Meeting Soul Mates
Often people think of a soul mate relationship as being between lovers. However, just about anyone you have a soulful relationship with is likely someone you have known in a previous life.
Almost surely your parents, brothers and sisters, and children are souls you have known before as well. Close friends and lovers also qualify.
Sometimes, you meet someone and there’s an immediate attraction. This may not necessarily be a sexual attraction either. Even with friendships there is often a feeling almost of love at first sight as you recognize, on a soul level, that this is someone you know. You feel fascinated by them.
I remember being six years old on my first day at a new school. Standing at the door to the classroom, was the most beautiful little girl with blue-black hair dressed in a flouncy lemon yellow dress. I felt instantly fascinated in her.
We became the deepest of friends. Scarcely a weekend went by without one or the other spending the night at the other friend’s house. That’s soul mates.