Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
My husband and I love travelling in Yucatan. It is in southern Mexico. We find it very safe and enjoyable.
We love to go to Yucatan in the depths of the winter, because it is so wonderfully warm there.
If you look at a map of Mexico, it’s like a hand and the Yucatan is like a thumb. So, that’s the whole Yucatan Peninsula.
Excerpted from the End of the World EBook and the End of the World Book.
~ Carol Chapman, director/producer of the End of the World 2012 Movie
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The Maya live in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is in southern Mexico, and also includes parts of northern Central America.
With all of the buzz about the Mayan Prophecies for December 21, 2012, some people believe that the Maya are a dead race–that there are no Maya alive today. I guess these people believe this since the 2012 Mayan prophecy was made by the ancient Maya, there must not be any modern Maya. Not so.
There’s so much talk about the Maya, but there aren’t many people who know who they are. The Maya are an indigenous group. They live in Central America in Mexico. As of the year 2000, there were seven million of them. They are the largest indigenous group in the Americas. According to some sources, they may be the largest indigenous group in the world.
They suffered under the Spanish who tried to annihilate them in the “Caste War.” It started in 1847 and lasted for 54 years ending on May 5th, 1901. The Spanish slaughtered the Maya, trying to totally get rid of them.
But the Maya people themselves are very determined and steadfast and are producing lots of babies. I have that on good authority that they are replenishing their numbers.
Excerpted from the End of the World 2012 EBook and the End of the World 2012 Book.
Carol Chapman, director/producer of the End of the World 2012 Movie
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In daily life we must see that
it’s not happiness that makes us grateful,
but gratefulness that makes us happy.
Brother Steindl-Rast
Austrian-American Author and
Benedictine Monk
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For travelers and armchair travelers alike, the Yucatan Travel Movie: Cancun to Chichen Itza is also superbly discounted on Amazon right now, from $16.95to $14.99.
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Wow! The End of the World 2012 Movie is really discounted on Amazon, by $5.00. It’s gone from $17.99 to only $14.99.
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It turns out that the Kindle Ebook version of When We Were Gods: Insights on Atlantis, Past Lives, Angelic Beings of Light, and Spiritual Awakening has also been discounted from $2.99 to $1.99 on Amazon for the big Thanksgiving Day weekend.
Don’t seek it without.”
~ Buddha
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Graph of CO2 (Green graph), temperature (Blue graph), and dust concentration (Red graph) measured from the Vostok, Antarctica ice core as reported by Petit et al., 1999.
Take a look at the “Earth’s rise and fall of temperature and CO2” graph on the right. It shows temperature variations in degrees Celsius of the earth from the present to over 400,000 years ago.
While gathering data for the End of the World 2012 Movie, Book, and EBook, I researched previous end of the world scenarios, such as the Ice Ages.
What impresses me with this graph is that, even though there is concern were are in a Global Warming phase, the earth has actually been warmer than it is today.
In addition, it has been much, much colder than it is today.
There is a temperature variation from warmest to coolest of about 12 degrees Celsius. That’s a lot.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t be concerned with the environment. I’m only wondering how much our present temperature changes are part of the normal cycle of changes on earth.
The graphs look as if extreme climate change are inevitable, of course, over hundreds of thousands of years.
My conclusion is to be happy for each day as it comes.
Higher dust levels are believed to be caused by cold, dry periods. The Earth’s orbital eccentricity, tilt, and precession vary in a pattern over thousands of years. The IPCC notes that Milankovitch cycles drove the ice age cycles; CO2 followed temperature change “with a lag of some hundreds of years” (visible on a graph more zoomed in than this); and that as a feedback amplified temperature change. Among other factors, CO2 is more soluble in colder than in warmer waters.
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I’ve been looking at information on the possibility of a shift in the magnetic poles. Some of the information appears in the End of the World 2012 Movie, Book, and EBook.
An online Reuters article says:
The only thing stopping Earth having a lifeless environment like Mars is the magnetic field that shields us from deadly solar radiation and helps some animals migrate, and it may be a lot more fragile and febrile than one might think.
Scientists say earth’s magnetic field is weakening and could all but disappear in as little as 500 years as a precursor to flipping upside down.
The rest of the article gets pretty scary, because it says that scientific studies have shown that the earth’s magnetic field reverses itself approximately every 250,000 years. BUT, it’s been over 800,000 since the last shift in the magnetic poles. Eek! We’re 550,000 years overdue for a flip in the magnetic poles!
Evidently, a shift in the magnetic field can make a planet vulnerable to losing its atmosphere. Scientists believe that Mars lost its atmosphere billions of years ago when the red planet’s magnetic field reversed and the solar wind blew the atmosphere off of Mars. Without an atmosphere, any life that may have been on Mars perished.
During the time the magnetic field is reversing, a planet’s atmosphere is not as tightly held to the planet and could be blown away by the solar wind.
As earth’s magnetic poles become more unstable–magnetic north has moved over 1500 kilometers in the last century–the magnetic field around the earth is weakening.
The article gets really scary when it says that at the rate things are going, earth’s magnetic field could become so weak as to be non-existent in 500 years and the magnetic poles could flip. At that time, would the solar wind blow away our atmosphere leading to the demise of dear old planet Earth?
Yes, I know 500 years isn’t in our lifetime. However, in earth time, it is a very short time away.
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“At Yellowstone and some other volcanoes, some scientists theorize that the earth’s crust fractures and cracks in a concentric or ring-fracture pattern. At some point these cracks reach the magma “reservoir,” release the pressure, and the volcano explodes. The huge amount of material released causes the volcano to collapse into a huge crater—a caldera.” From 4 October 2009, author Wikipedian Kbh3rd I, the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide, retrieved from Wikipedia Commons
The story of the Yellowstone mega volcano brings to mind end of the world scenarios.
Will Yellowstone have a major eruption again in our lifetimes? If so, it could lead to an end of the world scenario.
In making the End of the World 2012 Movie and writing the End of the World 2012 EBook and Book, I contemplate previous end of the world scenarios and wonder if there will be future ones.
In the diagram of the Yellowstone Caldera on the right, it looks as if the Geysers of Yellowstone are inside the huge Yellowstone Caldera. If so, this caldera is huge. Is that how it looks to you?
Continue readingThe Yellowstone Caldera is the volcanic caldera located in Yellowstone National Park in the United States, sometimes referred to as the Yellowstone Supervolcano. The caldera is located in the northwest corner of Wyoming, in which the vast majority of the park is contained. The major features of the caldera measure about 34 by 45 miles (55 by 72 km).[3]