Author Archives: Carol Chapman
Author Archives: Carol Chapman
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With all that fear floating around, did the world not end because:
1. Thoughts aren’t things and volcanoes explode, earthquakes shake, and solar radiation sizzles independent of anything teeny, tiny humans (even 7 million strong) think
2. It takes the thought of much more than 700 million or 10% of the earth’s population to cause massive earth changes
3. There’s always a lot of human-based fear on earth. This fear around the 2012 date, was just part of the usual mix and therefore insignificant
4. Even though the mind of human’s may be full of fear, in balance, there are so many happy thoughts, grateful thoughts, and just the body’s innate will to live that counteract the surface fear of the mind
5. Other
So, I’ve been thinking. If all 10% of the world’s population were thinking and also feeling so much fear, why didn’t the world end?
Please understand, I’m not saying that the world should have ended, because the Mayan calendar ended on that date and the Mayan prophecy said the world was going to end. That’s total rubbish. If you’ve seen my movie End of the World 2012 Movie or read my books, End of the World 2012 Book and EBook, you know that I investigated the Mayan “prophecy” and discovered it wasn’t a prophecy at all. And, that, in the movie and books, I reveal places where archaeologists have discovered Mayan ruins with Long Count Calendar dates past December 21, 2012.
That’s not what I’m talking about. What I’m talking about is the Reuters News survey, which I’ve mentioned before in this blog, that said that 10% of the people in the world feared that because the Mayan calendar was going to end, it meant the world was going to end. That’s what they thought. Based on rumor, media sensationalism, droves of books on 2012, and internet buzz, 10% of the world’s population believed (incorrectly) that the Mayan calendar was going to end.
Although 10% doesn’t seem like much (8% agreed somewhat and 2% agree absolutely), as it turns out, since the world’s population is seven billion, 10% is of the world’s seven-billion population is 700 million.
I’m really interested in your input on this topic. Part of the reason I made my movie and wrote my books, is that I wanted people to feel less afraid. So, it’s a topic I’ve been thinking about for a while.
What do you think? There should be a box under this post where you can make your comment.
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I love eagles–the way they soar and that they look so regal.
This Wiki.answers website, How high can a bald eagle fly?, has some magnificent photos of bald eagles.
Take a look if you like eagles.
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I assume that eagles are considered the messengers of the gods, because they fly so amazingly high. In fact, I have seen them flying so high that they were partially obscured by wispy clouds and no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence. In fact, when I saw them fly so high, I wondered if perhaps they had disappeared, they looked so tiny. But then, they flew to a lower altitude and I could see they had merely flown so high I could hardly see them. According to this Wiki answers article:
Bald Eagles are commonly reported by hang glider pilots in the Owens valley along the California/Nevada border to fly far above 15,000 feet. They will circle with hang gliders, sometimes flying only 10′ off their wingtip. They will share the same rising thermal for many thousands of feet before the hang glider pilot or the Eagle leaves the thermal and flies on.
I’m using the image above in my PowerPoint presentation on Have Your Heart’s Desire as a beautiful symbol of the energy path you create when you pray.
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I took this photo in Homer, Alaska, during a speaking tour in 2009. Homer has a spit of land that juts out into the Pacific Ocean. There are many bald eagles there, probably because they love to eat fish and they can hunt in the ocean that surrounds the spit.
I just received the suggestion on my Facebook page, to present prayer as an energy path. I like that.
My Facebook page is at
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Today I’m working on my Have Your Heart’s Desire PowerPoint presentation for the events in South Carolina.
This presentation will include the 40-day prayers from my book Have Your Heart’s Desire.
So, how do I present prayer is a manner that is acceptable to most people? I ask this because most people think of prayer as highly regulated poems regulated my religious organizations.
But the prayers in Have Your Heart’s Desire are prayers you write yourself using a suggested template. They are more like organized thoughts. But, they work like prayer in that their intent is a connection between the person praying and spirit.
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I’ve updated my Carol’s Events page to include the upcoming Greenville and Charleston, SC, speaking events.
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I’ll also be speaking in Greenville, South Carolina. That will be on Saturday, January 26th. It will be at their local Unity Church, but I don’t have the details yet. I’ll keep you posted. It will be the same topic as the Charleston, SC/January 27th event–Have Your Heart’s Desire.
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I’m going to be in Charleston, South Carolina, on Sunday afternoon, January 27th, for a seminar on Have Your Heart’s Desire.
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So far, I’ve only referred to the 40-Day Manifestation Prayer in my new book, Have Your Heart’s Desire. But this book also contains the profound 40-Day Forgiveness Prayers.
This second prayer–the 40-Day Forgiveness Prayer–helps people to get freedom from people who have hurt them, are hurting them, or who they have hurt. Many people have benefited form this amazing prayer.
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