Encounter with Pan
Have you ever had an Encounter with Pan? If so, I’d like to hear about it. Please describe your experience in the comments section below.
Interestingly, since my book When We Were Gods was published, I’ve heard from numerous people who have had an Encounter with Pan. Often he appears while a person is outdoors. Sometimes, they are gardening.
However, my experience occurred in the middle of the night. Something woke me from sleep.
In When We Were Gods, I include my own Encounter with Pan. He appeared to me with a message for humanity. I learned that nature wants to and can heal the earth.
My experience with Pan occurred while writing When We Were Gods. Interestingly, Pan told me he wanted his message included in the book.
To my amazement, after I included Pan’s message in the book, phenomenal plants grew in my garden. Please take a look at the photograph of me with my giant sunflowers. I also had squash-sized peppers.
I assumed that Pan was showing me just some of what the Nature Kingdom could do.
When I first woke up and knew there was something in the room with me, I felt very much afraid. My description and Pan’s message appear in When We Were Gods. It’s in the chapter entitled, “Message from Pan.”