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Celebrate nature! Apple blossoms

Inspirational photo: Celebrate nature! Apple blossoms. 

Gorgeous close up of apple blossoms

In When We Were Gods, the nature god Pan said that if we appreciated nature, the natural world would gladly clean up our mess. This apple tree is not only blooming with beautiful and fragrant flowers to delight us, but is also producing food for us to eat and converting our carbon dioxide into oxygen. And, it’s roots, which are close to the drain field of our septic tank, is converting sewage into antioxidants. Wow! Talk about cleaning up the mess!

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Migration Time

This beautiful nature photograph of swans reminds me that this time of year is the time of the waterfowl migrations. I took this digital photograph in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, and used as an inspirational photograph for the month of September in the 2009 Edgar Cayce Calendar. You may not know it but swans migrate.
A Gorgeous mature swan and two "Ugly Ducklings" A gorgeous mature swan and two “ugly duckling” immature swans.
Copyright (c) 2007 Carol Chapman

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Inspirational Quotes Wallpaper Almost Ready!

Well, it has taken two days but the new computer wallpapers, soon to be available at Inspirational Quotes Wallpaper, are almost ready!

My favorite is on my computer now. It shows two daffodils almost bowed by the force of the snow and cold, that, nonetheless, keep their blooms intact in spite of the difficult circumstances they are in.

The encouraging Edgar Cayce quote that is embedded in the image is:

May we indeed inculcate in the lives of others that like the rose, that like the baby breath, like every flower that blooms. For it does its best with what has been given it by man, to glorify its Maker with all its beauty, its color, with all of its love for the appreciation of spring, of the rain, the sunshine, the shadows.” That inspirational quotation is excerpted from Edgar Cayce Reading 5122-1.

This “Daffodils Triumph over Cold and Snow” computer wallpaper is the nature photograph and inspirational quote that goes with the March 2010 calendar page of the Edgar Cayce Calendar.

Carol Chapman

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