Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Today I’ve been proofreading the manuscript for my next book. Here’s how it starts:
When people discover that I first met my husband in a dream—he is literally the man of my dreams—they want to know, “How did you do that? Can I do it too? Were you doing anything special to make that happen?”
Of course, I was doing something special beforehand! I had been keeping a dream journal for years. And, I was doing a lot more than working with my dreams. I had been living a life of unfolding intimacy with my soul. For years, I have integrated short routines into my everyday life that let my soul know I want its guidance.
Copyright (c) 2008 Carol Chapman, All Rights Reserved
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Here is a comment by Christina Sponias who says that she’s an expert writer in Portuguese and a scientist psychologist who has continued research in dream interpretation by following in the steps of her mentor Carl Jung.
after putting all the dreams together, was that almost everyone had a love problem reflected in their dreams, besides problems with other aspects of their lives.
Love and Reasoning: Love and Happiness in a Relationship – Meaning Behind Dreams
She goes on to say”
“It was really very interesting to observe, after collecting all the dreams, that everyone sees many dreams about the person they love, and everyone receives guidance about how to proceed, from the wise unconscious mind that produces our dreams.
The meaning behind dreams reveals to the human being that there is an animal and a wild part in his brain, which has to be tamed and transformed into human. This transformation is indispensable if he wants to live far from depression, craziness and suicidal thoughts.”
She also says that
“Therefore, if you want to be happy in your relationship and if you want to be loved for life, you have to pay attention to many details concerning the personality of the person you love, because they may be too influenced by the wild side of their brain, or they may belong to a psychological type which is the opposite from yours, and this relationship won’t make you happy.”
I find her reference to a person being “influenced by the wild side of their brain” very interesting. It gives me a lot to think about – that our relationships may be in jeopardy if we allow the wild side of our brain to control us. Also that the wild part of the brain needs to be tamed and transformed into a human give me cause to think.
Is succumbing to our wild animal brain the cause of so many of our failed relationships?
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I know it doesn’t make sense that all of the pharaohs would be buried in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor. There were Egyptian Kings throughout Egypt, not just in the central area. Nonetheless, today I was surprised to see this National Geographic article on the restoration of burial sites in Abydos, Egypt.
Millions of Egyptians crossed the desert surrounding Abydos from 664 B.C. to A.D. 395 to pay homage to the god of the dead, Osiris. Many of Egypt’s earliest pharaohs were buried at the site.
Damaged Egyptian “Mecca” To Be Restored
The article goes on to say that many of the temples and tombs in the Abydos area contain the earliest known hieroglyphic writing. Evidently farms and roads are encroaching upon the 3.1 mile- (5 kilometer) wide area.
Evidently most of the damage to the area occurred prior to the 1970s when people built homes in the ruin area. For example, one house contains the stump of a pillar from the temple of Ramses I. During the 1970s, the Egyptian government relocated people who had moved into the ruin area and compensated them.
However, the archeological zone is only now about to undergo restoration. This is a very important area because it contains the history of the earliest pharaohs.
This is, therefore, the area that must contain the earliest copies of what is popularly called The Book of the Dead. It is a very valuable area! I am glad it is being restored. Who knows what mysteries of human origins may be solved there.
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Here’s the gorgeous photograph that illustrates the March 2009 Edgar Cayce Calendar. |
The accompanying inspirational quotation from Edgar Cayce says:
“. . . keep close to all of those things that have to do with outdoor
activities, for it is the best way to keep yourself young – to stay
close to nature . . .” (Edgar Cayce Reading 3374-1)
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Here is another delightful reincarnation story about a play, The Medium at Large written by best-selling author Julia Cameron (The Artists Way):
When members of The Medium at Large cast questioned Asher about their past lives, they discovered that several of them had worked together in ancient Greek theater, and that most of the ensemble had worked together on an old sailing ship. “Their lives had depended on each other,” said Stefanic.
