Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
According to a Wikipedia article, the Megavolcano at Yellowstone that extends over the state lines of Idaho and Wyoming in the United States may be through with exploding. An excerpt from the extensive article says:
The appearance of light magmas indicates that the uppermost portion of the continental crust has been consumed, …. In this case Yellowstone could be expiring. It could be another 1-2 million years before a new supervolcano is born to the northeast, and the Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field joins the ranks of its deceased ancestors in the Snake River Plain.
Now that my End of the World 2012 Movie is almost ready for distribution, I’m putting together a Kindle eBook version of the movie. In doing so, I looked up information about megavolcanoes and especially the megavolcano at Yellowstone.
In a previous post dated May 31, 2010, I had reported that Yellowstone usually erupts every 600,000 years. Since it’s been 640,000 years since it’s last eruption, it was due for another one at any time. However, the article quoted above is of the opinion that Yellowstone may be at the end of its megavolcanic activity. That sounds good to me.
I wanted to share this information with you, because you may have read, as I have, that, according to some sources, Yellowstone is overdue for a world-shaking megaexplosion. I like to find a balancing opinion.
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Santorini Volcano in the Aegean Sea, seen in this NASA satellite image, was the site of one of the largest eruptions in the last 10,000 years. The explosion of the volcano removed so much magma from below the Earth that the volcano collapsed, producing a large crater, or caldera.
The Island of Santorini has risen 5.5 inches in the last year and a half according to an article published September 9th in the journal Nature Geoscience leading to speculation that the volcano on Santorini may be getting ready to erupt again. On average, the Santorini volcano has a major eruption about every 10,000 years. The last major eruption, 3,600 years ago, created 40-foot high tsunamis and led to the destruction of the Minoan civilization. Some believe this historical eruption led to the legend of Atlantis since Plato said Atlantis went down in the ocean.
Continue readingIn the past 1.5 years, the magma chamber beneath the volcano island has ballooned by as much as 350 million cubic feet (20 million cubic meters), or up to 15 times the size of London’s Olympic Stadium.
Santorini volcano: Magma pooling below Atlantis-myth volcano
Today I learned from the Decipherment blog of Dr. David Stuart who is at the University of Texas at Austin that, for the Maya, the number 13 was a sacred number. Dr. Stuart is an epigrapher (specialist in ancient inscriptions) who has translated the December 21 2012 Maya prophecy.
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Today I visited with Una Marcotte who is writing a fantastic book about Lemuria. Today we talked about the cover of her book and looked at images she had found online that looked like the kind of cover she would like. We had fun.
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I like this clever blog post on the subject of the lost continent of Atlantis:
Lost City of Atlantis Not Found Again
Once [a] year someone is claiming to be on the trail of Atlantis, a science-fiction in which super-smart people from the past were somehow wiped out and took a whole lot of cool technology with them.
I like the humor. Even in the time I’ve been keeping this blog, Atlantis has been “found” in so many places.
However, I do feel sad that the general idea of Atlantis is that it was populated by super-smart people who got wiped out, especially since we consider ourselves super-smart people and we have a whole lot of cool technology. It makes you wonder . . .
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Have Your Hearts Desire: Tools for a Wealthier, Healthier, Happier Life or Change Your Life with Inspirational Prayers, Forgive, Help Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Body Mind Spirit Healing
Take a look: I’ve just added my new book to the “Carol Chapman’s Books” page of this blog, Have Your Heart’s Desire: Tools for a Wealthier, Healthier, Happier Life or Change Your Life with Inspirational Prayers, Forgive, Help Relationships, the Law of Attraction and Body Mind Spirit Healing. It contains the wonderful 40-day prayers, sometimes known as the “Edgar Cayce Prayer.” Have Your Heart’s Desire is now available on Amazon.
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The Roman God Mercury painted by Hendrick Goltzius (1558-1617). This image is in the public domain and was retrieved from Wikipedia Commons.
Mercury is the planet closest to the sun in the Solar System. In astrology, Mercury is called the messenger of the gods and rules communications, travel, trickery, and healing. The mythological god Mercury is usually depicted with wings on his heels or head. The planet Mercury appears to go backwards when it goes around the sun. That’s Mercury Retrograde.
The retrograde periods last about three weeks and occur about three times a year.
The next Mercury Retrograde period will be in Scorpio from November 6th to 26th. Look out!
After all the trouble I had with my computer this last Mercury Retrograde period in Leo, I’m thinking that maybe in November I’ll play it safe and stick to cleaning my house and writing Christmas cards.
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Here are some communication/travel/technology problems I heard about from friends that occurred during the last Mercury Retrograde:
Did you have similar problelms between July 14th and August 7th?
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Yesterday I said that I would tell you about the problems I had during the last Mercury Retrograde period. Well, this is what happened.
Not one, but two of my computers broke. One of the them, it was the hard drive. That meant that I had to not only get a new hard drive, but also load the operating system, drivers, utilities, updates, and all my software!!!
It took over a week to get everything straightened out–coincidentally, just as soon as Mercury came out of Mercury Retrograde.
The other broken computer? I haven’t taken it on yet, but am spending my time catching up on a week’s lost work with the one that’s fixed.
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The magnetic poles are moving at a rate of 40 miles per year, much faster than ever before in human history. Presently, the direction of north changes by one degree every five years. In the last decade, the rate of the movement of the poles has increased by a third, which is throwing off the direction of compasses.
Ever since the magnetic north pole was first discovered in 1831, the magnetic north pole has been at or near Canada’s Ellesmere Island. At the rate the magnetic north pole is shifting, it may soon be in northern Russia.
Could this have anything to do with the Mayan prophecy for December 21, 2012?
A Mother Nature Network article says that:
Continue readingThe changes are beginning to cause major problems for aviation, navigation and migratory animals that use the Earth’s magnetic field to orient themselves. Some airports have had to change the names of their runways to better correspond to their current direction relative to magnetic north.
Magnetic North shifting by 40 miles a year, might signal pole reversal