Atlantis past life memories like Mayan Ruins

The Mayan Monster Mouth at the entrance to the tomb in the pyramid at Ek Balam. Photo courtesy of Miriam Balsley, used with permission.
This is the first time I’ve seen a scientist saying that the Mayan monster mouth sculpture symbolizes the entrance to the underworld.
All along, during my travels in Yucatan searching for corroboration of my memories of Atlantis, I’ve been wondering if the monster mouth was actually a large serpent mouth, the kind I fell into in my Atlantis past life memories. I describe my scariest memory of Atlantis in both When We Were Gods and also Arrival of the Gods in Egypt.
In other words, I wonder if the monster mouth sculptures were made by the ancient Maya as a handed down memory of visits from Atlanteans to Yucatan.
In my Atlantis past life memories, a huge serpent mouth was sticking out of the earth as if it was the entrance into the underground. It’s always baffled me that after I fell into the serpent mouth, I was next flying through space from a crumbling Atlantis to geologically safe lands.
This article is very exciting, because the scientists say they believe the monster mouth represented an entrance into the underworld, just as I’d experienced in my past life regression. It also asserts my assertion that many of the Mayan myths are actually handed down memories of the colonization of Yucatan by people from Atlantis.
Take a look at this article on the discovery of a couple of new ruin sites in southern Mexico, Two ancient Mayan cities found in Mexican jungle.
It’s especially exciting because of the following paragraphs:
They also found a facade featuring a monster-mouth doorway, which probably marked one of the main entrances to the center of the city. Photographs from the sites showed stone pyramids jutting out from beneath dense foliage.
“The entrance apparently symbolizes the entrance to a cave and to the underworld … “