Channel surfing with ‘The Medium’
The cast of The Medium at Large consulted medium Mary Louise Stefanic. She says that she enters a meditative trance so that she can be a spiritual channel allowing Asher, a group of “spirits who no longer occupy a physical body,” to communicate with the living.
Carl Occipinti, artistic director of the Village Players, who are presenting The Medium at Large in Oak Park, Illinois, engaged the medium to acquaint the actors with the sacredness of the world of spiritual medium.
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I didn’t know that Native North Americans had a tradition of belief in reincarnation. However, that’s what a research paper from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln describes.
Amerindian Rebirth is both a major collection of essays and probably the best current reference work on Native North American beliefs about reincarnation.
Unfortunately, although the summary contains what appears to be a link to download the article, the link is not live. Therefore, I could only see the summary which says that most of the research of the Native American beliefs on reincarnation were conducted on mainly West Coast peoples focusing mainly on the arctic, western subarctic, and Pacific Northwest.
I would imagine this would be a very interesting and well-worth-reading paper!
Carol Chapman
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It was during this New York City weekend Vocal Awareness session with Arthur Joseph that I began to understand what Arthur has been meaning all along when he said that Vocal Awareness is a metaphor for life. I realized that the sessions with him are about much more than improving my voice. His program is really about the integration of body, mind and spirit. It is really about using breath and voice to connect me with the potential of my life.
Since voice is breath and breath is the spirit that gave us life, through training the vocal chords, I am learning how to bring spirit into the physical of my voice. By doing so, I bring spirit into my mind and body. By bringing spirit into my body and mind, I can become the greatness that my spirit requires of me.
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I’m in New York City today. Six of us have joined Arthur Joseph for follow up Vocal Awareness sessions. I have been so happy with the improvement of my voice and the strengthening of my vocal chords that wanted to follow up the wonderful sessions I attended in San Diego California a couple of weeks ago. It was worth it.
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Or, anyway, close to a replica of Noah’s Arc. He says it’s 1/2 the length and 1/3 the width of the original arc. If you look at the photos at you’ll see that even though the Dutch contractor’s version of Noah’s arc is less than 1/2 the size of the original arc (according to the contractor – more on that later) nonetheless, it is huge and big enough to house many types of animals.
Replica of Noah’s Ark built by a Dutch contractor.
Noah’s Ark Replica Schagen Netherlands Photo Gallery by PaultheDane at
The contractor is making the arc to prove his faith – basically, that there could have been a boat big enough to house a representative sample of two of each of the animals on earth. However, detractors on his blog, on the above link, say that there is no original dimensions on a credible version of the Bible since there are no original manuscripts of the Old Testament.
Still, I can’t help but admire the man’s dedication and carpentry skills.
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Tibetan Buddhists say the spiritual leader is the 14th reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. According to centuries-old tradition, monks search for the reincarnation of the lama after a spiritual leader’s death.
Dalai Lama in hospital to have gallstone removed
I love the stories telling the how the a Dalai Lama is chosen. If I remember correctly (a friend who is a Buddhist told me this story), a number of years after one Dalai Lama passes, his monks begin a process whereby they pray and meditate to get an idea where they can find the child who is the reincarnated Dalai Lama. This child will not necessarily look like the previous Dalai Lama because the soul of the old Master reincarnates into a new body.
Eventually, the monks’ receive guidance that tells then where to find the child. They bring with them a box containing personal objects placed in the box by the previous Dalai Lama. Before he died, the Master locked these objects in the box. Only he knows what they are.
When the monks find the child, they question him to make sure he is the reincarnated Dalai Lama. When the monks feel secure that they have found the right child, they ask the child what is in the sealed box. When the monks open the box and see that the child has answered correctly, they know that they have found the reincarnated Dalai Lama.
This process of finding a reincarnated Dalai Lama has occurred 14 times, through 14 generations since the original Dalai Lama died. In effect, his soul has reincarnated in 14 bodies with the conscious memory that he is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan Buddhists. That’s pretty amazing!
Copyright (c) 2008 Carol Chapman
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