Using Your Intuitive Faculties to Choose Photographs
Here’s a technique I learned from Dave Heath, my professor at Ryerson University in Toronto where I studied Photography and Filmmaking. I use it to help me choose which photograph to feature, whether it’s part of a slide show or whether it’s used to illustrate a book or whether it’s used in a calendar such as the Edgar Cayce Calendar.
If you can let go of the “idea” of what the photograph should look like, you may find a few images that are actually better than what you consciously tried to take photographs of.
The operative word is consciously. Now, I’m going to describe a technique I use to bring in the unconscious or subconscious mind to help you choose the best photographs. Simply look at the photos one after another. You can even switch from one to another.
Ask yourself, “Yes or No.” You might even hear “yes” or “no.” Most likely you’ll have a feeling for which ones you like and which ones you don’t. It is an intuitive choice–one that comes out of the unconscious.
However you experience it, you will have a sense, a knowing, of which photographs to choose.
Copyright (c) 2008 Carol Chapman