North Atlantic west of the Orkney-Shetland Islands and has peaks that once belonged to mountains and eight major rivers.
Lost world: Ancient submerged landscape of mountains and riverbeds found on the Atlantic seabed
In his book Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found author Professor Arysio Santos points out that in 11,600 B.C., around the time Plato said Atlantis existed, and at the end of the last ice age, the sea level was 500 feet lower than it is today. That is because much more of the water on earth was bound up in ice than it is now. Professor Santos concludes that Atlantis had to be in present-day Indonesia in the South China Sea since there is submerged land there that would have been above sea level at the end of the last ice age.
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Am I missing something? The comments accompanying an intriguing article at Mail Online called Lost world: Ancient submerged landscape of mountains and riverbeds found on the Atlantic seabed seem to be deriding the information in the article.
The commenters appear to ridicule the author of the article for wondering if the underwater land that was once above sea level could have been the mythological land of Atlantis.
Is it the date? That the land has been submerged for 56 million years? Or is it because no ruins have been found (as yet) on this land? After 56 millions years underwater at the bottom of the North Atlantic, would buildings still exist?
I am amazed when one after another ruin above and below water around the Mediterranean, Caribbean, from Antarctica to Indonesia are hailed as the lost city of Atlantis that this . That’s not ridiculous?
For my part, I am excited to learn of this new discovery. Echo-sounding technique used for finding undersea oil made the unusual find.
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Hair in dreams is supposed to indicate thoughts, because both hair and thoughts come out of our heads.
So what would a dream about a wig mean? Hiding your real thoughts?
Dream Analysis says that dreaming of a wig means:
Continue readingA wig indicates someone is pretending they think a certain way with regard to the subject matter of the dream.
Dream Analysis
What’s Your Sign offers an in-depth explanation of the symbolism of water, including a video. Here’s an excerpt:
Continue readingThe symbolism of water has a universal undertone of purity and fertility. Symbolically, it is often viewed as the source of life itself as we see evidence in countless creation myths in which life emerges from primordial waters.
Symbolism of Water
I notice that I have a lot of dreams that involve water.
Well, guess what? According to my favorite dream interpretation author Gillian Holloway, PhD, water in dreams is probably the most common dream symbol. In her The Complete Dream Book, she says that even people who are not knowledgeable about dream interpretation notice that their dreams often include:
“… floods, lakes and tidal waves.”
Whew, I’m glad I’m not the only one.
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In yesterday’s dream, I described a dream in which a house was almost surrounded by water in a bog. In that dream, the word “Baiyou” came up as a description of the swampy, lush-with-vegetation area.
“Baiyou” sounds like “Bye-you,” as in “Good-bye, you.” As it turns out, the dreamer is saying good-bye to a beloved relationship–her daughter is getting married. The person is not leaving, but the relationship between mother and daughter is changing.
As a dear old friend used to say, “Change is deadly,” and this change is definitely challenging. It feels to the mother as if she is losing her daughter.
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I looked at a few online dream interpretations for a dream in which a 2 or 3 story house is almost surrounded by shallow water. In the dream the area seemed like a bog. When the dreamer awoke she thought it could mean that she was bogged down. According to WikiHow:
Continue readingIf the water is stagnant, muddy, murky, or dirty, this is an indicator that you are not able to see clearly what your life’s goals are and you feel stuck, in a rut, unable to move into something that you sense you want to do but are unable to clearly pinpoint.
How to Interpret a Dream Involving Water
I had been especially interested in Hawaii and Lemuria, because I wanted to visit Hawaii. However, when I read reports on the high nuclear radiation levels there, due to the recent Japan tsunami and the resulting huge radiation leak, I decided to go elsewhere.
I feel sad, because I really wanted to videotape footage of the volcano and lava. Some other time.
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