Your Unconscious Mind Knows Best
Often, when your intuition or unconscious mind says “No” and your conscious mind says “Yes” you’ll find that your unconscious mind knows best!
Whenever you have a decision to make, whenever you feel stumped about the next step to take, first consciously make your choice, then, use the Yes or Not Meditation and see if your answers coincide.
The reason your unconscious mind said “No” may not become evident at first. In fact, based on the facts in hand and your conscious assessment of the situation, there is every reason to believe you will receive a successful outcome if you pursue your conscious decision.
However, if you give it some time, you will likely discover something your conscious mind had no way of knowing but which your unconscious mind somehow, without any physical way of research, knew. Then, you will likely regret that you went ahead based on only your conscious decision.
Copyright (c) 2008 Carol Chapman All Rights Reserved