Portland OR Event Correction

Yesterday, I copied the notice of my upcoming July 18th event in Portland, Oregon on Atlantis and its Colony in Egypt. In the announcement, I said that my talk would be a day-long event and then said it would last from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon.

Well, that’s just half a day. And, although originally Nobie Tarpey, the organizer of the event who can be reached at (503)697-8341 or nobtarpey@yahoo.com, had asked me to speak for a half day, a little while later she decided to make the event a day-long seminar since a half day was not long enough to cover all the information. I guess I need to change the “Events” page on CaroleChapman.com, my speaker web site.

Carol Chapman —

Want More Great Dream Interpretations?

Carol Chapman

CarolChapman is an author and inspirational speaker. She speaks at weekend retreats,day-long events, and half-day programs. Her seminars are not onlyinformative and transformational but also fun and entertaining. They ofteninclude participatory workshops and visual aids, such as videos andphotographs. She specializes in dream interpretation, reincarnation, andAtlantis, and is the author of When WeWere Gods, Arrival of the Gods in Egypt, and Have Your Heart’s Desire.

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